Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 776 I have succeeded

After a good night's sleep, he finally replenished the energy he had spent in the past few days, and Chen Xin'an looked very energetic.

His wife did not wake him up and went out early.

I called and had breakfast delivered, but he was the only one eating it.

Everyone was busy, but he seemed to be the only one idle.

Halfway through eating, there was a knock on the door, and Chen Xin'an walked over and opened the door.

There was a man standing outside, his clothes were messy, his face and neck were covered with scratches.

The main reason is that the eyes are dark and the bags under the eyes are droopy, making him look like a tuberculosis ghost!

Without saying a word, Chen Xin'an kicked the guy to the ground and cursed, "Damn, are you pretending to be a ghost in broad daylight to scare people?"

The guy fell to the ground and yelled: "Chen Xin'an, your grandma! I'm like this and you still hit me. Are you a human?"

"Luo Xiaoman?" Chen Xin'an knew who it was as soon as he heard the voice.

It was just one night, how could this grandson become so virtuous?

Luo Xiaoman stood up from the ground, took Chen Xin'an's shoulders and entered the house, closed the door and locked the door bolt.

He looked around, as if he wanted to push the sofa over and push the door up.

Chen Xin'an's face darkened and she scolded him: "What's wrong with you? Are there wolves chasing you outside?"

Luo Xiaoman didn't answer, and looked at the rooms inside, as well as the kitchen and bathroom.

Chen Xin'an cursed angrily: "It's just me, they are all gone!"

Luo Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes saw the breakfast on the dining table.

He immediately left Chen Xin'an and walked over, sat down and ate without anyone noticing.

Anyway, this breakfast was enough for four people. It was very rich, so Chen Xin'an didn't care and sat down to eat with him.

"This may be the last breakfast I eat outside!" Luo Xiaoman said with emotion as he ate the meat buns with big mouthfuls.

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant.

This guy came to the hotel at noon yesterday and has never shown up, and Chen Xin'an didn't pay attention to him.

Anyway, the whole floor is exclusive to him, and he can sleep in any room he opens.

Luo Xiaoman leaned over and said with a mysterious face: "Brother, I listened to you and did it. It's done!"

"Why do you just listen to me? What happened to you?" Monk Chen Xin'an Zhang Er was confused and scolded him: "

If you do something bad, don't throw dirty water on me! "

Luo Xiaoman was anxious: "Didn't you tell me that? If you love her, sleep with her. If you can't sleep with her, rape her!"

"Uh, you said this, it was me who said it." Chen Xin'an suddenly realized, holding the milk glass, patted Luo Xiaoman's shoulder and said:

"Lao Luo, lick the dog, lick the dog, until there is nothing left!

This is a wise saying, you must remember it! "

Picking up the cup and taking a sip of milk, Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Xiaoman and shook his head.

Why is this idiot so obsessed with that goblin?

I can’t figure it out!

"Yes, so I succeeded!" Luo Xiaoman said quietly.


Chen Xin'an spit out a mouthful of milk on Luo Xiaoman's face!

"What the hell did you say?" Chen Xin'an's eyes almost popped out of his head, looking at Luo Xiaoman as if he were looking at a fool.

Luo Xiaoman picked up a tissue and wiped the milk on his face expressionlessly, and whispered: "I tricked her into coming to the hotel yesterday, and then...

Big brother, I want to thank you!

If it weren't for your advice, I might not have been able to do this!

Now I'm here to say goodbye to you.

Anyway, I have fulfilled my wish, and I have no regrets even if I go to jail!

Big brother, while I'm here, help me take care of Xue'er.

When I come out, I will marry her! "

"Get out! I don't know you! Who the hell told you not to frame Zhongliang here!" Chen Xin'an jumped to his feet and yelled.

He just mocked this super licking dog.

I didn’t expect this kid to take it seriously and do it!

Do you want me to call you stupid, or do you want me to praise you for being obedient?

Again, you go in and ask me to take care of Luo Qianxue?

You don’t know what Luo Qianxue thinks about me?

Is your head probably made of cloth?

If you really don’t need it, just kick it as a ball!

its not right!

Chen Xin'an suddenly thought of something and said to Luo Xiaoman:

"You came here at noon yesterday, right?

It’s already nine o’clock in the morning the next day!

What did you two do in your room all afternoon and all night? "

There was both intoxication and fear on Luo Xiaoman's face, and he said faintly: "What do you think a man and a woman would do if they stayed in a hotel room?"

Chen Xin'an was a little confused. She looked at Luo Xiaoman in disbelief and said, "You haven't had a break for so long? Aren't you afraid of torturing this girl to death?"

Luo Xiaoman turned to look at him expressionlessly and said, "Who do you think is more likely to be tortured to death?

Let's just start. I am indeed strong.

But later on, why do I feel like I was the one being raped?

Brother, is your wife like this too?

Why does it seem like I don’t have enough to eat? Isn’t there enough?

Let me tell you, I basically didn't sleep much last night.

As soon as she calmed down, she would lie on top of me..."

What the hell, two animals!

It’s been almost twenty-four hours since noon yesterday!

The two of them didn't even go out, they were tossing in bed all the time!

No wonder this guy is now like a tuberculosis ghost. He has been doing it for a long time. He is drained!

Chen Xin'an simply didn't know how to evaluate these two talents.

He kicked Luo Xiaoman under the table and cursed at him:

"Why don't you just act like a good boy just because you get an advantage!

Now that things are like this, do you think Luo Qianxue will still sue you? "

Luo Xiaoman covered his face and cried, "I'm going to surrender!"

I feel like if I sleep another morning, I will become a mummy!

I'm dizzy now, my legs are cramping, and I can't do it anymore..."

While talking, the mobile phone in his pocket rang. Luo Xiaoman glanced at the caller ID and his face turned pale!

But he didn't dare not to answer, so he had no choice but to press the answer button.

"Hello, baby..."

Before he could finish speaking, Luo Qianxue's yelling came from the phone:

"Luo Xiaoman, where did you die? Come back to me quickly!

Otherwise, I'll call someone to come over now!

Do you dare to leave me alone in the hotel?

Just wait for me! "

Luo Xiaoman suddenly panicked and said into the phone: "Where did I leave you alone!

I'm... coming out to get you breakfast! "

He held his mobile phone in one hand and quickly cleared away the breakfast on the table with the other, packing up the ones that had not been touched.

"I'm back! Baby!" Luo Xiaoman clicked on the phone, hung up the phone, and urged Chen Xin'an: "Why are you standing there in a daze! Get me something quickly!"

He snatched half of the bread from Chen Xin'an's hand with his hands. He didn't mind it being dirty, stuffed it directly into his mouth, and said vaguely:

"I need to eat more tonic. Give these to my dear! Get the bag quickly, or I will become a cuckold if I don't go back!"

Chen Xin'an helped him get the tray placed here in the restaurant.

Luo Xiaoman quickly stacked the things on the table on the tray as if performing acrobatics, and said to Chen Xin'an:


By the way, order a meal for me at noon and have it delivered directly to my room!

No need for dinner, I want to go back!

There is a family meeting tonight and I have to attend!

Bye, go ahead and have your breakfast! "

Luo Xiaoman carried the bag and left in a hurry.

Chen Xin'an looked at the empty plates in front of her and didn't react for a long time!

I really want to eat it, please give me some leftover!

Now you make me eat from a pile of empty plates!

What is this grandson here for?

Did he come to seek refuge?


This is just for showing off!

By the way, let's do some robbery. The Japanese came into the village and raided the breakfast place!

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