Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 769 The medicine you drank was eliminated abroad

How can a person bleed black blood?

This strange scene shocked everyone, but the warrior himself did not know about it.

The referee signaled for the game to continue. The warrior roared and rushed towards the foreigner again!

The foreigner smiled coldly and punched the warrior in the face again.

For an expert, although this punch is powerful, it is not very fast and can easily be avoided.

But the warrior seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit and made no dodge movements at all!

It's like throwing your face into someone's fist, just to exchange punch for punch, trying hard to hit the other person's punch even if you get punched!

But he forgot about the difference in wingspan between the two sides!

The opponent's fist hit his face firmly, but he didn't touch a hair on the opponent's face at all!


This punch exploded a cloud of blood on the bridge of his nose. With the sound of broken nose bones, the warrior staggered back.

The opponent didn't let him go, he rushed up and punched him continuously, hitting him hard in the face!

The warrior fell to the ground slumped, and the foreigner sat on him. His fists were like sledgehammers, constantly hitting the opponent's face!

Blood splatters!

Except for the foreign spectators who were shouting excitedly in the stands, all the Chinese spectators were stunned!

Even the referee seemed stunned and forgot to stop the game.

The warrior had stretched his limbs flat and lost all sense of resistance.

But the foreigner kept hitting the warrior on the head with his fists, and black blood spattered all over him!

The Chinese warriors competing next to him were the first to react. They all rushed forward and forcibly pushed the foreigner away!

The referee also jumped on the warrior who fell to the ground, checked his condition, and then crossed his hands and waved them, indicating that he had no ability to continue the game. The foreigner won!

The first responders quickly carried the injured off the field, and the foreigners in the stands shouted excitedly!

"This is the Portuguese boxer Diaz. Dealing with these Chinese warriors is like a tiger bullying a rabbit!"

"Well done Diaz! Kill these Chinese warriors!"

"Is this the strength of the so-called Chinese Kung Fu masters? Isn't it too weak?"

On the field, a group of Chinese warriors surrounded Diaz and the referee, shouting and cursing at them!

"It's just a game, are you using it that hard? He has stopped resisting and is unconscious, and you still want to continue fighting? Do you want to beat him to death?"

"Referee, are you blind? You didn't stop even though everyone was down, so you just watched our people get beaten, right?"

"Is this a game? This is killing! There is absolutely no humanity at all!"

Dias folded his hands, looked at everyone with contempt, and said impatiently:

"Damn Chinese people! You are so noisy that my ears are going to be deafened by your noise!

This is the game, if I don't hear the referee's order, I won't stop!

You unsportsmanlike idiots, how dare you blame me!

What, is this the strength of your Chinese warriors?

Then beat me in the ring!

I accept the challenge from all of you!

Of course, if you want to come together, that’s okay! "

The Chinese warriors were so angry that they beat people like that, but they could just say a word of sportsmanship and everything would be fine?

What's even more annoying is that the referee actually showed a red card to the Chinese warriors around him!

He will not punish foreigners who have clearly broken the rules.

Everyone wanted to seek justice for their companions, but he gave them a red card.

This just adds fuel to the fire!

A group of warriors who were already bad-tempered could no longer bear it anymore and gathered around the referee to argue loudly.

Diaz became impatient and pushed hard with both hands, pushing down the two Chinese warriors in front of him, pointing at the remaining people and yelling:

"Damn Chinese warriors! If you have the skills, just like a man, use your fists to make me surrender. Don't bark like a mad dog here!

Come on, if you feel dissatisfied, come and beat me! I give each of you a chance! "

Everyone was so angry that they wanted to rush over and beat him up.

But at this moment, a warrior opened his hand and shouted to everyone: "Okay! Everyone shut up, I'll beat him!"

Another warrior nodded and said: "Yes, doesn't he show off his sportsmanship? Let's defeat him in the ring!

Hong Tai, go ahead and fight him. When you finish fighting, I will fight him a few more times! "

Hong Tai snorted and said with a gloomy face: "Old Cui, I am enough by myself, you don't need to take action!"

These two are both masters who have won five games in a row before, so their kung fu is naturally great!

Lao Cui waved his hands to everyone, indicating that everyone should get off the field and leave the field to the players.

He handed Hong Tai a bottle of mineral water.

Hong Tai glanced at him, then picked up the mineral water, raised his head and drank it all in one go!

Lao Cui wanted to stop him when he was halfway through drinking, but Hong Tai pushed him away.

Handing the empty bottle to Lao Cui, Hong Tai waved to him, turned around and looked at Diaz, with a cruel sneer on his lips.

But Diaz suddenly punched Hong Tai on the chin, making him stagger two steps and almost fall!

The warriors on the sidelines were all angry, pointing at Diaz and yelling: "Despicable! The referee didn't even call for start!"

Diaz spat with disdain: "As long as you stand in the ring, you have already entered the competition!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards Hong Tai again and punched him several times!

The referee did not call a foul, indicating that the game can continue.

Although everyone is not angry, there is nothing they can do!

Only Lao Cui had a worried look on his face. He had just drank the water, but it hadn't had time to digest it, and the effect hadn't had time to play out!

Sure enough, Hong Tai seemed a little unable to resist Diaz's attack.

He could only stagger and dodge under the opponent's heavy punch, and seemed to have no strength to parry.

Diaz also pressed forward step by step, not giving Hong Tai any chance to breathe.

He was about to punch Diaz in the face again, but at this moment, Hong Tai reached out and grabbed Diaz's fist with his left hand!

"Okay!" Lao Cui shouted excitedly, and the effect began to play out!

Others around me also cheered!

"Kill that stinky foreigner! Let him see the real Chinese Kung Fu!"

"You still look down on us Chinese warriors? Is he worthy?"

“They attacked our men sneakily before they could react, and they were so arrogant when they succeeded!

Now we are starting to fight back. Can you withstand the punches and kicks of our Chinese warriors? "

Diaz tried hard to withdraw his fist, but was grabbed tightly by the opponent.

Seeing Hong Tai's eyes becoming more and more bloodshot, Diaz showed no fear at all on his face. He also showed a sarcastic smile and whispered to him:

"Do you know that the medicine you drink is completely obsolete abroad?

Do you think you are improving your strength?

Haha, it is slowly devouring your life!

But I can give you relief! "

There was a buzz in Hong Tai's head, as if he had been struck by lightning.

He looked at Diaz in disbelief, wondering how this man knew he had taken the medicine?

While he was stunned, Dias suddenly broke free from his grasp.

Stretching out her arms, she hugged him tightly.

Then he clenched his right fist and punched him hard on the back of the head!

At this moment, Hong Tai's body was shocked, as if he was struck by lightning, and his whole body became extremely stiff.

Just like the warrior who was defeated before, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of black blood!

This mouthful of blood spurted out, and Hong Tai collapsed.

It was like someone had pulled out the bones and collapsed like mud!

But Diaz smiled cruelly and punched him in the head several times!

Fortunately, this time the referee finally reacted in time and quickly separated the two!

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