Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3195 Do you have Western ancestry?

A classic car, now rarely seen, was parked in front of the coffee shop.

The manager trotted out and personally welcomed Uncle Long in.

It can be seen that Uncle Long has a high status in this area and is also a frequent customer of this coffee shop.

Li Ming quickly stood up, stood beside him with his head lowered, and said to Uncle Long who came over: "Uncle Long, I'm sorry, I have embarrassed you!"

Uncle Long waved his hands, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "This is the famous Chen Xin'an!

Even if you ask your senior brother to take action, the result will be the same! "

A man standing behind Uncle Long curled his lips disdainfully and said, "Uncle Long, that's not necessarily the case.

When I take action, there really is no task that I can't accomplish!

It just depends on whether the goal is worth my effort! "

Uncle Long sighed, shook his head and said, "Ayun, if you don't change your arrogant temper, you will suffer a big loss!"

Just when Shi Zongyun was about to speak, Uncle Long waved his hand and said to him: "You take A Ming to see the injury, and I'll talk to Mr. Chen! As long as Xiao Hao and Ah Shui are here, that's all."

Shi Zongyun frowned and asked Li Ming, "A Ming, did they attack you?"

"I..." Li Ming glanced at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi with some fear, wondering whether he should tell the truth.

Even though he didn't appear to be injured on the surface, his body was so sore that he hadn't fully recovered yet.

Uncle Long lowered his face and said to Shi Zongyun, "What's wrong? I can't talk to you now, can I?"

Xiao Hao and Ah Shui kept winking at Shi Zongyun. Shi Zongyun lowered his head and said to Uncle Long:

"No, Uncle Long! If my junior brother is bullied, as a senior brother, I will definitely be anxious to vent his anger on his behalf.

But since Uncle Long has spoken, I’ll leave now! "

He turned around, faced Chen Xin'an and Li Qi and gritted his teeth and said, "Touch my junior brother? Just wait for me!"

After saying this, he grabbed Li Ming's arm and pulled him out of the coffee shop.

Uncle Long then smiled and said to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Li

, making the two of you laugh. "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at him and said, "It's okay, Uncle Long, please sit down! You're welcome to drink whatever you want, I'll treat you to it!"

Uncle Long laughed loudly and said: "Since the richest man in Kyoto is paying the bill, a commoner like me won't be polite. It will make me look hypocritical!"

He asked the two young men next to him to sit down together, and asked the waiter for a pot of freshly ground coffee.

Looking at the boiled water in front of Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, Uncle Long said with a smile: "Like the rumors, Mr. Chen and Mr. Li are really not used to drinking coffee!"

The young man named Xiao Hao next to him curled his lips with disdain and said: "Uncle Long, actually people from the mainland rarely drink coffee.

This is originally only for the elite and a popular eating habit in Western countries.

Mainlanders generally don't appreciate it.

It has nothing to do with how much money you have. "

Ah Shui said with a half-smile: "Actually, there are many people who like to drink it, but they have their own way of drinking it.

Some people poured a can of sugar into it, but they still felt it was bitter. They drank with a sad face, and just looked at it and wanted to laugh! "

Li Qi said with disdain: "Even if you don't like drinking, it's nothing special.

It's just a drink, no distinction between high and low.

Since it is a Western habit, let Westerners adapt to it.

The Outer Harbor is not in the west either.

You two also have black hair and black eyes, not blond hair. Why do you think you are superior to others because you know how to drink coffee?

Do you have Western ancestry?

In fact, in any city in the Mainland, there are no fewer cafes than in Outer Harbor.

Some people drink more authentically than Westerners, but they don’t make themselves look like noble gentlemen! "

This sarcasm made both Xiao Hao and Ah Shui change their expressions and look embarrassed. They glared at Li Qi, as if they wanted to follow him.

He seemed to have turned against him.

Uncle Long said to them with a straight face: "It's becoming more and more unruly!

What did I tell you before I came here?

Mr. Chen is not an ordinary mainlander. Please be polite! "

"Yes, Uncle Long!" Xiaohao and Ah Shui said in unison, not daring to speak again.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to Uncle Long: "Uncle Long, there is no need to let these brothers test me again.

Now that you know who I am, let’s get straight to the point and talk to me!

You are a professional broker, selling information for money, but who are you helping now? "

Xiaohao and Ah Shui's expressions changed, as if they couldn't believe that Chen Xin'an could reveal their identities in one word.

"Damn Li Ming, he forgot all the gang rules! How dare you betray us!"

"Uncle Long, these brothers are becoming more and more unruly, you can't let them go anymore!"

Uncle Long shouted at them with a gloomy face: "I have my own sense of discretion! Don't think that I don't know that you guys have been secretly and openly scheming!

Want me to help you out?

Are you all itchy?

Everyone, please shut up and stop talking nonsense!

Let people see the joke! "

Xiao Hao and Ah Shui blushed and had rough necks after being scolded, so they quickly sat aside and did not dare to say anything.

Chen Xin'an looked at Uncle Long and said, "Li Ming didn't tell me, I guessed it.

Nothing makes it easier to gather information than a popular restaurant.

I have dealt with this kind of charlatan, so I can guess your identity. "

Xiao Hao and Ah Shui looked at each other and curled their lips, obviously not believing what Chen Xin'an said.

Uncle Long smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, don't get me wrong, I'm not working for anyone.

It's purely a professional habit and I just want to be prepared for a rainy day.

We were able to confirm Mr. Chen's identity, but we couldn't find much information.


However, Mr. Chen’s fame is so high now that even if the authorities want to suppress it, they can’t suppress it all! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, this is the truth.

Longdun has been blocking all official information about Chen Xin'an.

But on the dark web, the name Chen Xin'an has always been associated with bonuses.

The bounty on him has never been dropped.

Some people want his life, some want his acupuncture skills, some want his company, some want his medicinal wine formula.

There have even been paid sales of personal details about his family!

Therefore, as long as you are willing to pay, it is not difficult to obtain a person's detailed information in today's society.

However, once this information is posted, it will be deleted immediately.

Of course, no one paid for it, but it was hacked by hackers and cannot be displayed.

These are of course Du Yunyan's masterpieces.

She has been keeping an eye on the dark web. As long as there is any information about her boss's personal information, she will delete it as soon as possible.

They will even trace the source of the attack and directly crash their computer!

This is why Uncle Long couldn't find more detailed information even if he found out Chen Xin'an's true identity.

But based on what he has collected now, it is enough for Uncle Long to think highly of this person.

Chen Xin'an looked at Uncle Long and asked, "Since I'm not entrusted by anyone, why does Uncle Long want to spy on me?"

Uncle Long was not ashamed of being exposed in person, he just looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "I am a businessman, so naturally I want to make money.

No one has asked me for Mr. Chen’s information. That’s because they haven’t learned the true identity of Mr. Chen Xian yet.

But if Mr. Chen’s identity is disclosed in Hong Kong, I think the information I can get will definitely sell for a good price! "

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at Uncle Long and said, "If that happens, I think Uncle Long will have no chance to make this money!"

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