Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 851 Don’t meet me in the next life

What Fei Yanmei never imagined was that although the reinforcements arrived, they were dispersed without even showing their faces!

The enemies that the Fei family has to face are not just Chen Xinan.

There are also the Luo family, the Luo family, and even some mysterious forces!

As soon as the Fei family master got out of the car, he was stopped by a group of mysterious people and taken away!

The Fei family, which was destined to win over Chen Xin'an, completely collapsed and suffered a complete defeat!

On the twelfth floor of the inpatient department, Fei Yanmei, who already knew the end was over, still refused to admit defeat.

He kept yelling and cursing at the Fei family children around him:

"Come on me! Hit me!

Kill Chen Xin'an, and you can have whatever I want!

Luo Qingqing, my daughter owes you, I, Fei Yanmei, will sacrifice my life to compensate you later!

But today, I must kill Chen Xin'an and avenge my daughter!

You losers, what are you doing standing around stupidly!

My Fei family has raised you for so many years, is this how you repay me? "

"That's enough!" A Fei family member scolded her: "Your daughter is a life, and so are we!

So many people have died, we can’t die here in vain anymore!

We were not raised by you, we are also members of the Fei family!

There are also young and old in our family, and they all work in the Fei family.

Why would you die here in vain just to avenge your daughter?

We won't fight! "

"Yes, no more fighting!" The other Fei family disciples also yelled and cursed, throwing the knives in their hands on the ground.

Fei Yanmei stared at these people with wide eyes, gritted her teeth and cursed:

“You bastards, you ignorant white-eyed wolves!

How dare you betray me?

Okay, you all just wait for me!

Fei Yang, let me ask you again, are you sure you betrayed me? "

Fei Yang snorted coldly, looked at her and said, "Auntie, don't forget, my dad, like you, calls the old man grandpa!

Just because your father is the head of the family, do you think that all of us are your vassals and followers?

Everyone’s status is the same. I’m helping you because we all belong to the Fei family. I’m not helping you because it’s not worth the death of so many Fei family members!

Why did it become a betrayal when it came to your mouth?

After all, you are now a married daughter.

You are a member of the Lu family, and your daughter is also named Lu. It was the Lu family who came to avenge her after she was beaten to death.

Our Fei family has reached this point, which is considered to be the most benevolent and righteous thing!

If you still want to ask too much, then you are betraying! "

Fei Yanmei's face was pale, she gritted her teeth and looked at everyone, but she was helpless.

She didn't expect that she would reach such a point of betrayal and alienation!

No one helped her, but she still refused to give up.

He picked up a knife from the ground and rushed towards Chen Xin'an like a madman, cursing:

"I'll kill you! Daughter, mom will avenge you!"


Chen Xin'an punched her hand, shattering the bones of her right hand!

The knife fell to the ground, Chen Xin'an kicked it out again, and Fei Yanmei's body was kicked up!

There were corpses on the ground, but Fei Yanmei didn't fall hard.

She forced herself to stand up, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, staggered, and walked towards Chen Xin'an again.

She had no weapons in her hands and could no longer hold them.

His right hand was even more twisted and deformed, and he could only use his left hand to beat Chen Xin'an, trying to scratch his face.

Chen Xin'an kicked her down with one kick. Seeing that she was trying to stand up, he kicked her twice again, crushing her knees to pieces!

Fei Yanmei knelt on the ground, but she didn't even scream. She just waved her hands, trying to grab Chen Xin'an's clothes.

Chen Xin'an looked at her coldly and said, "Do you know why I said that half of the people coming from the Fei family today will die?

I just want to frighten the courage of those of you who are so superior, the so-called descendants of aristocratic families!

I just want your internal discord and civil war to continue! "

"Chen Xin'an..." Fei Yanmei shouted through gritted teeth, but the next second, Chen Xin'an kicked her on the chin!

She bit off half of her tongue and broke at least four or five teeth. Her mouth was full of blood and she couldn't say a word!

