Urban Pokémon: Flash Axew

Chapter 74: The Power Of Waveguide Awakens! The Birth Of A Brave Man!

In Lin Mo's field of vision.

[Tip: It will take 03 seconds for the waveguide seeds to fully grow...]

[It will take another 2 seconds...]

[It will take 1 second...]

Then there was a crisp sound.

It wasn't a specific sound, Lin felt the fluctuations in his heart echoing the seeds in front of him.

【Seed of waveguide】

[Efficacy: After absorption, the intensity of the waveguide in the body is increased, the power of the waveguide is awakened, and the qualifications of Pokémon are improved]

[Tip: It is recommended to use the host, the effect is excellent]


"Awakening the power of waveguide!"

Lin Mo's eyes were filled with surprise, as for what...

It can obviously improve Pokémon's qualifications, but the system prompts to recommend its use and emphasizes that the effect is excellent...

Lin Mo is too lazy to care.

This one grabbed the waveguide seed without hesitation.

It felt extremely strange in the hand, as if it had a physical existence, but Lin found that if he exerted a little force, the floating creation would float away in the wind.

[Ding! Host, please put the seeds between your eyebrows. 】

The system prompts again.

Lin Mo didn’t hesitate and just did it!

Raising his hand, he pressed the seed, and then the blue flame air wave poured directly into Lin Mo's eyebrows as if it had found its home.

Then this person felt that countless information was vibrating crazily in his brain, like millions of insects and ants flying around his ears, densely packed and increasingly terrifying!

till the end…………

Like an explosion Normal, all sounds, gone!

Then, Lin Mo sensed that the power of the waveguide was surging wildly!

All the information around you flows into your mind uncontrollably!

Eevee rolled in the air.

While Kirlia gathered Psybeam, she looked back from time to time, very worried about Trainer's appearance.

Dragon Fang Bounce stood up, tearing with one shot of Dragon Claw... even the air was stirred and shattered.

And Onix...

This Pokémon traveled underground, causing Lin Mo great mental pressure!

Boom! Boom!

The sound of breaking earth and rocks is dense and layer upon layer!

After a long time, Lin Mo felt like he was back to normal.

This is because the first time he controlled a god-level Psychic gave him increased control experience...

And the case in front of him lit up.

[Ding! The host’s strength has changed significantly!]

【Lin Mo(Super/Fighting)】

[Strength estimate: Level 43 (Elite Beginner Level)]

[Skills: Confusion (skilled), Calm Mind (skilled), Aura Sphere (beginner), Protect (beginner)]

[Special: (God-level Psychic) ​​Psychic will grow with the power in Ralts' body, and its lifespan is close to infinite. 】

[Special: (Mega Physique) Under the wash of a large amount of life energy, your physique is comparable to "Mega True Rookie903". 】

[Special: (Near-Death Contest Condition) The host will not be killed by one hit. It has the same protection mechanism as Pokémon. As long as it is not killed by one hit, it will fall into the Near-Death Contest Condition. Under this Contest Condition, no further attacks will be made. It will recover naturally over time. 】

[Special: (Brave of Waveguide), the host has the power of waveguide, can sense special things that ordinary people cannot sense, and can create Barrier and waveguide power to attack Rival]

[Special: (coordinated combat), the host can add its own specific power to Pokémon that match the Attribute to strengthen its skills]

Lin Mo is speechless......

Good guy, I have a Fighting picture on my Attribute!

I'm really headed in the direction of "Lin Mo Beast" and will never return.

However, he is quite satisfied with the result. His strength has improved to the elite level, and he can defeat Normal's Rival with his own body.

At the same time, due to the wonderful use of the power of waveguide, he also learned two practical moves, Aura Sphere and Protect.

Almost perfect!

Aura Sphere is a long-range attack move that may not be used normally, but Protect can save your life in critical situations!

As for the extra special ability to coordinate operations.

Lin Mo is not surprised. He should be referring to the fact that he forcibly added "new abilities" to Kirlia.

However, looking at the description of coordinated combat, a specific amount of blessing can be applied to Pokémon that match the Attribute...

Lin Mo suddenly realized something.

Wouldn't it be possible to use the power of the waveguide to transform Pokémon like Lucario?

Just like a stupid thing

Bonding energy bomb!

That’s so handsome!!

Thinking about it......

Lin showed a somewhat pained expression.

Let alone the highly qualified Lucario, he has never seen this kind of Pokémon until now.

The waveguide seeds attracted a large number of Fighting-type Pokémon to fight for, but none of Lucario and Riolu came over...

It's so rare.

At this time, Lin Mo shook his head, feeling that the side effects of absorbing the waveguide seeds had basically dissipated, so he walked out of the tree hole.

There are continuous reminders in my ears...

【Dragon tooth defeated...】

【Onix defeats......】

【Kirlia defeated...】

【Eevee defeated..…………】

Just now, I saw the waveguide seeds being absorbed by Lin Mo,

Although the Fighting Pokémon did not witness it, they still noticed the disappearance of the clear and transparent power, and launched a final madness and charge.


