Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3295 Maybe we have fought before

If Gray falls, even if Lei Ming is not pulled down, his left arm will be disabled and split into two by this knife!

Even if you don't die, you will be disabled for life!

Lei Ming also saw his intention, his expression changed drastically, and he began to shake his body violently, trying to get away from him!

But Gray's left hand firmly grasped Lei Ming's wrist, and his whole figure seemed to be hanging on Lei Ming's body!


The scimitar was pulled out, Gray smiled ferociously, raised his right hand, and stabbed Lei Ming's arm hard!

At this moment, there was a gunshot, Gray's smile froze, and his body seemed to have been kicked and hit the floor hard!

The bullet penetrated his back, leaving a large bloody mark on his back.

Gray raised his head, with an expression of reluctance on his face, but the raised right hand was no longer able to swing down, and even his left hand gradually became loose, and his whole body fell!

After a while, there was a muffled sound from downstairs.

Lei Ming felt like his whole body was exhausted. He lay down by the window, raised his head, looked at the roof of the building opposite, and waved with difficulty.

He didn't know who saved him, but it must have been a friend rather than an enemy.

"Thunder!" Chen Xin'an rushed over from the stairs. When he saw the apprentice lying by the window, his heart shrank.

Upon hearing his voice, Lei Ming turned around and weakly shouted: "Master!"

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief, walked quickly to Lei Ming, saw the wounds on his body, and took out the silver needle without saying a word.

I injected nine needles in a row on him to stop the bleeding from his wound, and said softly: "I'll help you find a safe place to rest. I'll go to Aqi's place to have a look, and then I'll come and pick you up!"

"Okay, master, be careful!" Lei Ming nodded, stood up with Chen Xin'an's help, found a corner and sat on the ground.

Chen Xin'an picked up the gun, checked the bullets, and placed it next to him.

After doing this, Chen Xin'an walked towards the stairs again.

"Are you out of bullets?" Behind a load-bearing wall, Dryden said with a ferocious smile:

"That 92F has seven rounds of ammunition. You can carry at most two magazines. Have you used them all now?

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

With such shooting skills, you still dare to fight me?

So far, I haven't been hit by a single shot and haven't been hurt at all, but you, you can't move now, can you? "

Behind a low wall covered with bullet marks, Li Qi wrapped a piece of cloth torn from his shirt around his stomach to prevent the blood from the bullet site from flowing out.

The opponent's bullets were so dense that Li Qi tripped while dodging and was hit twice.

One bullet hit him in the abdomen, and another grazed his shoulder, biting off a piece of flesh.

The wound on the shoulder was not serious, but the shot in the abdomen was a bit serious. If it weren't for Li Qi's amazing perseverance, he would have been lying down by now.

Hearing Dryden's words, Li Qi glanced at the empty gun in his hand, raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Yes, your calculations are really accurate! Then come over and kill me!"

Dryden did not move.

When the other party spoke like this, he was a little unsure!

Does that guy have a spare magazine?

He moved his body, but felt a tearing cramp in his body. He coughed twice, wiped it with his hand, and his mouth was full of blood!

"Shet!" Dryden cursed in a low voice, casually wiped the injured blood on his pants, raised his right arm, and glanced at the hole under his armpit.

The real situation was not what he just said. The other party fired more than a dozen shots, but he was unscathed.

In fact, a bullet was close to his arm and entered his armpit.

His whole body was made of iron and steel, except for his head and armpits.

These two points can be regarded as the weaknesses of Jinjing's experimental transformation.

Unexpectedly, he was hit squarely by that bastard, and a bullet penetrated his body.

The strange thing is that not much blood was shed, but this is also the most terrifying thing.

He could feel that the bullet had entered very deep and had already damaged his internal organs!

So he wanted to end the battle as soon as possible, kill the Chinese, and hurry up


Time to go to the hospital so he has a chance to live!

It's just that the opponent is obviously not an ordinary person, and his individual strength is so strong that even he is taboo.

"Hey!" Dryden shouted: "You are not an ordinary person, and you, like me, should be from the top special forces team in China!

Tell me what your name is, maybe we can even fight! "

Li Qileng snorted and said with a look of disdain: "You don't need to know this, anyway, only one of us can leave alive today!

I've run out of bullets, how many do you have left?

If you don't seize the opportunity to kill me, the police will come later and you will be in big trouble! "

This was also a concern for Dryden.

What's more, his injury no longer allows him to waste any more time!

Taking a deep breath, Dryden gritted his teeth and rushed out from behind the wall with a gun.

He did not go directly to the low wall, but carefully looked for pillars and nearby walls as shelters, and approached the low wall.

Although he deliberately suppressed his steps, his voice could not be hidden from Li Qi.

Li Qi, who was behind the wall, closed his eyes, put his hands on the wall in front of him, felt the faint vibrations and rustling sounds, and moved his body quietly.

Approaching the low wall, Dryden stopped. He tried to control his breathing, and then quietly approached from heel to toe.

The enemy was hiding in the corner in front, because Dryden had already seen the toes of his shoes exposed!


Dryden showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. This is the strength gap between special forces and special forces.

The Red Eagle Special Forces would never make such a stupid mistake!

He took a step forward and his foot was bumped. He looked down and saw that it was half a brick.

He slowly bent down, picked up the brick, and threw it to the right!

With the sound of the brick rolling on the ground, Dryden also bent his body, squatted on the ground and rushed forward, facing the direction where the shoe was going to come out, and pulled the trigger!

Da Da Da!

# Please do not use the invisible mode every time verification appears!

The bullet shot out, but stopped immediately!

Because the shoe did not come out!

At this moment, Dryden's position can also clearly see behind the wall.

There is only one shoe, no one!

Someone deliberately put the shoe here to create an illusion!

This is a trap!

Dryden, who has understood it, subconsciously wants to retreat.

However, the intense exercise caused pain in the injured area, which made him groan and pause for a moment!

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared above his head!

Before he could react, a hard object hit his head hard!

"Ah!" Dryden screamed and sat on the ground!

He was squatting originally, and this heavy blow made his body lose balance instantly!

Li Qi took a brick and swung it again without hesitation, hitting Dryden's face hard!

The force was so great that the whole brick in his hand was even split in two!

Dryden's face was full of blood.

Li Qi also threw away the brick and tried to grab the automatic rifle in Dryden's hand with both hands!

Dryden, who was severely injured, was able to hold the butt of the gun tightly in such a situation to prevent Li Qi from snatching it.

The two began to snatch the gun, using all their strength.

And not only were their hands busy, but their feet were also not idle, kicking each other all the time!


Dryden kicked Li Qi in the abdomen.

Li Qi, who was already injured in the abdomen, almost fainted after being kicked!

His abdomen felt like being cut by a knife, and he wanted to roll over in pain.

But he knew that if he let go at this moment, it would be like handing his life to someone else, so he gritted his teeth and endured the pain and refused to let go!

With a muffled sound, the two fell to the ground together!

Dryden cursed: "Go to hell!" He kicked Li Qi in the stomach again!

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