"Stop talking, I'm tired of hearing this!

You've been shouting like a crazy woman for a long time!

Now, you have to listen to me.

Because if you are reincarnated in the next life, if you still do this, you will still die miserably!

Now you know how much you love your daughter?

What did you do early?

Why do you let her spoil her?

You think you are pampering her, but in fact you are pushing her to die!

If you don't educate her, society will teach her a lesson.

This is the price, you can't afford it!

Of course, even if I educate you, I won’t be able to educate you well, because you are just such a thing!

Do you think that you have a good background and a good starting point, so you feel that the world is huge and you are the biggest?

Everyone has to obey you and pamper you, and they can't make you even the slightest bit dissatisfied?

It's a pity that people like you are really not worth mentioning in front of me, as cheap as an ant!

Do you think it's worth it if you sacrifice your life in exchange for the Fei family's desperate revenge on me? "

Chen Xin'an grinned, lowered his head and looked at her with a sarcastic face and said:

"Then do you know that from the moment your Fei family came to the hospital, I had no intention of letting the entire Fei family go?

I'm afraid you won't come and avenge your daughter.

I didn’t expect that you guys really didn’t disappoint me!

Do you know why you Fei family experts were taken away without even entering the door?

Who took them away? "

Chen Xin'an lowered her voice and whispered two words in her ear.

Fei Yanmei's face showed a look of fear for the first time, and her eyes looking at Chen Xin'an were full of disbelief.

She never dreamed that Chen Xin'an was related to those people.

What's more, I didn't expect that those people had already targeted the Fei family.

No, it’s all the aristocratic families in China!

Chen Xin'an stood up with a smile and said with disdain:

"Fei Yanmei, I won't kill you!

I want you to live with the pain of losing your daughter every day.

Watch me again and destroy the Fei family and the Lu family.

But I can’t take revenge, and there’s nothing I can do!

If you want to blame, I can only blame you for marrying the wrong person, giving birth to the wrong daughter, and provoking the wrong person! "

He ignored Fei Yanmei and walked forward.

There was a thud from behind, and Fei Yanmei turned her head and picked up a knife on the ground with her left hand, and stabbed herself in the heart neatly!

A lot of blood poured out of her mouth, but her eyes when looking at Chen Xin'an were full of pride.

It seems to be saying: You didn’t let me die, but I still died!

No matter how powerful you, Chen Xin'an, am, I am not the one who can control life and death!

At the last moment of her life, Fei Yanmei closed her eyes and shed tears.

Daughter, mom is here to find you!

Luo Qingqing bent over and just finished vomiting, and took out a tissue to wipe her mouth.

I came in a hurry and didn't pay attention to the situation.

When he saw Fei Yanmei, it was like meeting his enemy.

Later, when the Fei family children walked away, she noticed the corpses in front of her.

And the thick smell of blood filling the air!

She couldn't bear it anymore and threw up while holding the trash can.

Looking at Fei Yanmei's body, Luo Qingqing let out a long sigh.

Although she never liked this woman.

But after all, they are old acquaintances who have played mahjong many times.

Seeing her end like this, I felt sad.

Seeing Chen Xin'an walking towards her, Luo Qingqing's throat went dry and her whole body became tense.

It’s no wonder she was so nervous. Who wouldn’t be afraid of such a murderous god?

The elevator door opened again, and a group of people rushed out.

When the leader Luo Niu saw Chen Xin'an standing in front of Luo Qingqing, his face turned pale and he shouted:

"Brother An, please be merciful, she is my aunt!"

Chen Xin'an nodded to Luo Qingqing and suddenly asked: "Does the Luo family do machining?"

Luo Qingqing was also a little confused, but nodded subconsciously.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to her: "I need to make something.

When the time comes, please ask Mrs. Luo to help me hand it over to a trustworthy master. It’s best to have it done for me within two days! "

Luo Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, nodded to Chen Xin'an and said, "No problem!

As long as there are blueprints, there is nothing that my Luo family cannot make! "

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