Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3282: All stinky men are bastards

Everyone in the room, except the mute, was watching this scene with a smile.

Anyway, the leader hadn't come back yet, so they were not in a hurry to act.

Having a woman here to entertain them and relax was exactly what they wanted!

Even if she saw their secret, it didn't matter. Anyway, from the moment this woman entered the villa, she was already dead!

They wouldn't let this girl leave here alive, otherwise it would be trouble for the consul!

Before leaving, just kill this girl and throw her here.

The consul will help them clean up the mess.

They had done this before, of course not in the outer port, but in other countries.

But the process and the result were the same, it was nothing more than multiple missing persons.

Commons put down the suitcase in his hand and sat next to Sol. Looking at Du Xinyue who was walking over with tears in his eyes, he took out a tissue and waved to Du Xinyue.

Du Xinyue glared at him fiercely and ignored him.

Commons said with a smile: "Miss Du, you'd better cooperate!"

While speaking, he suddenly stretched out his foot and kicked forward.

The hard heel kicked firmly on the shin of Du Xinyue's left leg.

Du Xinyue let out a shrill scream and knelt directly on the ground!

Commons raised a finger to his mouth, and at the same time, Sol leaned forward and put the muzzle of the gun against Du Xinyue's forehead.

"Be quiet! Be good, don't be willful, I know you are a cute girl, but if you anger us, you will be very unlovable!"

Sol shook the muzzle of the gun and said to Du Xinyue: "Crawl over and untie it for me!"

Du Xinyue endured the pain in her legs, knelt on the ground and sobbed to Sol: "Mr. Sol, can we go to the room? Don't worry, I won't run away again, I will serve you well, okay?"

Now she has accepted her fate.

Since she is already in the tiger's mouth, and since no one can be relied on, it is better to give it a try than to stick to the bottom line and be beaten half to death.

Anyway, all men are the same, it's just the same thing, close your eyes and lie on the bed, just think of it as a

# Every time the verification appears, please do not use the invisible mode!

The nightmare is over.

But thinking it through does not mean that you are completely shameless.

There is still the minimum shame.

Even if you accept your fate, you have to hide it from others!

Letting her do this in public is really worse than being a cousin!

Sol shook his head and said with a grin: "You forgot that what I like most is to play in front of many people!

Don't talk nonsense, right here, not just for me, but for all of us, you can taste it one by one!

I will let you enjoy the treatment of Lady Far today!

How about it, are you looking forward to it?"

A group of people all laughed.

Du Xinyue's eyes were desperate, and tears flowed down.

She turned her head and looked at the dumb man who had been standing stupidly beside her, with an expression full of resentment on her face!

The dumb man didn't even look at her, but just stared at the box that Commons placed next to him.

Haha, this is a man!

A day ago, he was still fighting for you and dying for you!

But as long as others gave him enough compensation, he would immediately turn around and leave, abandoning you!

Even if you are treated like the cheapest cousin by other men, he will be indifferent, as if he doesn't know you at all!

If I had known this, I shouldn't have saved him and let him starve to death on the street!

In despair, Du Xinyue raised her right hand and wiped the tears from her face with her sleeve. Her eyes lost all their spirit and there was no more life.

She knelt and crawled in front of Sol, putting her hands on his belt.

At this moment, a black shadow seemed to pass by.

"Someone!" The man at the table shouted, and everyone turned their heads to look at the window.

Sol also kicked Du Xinyue away with one foot, and pointed the gun in his hand at the muzzle.

The foreigner at the side held his gun with a


, and said coldly: "Your gun is not equipped with a silencer, don't shoot randomly!"

This is the consular district, which is safe, but it also has disadvantages.

Once there is a gunshot, it will not take five minutes to attract a large number of police!

Although this villa looks like a small arsenal, these weapons are not used here.

Of course, if they must be used, they must use their own modified ones.

All of them have been silenced, so they will not attract the police.

The mute also turned his head and looked outside, and happened to meet a familiar face.

Chen Xin'an!

The two just looked at each other.

This look contained too much information. Chen Xin'an had already taken out his pistol and pointed it at the window and fired directly!

His gun was not silenced, and the bang bang sound was heard far away!

There was also the sound of glass breaking and the sound of fighting back from inside!

The scene was in chaos. At this moment, the mute rushed over and threw Du Xinyue to the ground!


A heavy slap hit the mute's face, shocking him!

Du Xinyue angrily yelled: "Don't touch me!"

The mute frowned and dragged her to the back of the sofa.

At the same time, a loud noise sounded on the table, as if something exploded!

Amid screams, several foreigners began to shoot wildly at the window, but with a hissing sound, something was thrown in from the window, and a lot of smoke filled the room!

"You don't care about me anymore? Why are you trying to save me!" Du Xinyue cried loudly and used her hands and feet to punch and kick the mute.

It seems like I want to dump all my grievances on this bastard!

But after the mute pulled her behind the sofa, he left her alone again!

The angry Du Xinyue cried and cursed: "Asshole! You are just an asshole! You stinky men are all assholes!"

The large amount of smoke made it impossible for her to see the mute figure clearly, but the sound of the explosion still echoed in the room.

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!


Du Xinyue didn't care about cursing anymore. She held her head in her hands and huddled behind the sofa, crying loudly.

She didn't know how long it took, but she felt her body tighten, as if someone had grabbed her shoulders.

Then a strong force dragged her up and ran outside.

She wanted to struggle, but the force was too great and she couldn't get rid of it.

When she reacted, she realized that she had been dragged outside and saw the sun!


Have you left that damn place?

At this time, she could see clearly that the person who pulled her out was the mute!

A sudden feeling of rejection made her shake her shoulders vigorously and cursed at the mute:

"Get away! I don't want you to save me! My life and death has nothing to do with you!"

But the mute held her down and shouted: "Stop messing around! Get out of this place quickly!"

At this moment, Du Xinyue was stunned!

The mute actually spoke!

She stared at the man next to her in disbelief, and suddenly felt that this man was really strange!

With a crunching sound, an SU stopped beside me.

The driver turned out to be a woman, with a heroic face, but she looked at the mute beside her with a complicated expression.

And at this moment, the mute's original fierce murderous aura disappeared, and he just looked at the woman with love and guilt, and said softly:

"Now is not the time to explain, you take her out of here first!"

The female driver's eyes were red and she glared at him fiercely.

The next second, the mute opened the car door and forced Du Xinyue into the car.

After closing the car door, the mute who originally turned around to leave suddenly came back, hugged the female driver's neck, and then kissed her deeply on the lips!

"Wait for me to come back!" The lips parted, the mute turned and left, and rushed into the villa again!

The female driver laughed and cried, then cursed at the mute's back: "Lei Ming, you are a bastard!"

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