Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 148 The Confident And Calm Eruption Dragon! 【25】

"Golem, use "Dig"!"

Lai Zhengxiang naturally understood this truth and immediately issued the dodge order.

Facing the Eruption Dragon with the Flying ability, Ground Type's "Dig" is really just for dodge.

With Golem's weight and body shape, conventional avoidance methods are not suitable for it!

Using regular avoidance methods, maybe it can avoid the first hit...

But Rival’s subsequent adjustment of attack direction will definitely be faster than that!


Golem responded in a deep voice, leaning forward with its chubby body, and quickly dug up the cave in the ground as if it were smashing the ground.

When the huge pillar of flames breathed out by the Eruption dragon swept over, it also dived into the ground without a second thought!

The thick flame pillar naturally has no way to cause damage to it!

"Eruption Dragon, fly!"

Golem disappeared from sight, and Ye Si's voice also sounded on the battlefield.

Ground Type's "Dig" cannot threaten Flying-type Pokémon...

It’s a Flying-type Pokémon that stays away from the Ground!

If the Eruption dragon didn't fly into the air, the 740 Lai Zhengxiang on the opposite side would definitely not let go of such an attack opportunity!


The blue-green wings on the inside flapped, setting off airflow to stir up the sand and dust on the battlefield. The Eruption dragon rose from the ground, overlooking the battlefield below.

"Very good! That's it!" Ye Si encouraged, then waved his arm lightly, "Pay attention to the movement on the ground and prepare to use "Dragon's Wrath"!"

After receiving the order, Eruption Dragon focused all its attention on the ground on the battlefield.

And in its mouth, a purple energy light group exuding a majestic aura quickly formed!

As long as Golem appears on the surface, it will inevitably suffer from its back!

Lai Zhengxiang let Golem successfully dodge Eruption Dragon's "Flamethrower" through "Dig" That's right...

But in a sense, it doesn’t make Golem passive!

If this battle continues, Golem will always come out of the ground, right?

"Have you been waiting?"

Lai Zhengxiang also saw the situation in front of him clearly, murmured something in a low voice, and then raised his voice.

"In that case, use Cabf Rock directly under the ground to use [Landslide Fissure]!"

The Golem is underground, and no one on the Ground can know its specific location.

But the ground on the battlefield began to tremble within a few breaths after Lai Zhengxiang's words fell!

Fine cracks appeared on the ground of the battlefield...

Make the ground on the battlefield look like a dry, cracked river bed!

The earth trembled gradually and violently.

It seems like something is about to emerge from the ground on the battlefield, making the ground quickly bulge!

Amidst the rumbling sound, a large amount of gravel and soil plates were lifted up and thrown into the air!

You can see that under these gravel and soil plates, the Golem is revealed!

Lai Zhengxiang made such a big noise just to relieve Golem from the dilemma of being unable to return to the surface without being damaged by the Contest Condition!

However, before a smile appears on Lai Zhengxiang's face...

A purple energy light ball passed through the gap between the lifted gravel and soil plates!

Finally, it was printed impartially and firmly on Golem’s round body!

Golem, who was about to take the opportunity to return to the ground, was staggered by the blow and fell to one knee!

Eruption Dragon's "Dragon's Fury"!


With an exclamation, Lai Zhengxiang looked at the Eruption Dragon in the sky.

It didn't panic at all because of the movement in front of it!

Lai Zhengxiang never thought of directly causing damage to the Eruption dragon through Golem's "Landslide Fissure"...

In fact, with Eruption Dragon's Flying height, it would be impossible for him to do it even if he wanted to!

But whether it is a human or a Pokémon, there is always an instinct to avoid heavy objects flying towards them, right?

If it were an ordinary Pokémon, the casting of "Dragon's Wrath" would at least be terminated at this time...

But Eruption Dragon doesn’t!

It knows its advantages very well!

In this way, he was stuck at a distance that was beyond the reach of Golem's attacks...

And during this period, he quickly captured the specific location of Golem and launched the attack!

Confident and calm!

Lai Zhengxiang's eyes couldn't help but fall on Ye Si opposite.

There was also no look of surprise or surprise on the young face because of the hit!

He had anticipated this situation from the beginning!

"How on earth did this young man breed this Eruption dragon to this extent?"

Unable to help himself, Lai Zhengxiang smiled bitterly.

This Eruption dragon not only has levels, but its combat power is not weak at all!

"Eruption Dragon, continue to use "Dragon's Wrath"!"

Seizing the opportunity, Ye Si pressed his palm down and issued a new command without any pause.


In the mouth of Eruption Dragon, a purple energy light group formed again.

"Golem, "Destruction Death Light"!"

At the same time, Lai Zhengxiang also made a last ditch effort.

A last ditch effort indeed!

The strength of the Eruption dragon is much higher than that of Golem...

And Dragon Attribute's "Dragon's Fury" will not have much effect due to Golem's Rock+ Ground Type...

Even if "Dragon's Fury" is not a high-damage skill, Golem can't take the second hit!


While kneeling on one knee, Golem raised its head, and white energy began to gather in its mouth!

When the purple light group was spit out by the Eruption dragon, the intense light also rushed towards Soaring in the sky!

The purple light group and the strong light meet and collide in the sky...

In just an instant, both energies became chaotic!

From the perspective of skill power, "Dragon's Wrath" is far inferior to the Normal skill "Destruction of Death", which is as powerful as 150 in the game.......

But Golem is not a Pokémon that is good at special attacks!


In the violent explosion, two energies of similar intensity directly eliminated each other!

But everyone knows that Golem has already lost if he failed to gain the upper hand in this last attempt!

The Pokémon that casts "Destruction Death Light" will fall into a short-term stiff Contest Condition due to the large amount of energy in the body!

It won't take too long...

But it is completely enough for Eruption Dragon to defeat Golem!.

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