Dragon Fang: Draco Meteor, dancing around with Onix's Bulldoze!

A pillar of light in Soaring in the sky scattered and fell in all directions, with a terrifying momentum!

The giant diamond beast on the ground smashed into mountains and cracked rocks wantonly.

Directly destroying the combat effectiveness of the last batch of Fighting Pokémon! This guard battle is finally over.

Of course, Dragon Fang's Draco Meteor does no harm at all, and is not as effective as Eevee's Curse...

It’s just this thing,

I thought before ending the battle, I learned from the TV series that I would use a big move to end the battle in a cool way.

Unfortunately, it has almost no practical significance.

"Hurry up and learn Scale Shot. It will suit your status and temperament."

Voices came from the forest behind.

Ryuga turned around in surprise, Trainer had mastered the power of the waveguide.

Then this guy really believed Lin Mo's words and immediately nodded seriously.


However, Ryuga's idea is...

Sure enough, today’s failure is because I didn’t work hard enough!

Watching too little TV!

I will work hard from now on!

And Kirlia came over nervously.


It is linked to Lin Mo's life, and both prosper and lose.

Half of Lin Mo's pain when absorbing the waveguide was shared by this Pokémon, but it was just as Ralts...

Kirlia has been living in the pain of boundless despair,

The incident just now had no impact on it. Power Girl still used Psybeam accurately and steadily to kill many Fighting type Pokémon.

However, Kirlia was extremely worried about Trainer's condition.

"I'm all right."

"Besides, you should also feel that the condition in your body is better than ever before."

Lin Mo smiled.

There was also a warning sound coming from my ears.

[Ding! “Lin Mo’s Kirlia” obtains the power of waveguide! 】

[Tip: Kirlia’s skill has been updated: Aura Sphere (mastered)]

Looking at the prompt, Lin Mo was slightly surprised.

This is a surprise.

Life Link not only provides itself with ever-increasing Psychic and longevity,

Also being able to give back to Kirlia.

It now has the ability to manipulate waveguides directly.

Of course, for Lin Mo, this small improvement of Super Girl is negligible, and now there is a bigger happy event!

The power of waveguide is really strong!

It did hurt for a while, but now, Lin Mo is in a great mood!

On the one hand, Lin Mo feels like she is observing the world, and her special sense adds another layer!

When he obtained Psychic previously, he had the feeling that he was in control of everything around him.


Lin Mo uses the dual function of waveguide Psychic to be extremely calm. He can completely detect the nearby environment and existing creatures as soon as his thoughts move.

And Lin Mo moved the waveguide slightly.

He suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"You have worked hard."

He delivers his words.

As for the Pokémon nearby, at first they just chirped cheerfully in response as usual.

Then I realized something was wrong...

Trainer’s voice seems to be ringing in our hearts!

Lin Mo continued to activate the waveguide.

"I am using new power to speak to you."


Eevee felt curiously.


Longya was very interested and walked around Lin Mo a few times, as if trying to sense the existence of the so-called new power.

Onix couldn't help but lower his head and stared at Trainer, wanting to confirm whether Lin Mo really hadn't spoken just now.

Only Kirlia, with a submissive look, floated behind Lin.


I am the only one who has the same power as Trainer!

Even compared to Senior Ryuga,

I also feel like I’ve won!

And Lin Mo was thinking about his new ability, and the more he thought about it, the more powerful he felt.

With the power of waveguide, you can directly talk to Pokémon(cheh).

Wouldn't that mean you don't have to speak during a battle?

Don't look at it, Lin Mo's Pokémon, at their current level, can achieve perfect coordination by commanding them through the mouth.

But after waiting for the strength of Elite and champion, Lin Mo can still react...

Lin Mo must be able to react, because there is no telling whether he will be an Elite or a champion by then.

Do you understand the intimidating power of "Lin Mo Beast" to dominate the world?

But it’s hard to show it to the outside world.

Normal people are really unable to command Pokémon at this level.

And Lin Mo can perfectly command the power of Assist waveguide, and the excuse is that his Pokémon is performing well.

Of course, this communication method is also useful at this stage.

Can cooperate with Eevee!

Compared to a Ghost Eevee that is about to release its quality skills, this is a known terror. If you react quickly, you can still resist it.

But Eevee, who doesn't say a word but is disgusting, is equivalent to having five blocks in the backcourt when playing cards. Who wouldn't be afraid!!

That is no longer a question of how to play the underworld.

Lin Mo feels that Eevee's Ghost form will become synonymous with the word "sunshine"!

As we explore the waveguide bit by bit.

Lin Mo also discovered many wonderful uses, the first of which is the impact of waveguides on other living things.

It is different from directly creating a Barrier for Protect, or an Aura Sphere for Attack.

Lin Mo can communicate through waveguides to better convey his emotions and will. In this way, he can easily make some wild Pokémon return to normal from mania.

