Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3190 Can you listen to me now?

After removing the two steel needles from his head, Big G sat on the ground breathing heavily as if he had survived a disaster.

Until now, he still had some lingering fears.

Compared with the pain caused by those two thin steel needles, a broken arm is as insignificant as a mosquito bite!

At this moment, Big G looked at Chen Xin'an as if he were looking at a devil, making him tremble with fear.

Chen Xin'an also looked at him with squinted eyes. With a flick of his finger, the steel needle that had just lifted from his head was nailed to the asphalt road in front of him silently!

Big G turned pale and shouted: "Stop it!"

The group of young and Dangerous boys inside and outside the restaurant all stopped, and then the people at the door screamed. Someone was thrown out of the restaurant and rolled on the ground in embarrassment.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qi walked out with a young and Dangerous boy in one hand, and threw the two people out the door as if they were throwing away garbage.

Behind him, Han Yunmei followed out with her arms around Zhou Nannan, who was full of shock, and Lao Wang, who was equally panicked but could still remain calm.

"Nan Nan!" Zhou Shenyan shouted happily.

Zhou Nannan also saw the savior, ran over crying, and shouted: "Daddy!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at Big G and said nothing.

But Big G understood what he meant and quickly shouted to his brother: "Siyan, take the money to accompany the boss, and leave the rest here for me."

A man wearing glasses must be in charge of money for Big G, and he carries a leather bag with him.

After hearing Big G's words, he quickly ran into the restaurant with his purse. After a while, he came out again and handed the purse to Chen Xin'an.

Big G's face twitched, and he was holding back the pain. He said to Chen Xin'an with a smile: "Boss, I've offended you because I can't see the mountains.

This small amount of money should be regarded as the sincerity of the younger brother to apologize to the older brother.

Please let me go. I will always remember your kindness for the rest of my life..."

Chen Xin'an sneered and said, "I care about your money?"

Zhou Nannan on the side cursed in a low voice: "Why are you pretending at this time?


The money exposed in this bun is enough to exceed hundreds of thousands, so don't act like a good boy if you get an advantage, right?

Just take the money and leave, don't cause trouble, right? "

Han Yunmei next to her smiled slightly and said to her: "He is really not pretending, and he will not act like a good boy when he gets an advantage!

But it was only a few hundred thousand, but he really didn't notice it! "

Zhou Nannan curled her lips and said disdainfully: "Yunmei, please stop bragging on his behalf!

If these mainland guys had money, they wouldn’t be wage earners! "

"Nan Nan, don't talk nonsense!" Zhou Shenyan said to her with a straight face: "The nobility in a person cannot be concealed!

And with this gentleman's skills, this person is definitely not a creature in the pool! "

Han Yunmei smiled and said, "Uncle Zhou has a vision!"

Zhou Shenyan shook his head with a wry smile and glanced at her.

He could recognize this girl at a glance as his daughter's best friend from the Eastern Dynasty.

But when I looked at her for the second time, I suddenly felt very strange again, as if I couldn't recognize her at all!

This girl gave him a feeling of great change.

As for what has changed...it's that the melancholic temperament is gone!

right! Even the frowning brows were relaxed, and the whole person looked much brighter and more beautiful, as if he had a completely new look.

Zhou Nannan curled her lips in disdain, but looked at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi with somewhat complicated eyes.

Big G knelt on the ground, looking frightened and embarrassed. He didn't expect that people looked down on his money. It seemed that this matter was not going to be solved.

Four Eyes still had some brains, so he walked up to him and whispered something. Big G's eyes lit up, but he was a little reluctant to give up. However, he still gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, I am willing to obey your orders." , Serve the boss in front and back, even to the death..."

Chen Xin'an had already walked up to him and grabbed his arm.

Big G wailed in pain, and regardless of the fact that he was no match for them, he hit his head hard against Chen Xin'an's chest!

Chen Xin'an was not polite, she curled her fingers and flicked on the top of his head, with a bang, like hitting a wooden fish, and the big G screamed in pain.

At this moment, with a click, Chen Xin'an straightened Big G's broken arm!

The severe pain made Big G tremble again, but now Big G also understood that they were saving him!

What's more, if someone does something, he will definitely not be able to beat him or stop him, so he might as well just let him do what he wants.

With an ouch, the other arm was also straightened. His bald head was sweating from the pain, but he felt much more relaxed than before.

Of course, he had a fracture, not a dislocation. Even if the bones were straightened, he still couldn't move his hands, but the pain was reduced a lot.

Chen Xin'an turned around, walked towards the restaurant, and said in a deep voice: "Come in and chat!"

Big G dared not to listen and followed behind obediently.

Even after losing money, the people in the restaurant didn't say anything. Anyway, this kind of thing happens all the time. Which store in the downtown street of Waigang hasn't experienced this?

Fighting for territory, fighting for women, venting anger on brothers, grabbing business and profit, negotiations are all carried out in these places.

They started fighting whenever they disagreed, causing a mess.

Afterwards, whoever has to pay the compensation will pay, and there are very few defaulters. Therefore, when the fight breaks out, the boss and employees just watch the fun, and no one will call the police.

This is the rule of Outer Harbor. It used to be seen every day. Now the situation is better, but it has not been eliminated.

The inside has been almost tidied up, and the mess on the floor has also been cleaned up.

Chen Xin'an was sitting at the dining table where she had been sitting before, in the same chair.

Big G and a few of his confidants stood nearby, and Chen Xin'an said: "Sit down!


Big G had a grimace and wanted to be polite. Seeing Chen Xin'an's expressionless face, he quickly sat down and winked at the four people around him.

Si Yan and his two younger brothers walked to the table next to him and sat down. They were not qualified to sit at the same table as Chen Xin'an.

The waiter brought a pot of tea and several teacups, and then skillfully began to set up the tea array.

Chen Xin'an had never been to Outer Harbor, but before coming here, he asked Du Yunyan to help him look up information and learned some about the customs and customs of Outer Harbor.

The people who came out to talk about the tea ceremony were also specifically checked.

With a wave of his hand, he knocked down all the tea arrays that had just been set up.

Empty teacups were spread out on the table, not a single one tipped over.

Although there was no tea in it, the waiter was stunned by this move, and his eyes were filled with scruples as he looked at Chen Xin'an.

"No need for this, I just have a casual chat with Brother G! By the way, I don't need to know what Brother G's real name is. My surname is Chen. Brother G will just call me Mr. Chen from now on!"

"Mr. Chen!" Big G quickly stood up and greeted Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I made it clear just now. I think Brother G has heard it now, right?"

Big G flushed with embarrassment and said to Chen Xin'an with a smile: "Mr. Chen, please don't laugh at me. I am blind and do not recognize the real dragon in the world.

From now on, brothers like Big G and Jin Longcheng will obey Mr. Chen’s orders! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, picked up the teapot, poured a few cups of tea, handed a cup to Big G and said: "Brother G, don't be nervous, I won't let you do anything illegal.

I just want to ask Brother G for a favor and find some people for me! "

He took out his mobile phone, pulled out two photos, and said to Big G: "Help me find these two people, and also find out who else is looking for them besides you.

There is no need for you to alert others. If you have any news, please tell me..."

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