Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 793 I will listen to whatever you say

It seemed that he was a little upset, and the way he stared at Chen Xin'an was angry and contemptuous.

"Chen Xin'an, what do you think of the dragon shield?

All the trouble has gone to Longdun?

Dragon Shield’s best cars are all available to you for free, so what’s wrong with you doing something for Dragon Shield?

I am also afraid that I am not good enough and will treat us two silver dragons as servants.

You really don’t regard bean bags as solid food! "

"Excessive?" Chen Xin'an looked in the direction with sharp eyes and scolded him: "I am the only one left in my family of three, and both my parents died of dragon shield!

When I was seven years old, I went to the mountains with my master. I never had Long Dun raise me for a day, and I never ate a grain of rice from Long Dun!

My parents helped Longdun create tens of billions of wealth, establish the Junhao Group, and support tens of thousands of Longdun people!

Now that the Junhao Group has appreciated into a large company worth hundreds of billions, I still don’t take any of it and give everything to Longdun!

I'm driving your car, what's wrong?

cooperate? If I want benefits, do I need to cooperate? What can you give me?

Gathering wool? Who is harvesting whose wool? "

Xiang Fang's face was pale and dumbfounded, and he didn't dare to look into Chen Xin'an's eyes.

Gongsun Feiyang looked embarrassed and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, Fang Yinlong has no other intentions..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "I don't care what you mean, I'm too lazy to guess what you mean.

The quarrel between the Luo family and Laofatang is related to the stability of the family system of the Wushu Association.

The Mo family and the Huo family are both composed of aristocratic families. It is very important whether they intervene tonight!

If you want to go, go and check it out. If you don't want to go, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, my friend's revenge has been avenged, and the rest has nothing to do with me! "

Only at this moment did Gongsun Feiyang and Xiang Xiang understand why the leader asked them to get Chen Xin'an's help so that this task could be completed!

Some people are born to do great things. They have a big picture view and a far-sighted outlook. They see things at a deeper level than others. It’s hard not to accept them!

Xiang Xiang completely lost his temper and lowered his head without daring to say anything.

Gongsun Feiyang kicked him quietly. Fang Fang blushed, lowered his head and said to Chen Xin'an:

"I'm sorry, I... misunderstood you!

I apologize to you!

From now on, whatever you ask me to do, I will do it! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said, "Don't say such useless things. Do you believe it yourself?"

The direction became anxious and stared at him and shouted: "My direction spits out nothing but nails. Everything I say is true. Why don't you believe it?"

Chen Xin'an pointed at him and said, "Then take off your shirt!"

"Ah?" Xiang Fang was stunned. How could this guy have such a request?

Chen Xin'an pointed at him and cursed Gongsun Feiyang: "Did you see that? This is your Dragon Shield man!

It's like talking nonsense, there is nothing but a stink!

Just do whatever you are told..."

Gongsun Feiyang whispered to the direction: "Mr. Chen is just testing whether what you said is true, why are you still hesitating?"

Fang Fang's face turned red, and without saying a word, he took off his coat and stood in the corridor shirtless.

Chen Xin'an took his coat, then quickly took off her sterile clothes, put on the direction's coat, waved her hands and said:

"Okay, I believe you! Go quickly, I have to go back and catch up on some sleep, and I have to shoot at noon!"

Gongsun Feiyang: "..."


Why are there such bird people in this world?

Do you still want to be embarrassed?

You said you need some clothes, can I get one for you?

He tricked someone into taking it off and then he put it on and ran away!

How despicable and shameless!

It was already dawn, and the Luofu Villa, which had been fighting fiercely all night, finally calmed down.

Originally, people from the Old Law Hall were about to break into the main house of the Luo family. The Luo family could no longer resist, and Luo Lie was in danger.

But suddenly two masters broke in and attacked the people in the old law hall directly.

One of them drove too hard and drove a sixth-generation Longqi directly into the battlefield. He ran rampant and killed three masters of Laofatang on the spot!

The remaining group of minions even hit seven or eight people in a row.

This led to the complete collapse of the old law hall!

The Luo family was saved, and the remaining people in the old law hall fled in confusion. The loss of troops tonight gave them no chance to make a comeback!

Luo Lie and his clansmen thanked the two people who came to help, and wanted to ask about their origins. Both of them covered their faces and only said that they were sent by Chen Xin'an, and said nothing else.

Luo Lie had no choice but not to ask any more questions, but he was a little puzzled. How did Chen Xin'an know that something happened to the Luo family? How could someone be sent to help?

A middle-aged man came over and said to Luo Lie, "Dad, there is still no news about Xiaoman!"

"Keep fighting! Until we find him!" Luo Lie shouted angrily.

He already knew that Laofatang sent a team of gunmen to deal with his youngest son.

He, Luo Lie, can die, but nothing will happen to his younger son!

After all, the genius of the Luo family is the last hope for revitalizing the Luo family!

Gongsun Feiyang said: "Luo Xiaoman was rescued by Chen Xin'an and is now sent to Zhenghe Hospital.

He suffered a gunshot wound, but his life is no longer in danger! "

Luo Lie was pleasantly surprised and murmured: "Is it Chen Xin'an's help again?

Our Luo family now owes him a huge favor! "

Gongsun Feiyang said to him: "All the gunmen of the old law hall died at the Great Emperor's Mausoleum. Mr. Luo should send someone to deal with the bodies as soon as possible!"

Luo Lie nodded and said to the middle-aged man beside him: "Luo Daping, please take someone over there!"

Luo Daping looked sad, lowered his head and said, "Yes, Dad, I'll go over now!"

When he left, Luo Lie's face showed a hint of coldness, and he shouted gloomily: "Bring me here!"

Soon a young man was brought over with his hands tied, his knees were kicked, and he knelt on the ground!

Luo Zhen ran over and slapped the young man in the face, pointed at him and cursed:

"Luo Jian, are you still a human?

As a member of the Luo family, you actually colluded with outsiders!

Do you know how much loss the Luo family suffered tonight?

This is all because of you bastard! "

Luo Jian lowered his head and said with a ferocious smile: "Loss? What does it have to do with me?

How much of the Luo family's money can I use?

Uncle Zhen, you also have a brilliant film and television company that earns billions a year, what about me?

I don't even have a shit!

Why? Just because my dad is my grandfather’s eldest son and he is an honest man.

So the whole family bullies him and doesn't give him anything?

Everything in the Luo family should belong to my father!

But grandpa is partial and leaves everything he wants to his uncle!

My dad, the eldest son, has worked hard for the Luo family all his life, but he has gotten nothing!

Is this fair? "

Luo Lie looked at him and said with a straight face: "Eldest grandson, how do you know that I didn't leave any property to your father?

You have been lavish since you were a child, and I won’t give it to you now because I am afraid that you will lose all your wealth early!

But I didn't expect that you, a little beast, would dare to attack me!

On the day of the competition, you changed my medicine, right?

You always wonder why I'm not dead.

That's because I didn't eat it and let you see me pour it into my mouth, but I vomited it in my hand again!

The reason why I haven't settled the score with you is because I want to give you a chance to repent.

And I also want to see what other moves you have.

But I didn’t expect that you would actually cooperate with the people in the old law hall to destroy my Luo family’s foundation!

Little beast, what else do you have to say now? "

Luo Jian grinned, looked at Luo Lie's eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, and shouted at him:

"Grandpa, I only have one thing left to say to you, go to hell!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly stood up, and the ropes on his body were all broken!

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