"This is really an ability that only a brave man can have..."

he wondered.

Lin Mo has thought about the plot.

In a certain future, the manic mythical beast was hostile to humans. He stepped forward and successfully communicated with it using waveguides. He persuaded the gods to calm down and maintained world peace...

Of course, this is too far off the mark.

For Lin Mo, the most practical ability is that through the combined effect of waveguide and Psychic, he can perfectly perceive the surrounding environment.

Apart from anything else, the efficiency of the Assist system in finding secret treasures is greatly increased!

Originally, Lin Mo might have walked a long way, but found that there was a dead end ahead, and he had to go around for a long time to get back to the right path.

Now he can feel from a distance what the right route is

So, successively!

Lin Mo thought that he had only one day left to explore in the secret realm.

Don’t make good use of it!

Of course, you also need to practice leveling. Once you go out, there won't be so many Rivals to find.

By the way, after approaching Xiao Santian's guard battle, Onix, the greatest hero, was raised three levels to level 50, the pinnacle of elites!

Of course, this is also the result of squeezing out the power of the secret treasures such as Soft Sand and Thunder Gemstones that he had taken previously, as well as the accumulation of daily energy cubes.

After all, Onix usually doesn't make many moves.

There was a huge improvement after this fierce battle.

Since Ryuga is lower in level and has a lot of power, it has also been upgraded by three levels to level 42.

Although Eevee and Kirlia don't contribute much, their levels are relatively low and their improvements are not small.

The former is to advance to level three, from level three to level three thousand and four.

The latter was raised four levels at once from level 24 to level 28.

The strength of all members has skyrocketed, and Lin Mo is preparing to continue sprinting on the last day to see if he can take his boys to the next level!

[Ding! Six hundred meters ahead, go around the huge dirt bag behind the dead tree and find the secret treasure———— Fist Gem! 】

[Ding! Go straight on the left for one thousand meters, turn right and go forward one hundred meters. Repeat three times. Among the rocks broken by lightning, you will find the secret treasure——Sharp Beak!】


Lin Mo went first to the nearest Fist Gem location.

And the Fighting-type Pokémon along the way suffered once again!

They can't hide under the perception of Lin Mo's waveguide power.

Moreover, this special energy can even sense the malice of hostile creatures.

It was only natural that these Fighting Pokémon wouldn't jump out and get beaten up. Lin Mo just silently recited the command in his heart.

“Eevee, Shadow Ball.

"Dragon Tooth, two consecutive strikes!"

"Kirlia, Psybeam!"

"Onix, Bulldoze!"

In an instant, there were all kinds of hostile Pokémon along the way, and I didn’t even react yet!

The top of my head was bombarded by Ghost-type impact light balls!

Being strangled by Psychic's wave!

Being torn apart wantonly by the dragon's teeth!

In the end, Onix finished a little bit and pushed the whole way!

And Lin Mo also quickly pocketed the Fist Gem, which was guarded by a Shawarang.


[Level: Level 44 (Elite Intermediate)]

It was completely something that could be instantly killed by Ryuga with one move.

On the contrary, Lin Mo was quite surprised by Fist Gem.

[Secret Treasure: Fist Gem (Intermediate)]

[Produced by: Kunlun Secret Realm]

[Effect: Increase Fighting Pokémon Breeder speed and Attribute strength]

Then Lin Mo turned around and prepared to go to the next secret treasure...

But at this moment, he showed a strange expression.

[Ding! Go forward three thousand meters, directly below, you will find a champion Riolu]


Lin Mo couldn't laugh or cry.

When I was guarding the waveguide seeds before, no Pokémon from the Lucario and Riolu family appeared.

You must know that this is a sacred object that is extremely helpful to their clan.

Now Lin Mo is preparing to collect secret treasures and leave Kunlun Secret Realm, but he bumps into Riolu who he wants...

In a sense, is it also a kind of luck?

Lin Mo looked excited.

Riolu, who has championship qualifications, was originally the Pokémon that Lin most wanted to obtain in District 16.

Now there is the power of waveguide.

Coupled with his newly acquired ability to coordinate operations - this is a skill certified by the prompt panel. If you can find a partner who shares the power of the waveguide, he is definitely the first choice for the fifth spirit in the team!

As for qualifications, the championship qualifications are enough!

Lin Mo doesn’t expect that he will always be able to meet those with god-level potential...

Alzeub is a miracle that was born in the entire Kunlun Secret Realm, and even deeper in the Dragon Valley!

Ralts is a calamity talent condemned by God, and has already reached the god level!

It is also a unique treasure among the training bases of Kunlun University, the world's top university.

And dragon teeth......

To be honest, it seemed like an ordinary egg laid by its parents, and was conveniently dispatched to the Breeder base in Longquan City by Kunlun University.

It happens to have god-level potential.

According to the lines in Lin Mo's previous game, a fateful encounter occurred.

We can't expect that the fifth Pokémon Riolu will be that special...

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