Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 162 The Pendant Of Liberation! Touched Tears【34】

Not to mention Ding Gaoyi, Kuailong is almost autistic now.

That is to say, Ding Gaoyi asked Kuailong to pay attention to the distance from the beginning, so that it was not directly approached by Zeraora like the first time!

But even so, the distance between the two sides is still rapidly closing!

Dragonite has never been a Pokémon with high Speed ​​Species Strength...

The speed here refers to moving and dodging in a small range, or it is more appropriate to say agility!

Their speed is absolutely impressive when flying over long distances, often crossing a province or a country...

The description of the giant dragon in the original book even includes a record of circling the Blue Star in sixteen hours!

Even if there is a gap between ordinary dragons and giant dragons, they are still quite fast!

But the current mine environment is a huge limitation!

Whether it is a short-range burst or a temporary turn...

How can a dragon that flies with its wings compare to Zeraora that flies by changing its magnetic field with thunder around it?

This is true even if Zeraora's quality in all aspects other than defense is only about Elite, which is a whole level worse than Kuailong!

After all, what Zeraora is most proud of is its speed!

Being chased by Zeraora all the way, Kuailong became angrier and angrier as he thought about it, angrier and angrier as he thought about it...

Finally, it couldn't help it. When the distance between the two sides was still enough for it to cast a skill, it suddenly turned around.


Flames brewed in its mouth, and another "Big Character Explosion" was spat out towards Zeraora!

However, the result still did not change.....

The flames several feet high with the word "big" falling down menacingly, and the explosion was also very loud!

But Zeraora should do whatever she wants!

Originally, it would take some time for Latula to catch up with the enemy.

It was so angry that Zeraora came to it!

The palms carrying the thunder landed firmly!

A similar plot repeated itself, Kuailong distanced himself from Zeraora amidst a burst of ghostly cries and howls.

"Kailong, Aqua Jet.!" Ding Gaoyi said with hope in his eyes.

The dragon spits out jets of water.

Swallowed by the thunder around Zeraora...

Kuailong was so shocked that he screamed wildly!

"Kuai Long, Tornado Gang!" Ding Gaoyi's time was dim.

Kuailong flaps its wings behind it, creating a miniature tornado.

Swallowed by the thunder around Zeraora...

Kuailong was so shocked that he screamed wildly!

The thunder on Zeraora's body is like a bottomless pit, swallowing up all energy star attacks that hit it!

Ding Gaoyi and even "Destruction of Death Light" were used by Kuailong!

However, the stiffness caused by casting "Destructive Death Light" only resulted in two extra palms from Zeraora...

Time after time, Kuailong was electrocuted until it was charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

Originally, Ding Gaoyi should have guessed that Zeraora has [Strange Guardian] Ability after testing it so many times...

However, the thunder around Zeraora is too confusing and deceptive!

Anyone who sees that it is the thunder that 'pulls' all the attacks into pieces, even if such an idea arises in their mind, they will be rejected first!

However, even if Ding Gaoyi guesses that Zeraora has [Strange Guardian] Ability, it will not have much impact on Ye Si...

Because this world does not have detailed data on the mythical beasts and phantom beasts that have not appeared in front of people for a long time!

If you want to confirm the ability of a Pokémon with blank information, among other things, you must at least have an interview with it, right?

"Kuailong, use dragon claw!"

In desperation, Ding Gaoyi had no choice but to change his strategy.

At least for now, the impact of the thunder around Zeraora on Kuailong is still within the acceptable range!


Kuailong, who was supposed to have orange skin but now almost turned pure black, looked up to the sky and let out a roar.

The majestic purple energy gathered on its thick palms, extending from its claws to form larger Energy Emperor Dragon Claws!

As soon as he leaned down, Kuailong rushed towards Zeraora quickly!


Without the purple energy covering that originally protected the palms, the first thing I felt was the familiar numbness...

Zeraora, with a joking look in her eyes, took the time to slap its thunderous and undamaged palm!

BIs this the uniqueness of fantasy Pokémon?"

Kuailong burst into tears after being beaten upside down.

Kuailong used "Fire Punch" and "Freezing Punch" hastily, and in the end he fought Zeraora with nothing.

However, as his main force is Steelix, he really won't be so passive...

After passing through the thunder, Kuailong was left with only a bare palm...

Even if Ding Gaoyi's strength is slightly inferior to him, the gap is limited... (Ma Qian Zhao) Doesn't this mean that if it were him on the court, he would also be beaten by Ye Si?

Trainer's mentality was shattered, and Kuailong himself became passive and autistic...

The next second, Kuailong's eyes widened!

Two palms printed together...

You can only be beaten and cannot fight back, and fighting back is useless...

You don’t need to think too much about the results!

The Contest Condition was gradually consumed to the limit, and it fell directly from the sky!

In Soaring in the sky, the two sides had their first official confrontation!

If you want to experience the power of fantasy beasts, wouldn't it be nice to let Ye Si show it to you?

Ding Gaoyi, who still couldn't guess the truth, had complicated eyes.

Why did he say he wanted to challenge!

Just like the previous attack on Thunder, its energy dragon claw also quickly melted when it touched Thunder!

But I don’t know why, Kuailong’s falling figure carries a sense of relief.

Ding Gaoyi now only has the word regret in his heart.

He waved the purple energy dragon claw towards his scalp...

The distance was closer, and Kuailong could clearly see the constant joking in Zeraora's eyes, and his heart sank at that time.

Lai Zhengxiang took a breath of cold air.

Zeraora didn't show any fear, and accelerated with the thunder in her palm.

Ding Gaoyi below was also moved to tears!

Who can withstand this!

This is not the end!

Ding Gaoyi's perspective is not as detailed as Kuailong's.

It was electrified by the thunder around Zeraora again!

The situation in front of me is completely one-sided!


But as Kuailong Trainer, he can more or less guess some actual situations.

Lai Zhengxiang's situation is not much better.

The air battle has come to an end!

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