Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 172 The Fear Of PokéMon Hunters! 【14】

What he saw before his eyes was actually different from what Ye Si imagined on the road.

He didn't expect at first that he would encounter a second Pokémon so quickly that he had never encountered a single one before.

Still the same Metagross!

Of course, he also never expected to meet the 'legendary' Pokémon hunter.

Using the system to scan the strength panel of the Pokémon in front of him, Ye Si could also guess that this was a top Pokémon hunter!

He has never even seen a low-level Pokémon hunter...

And what he said to the Pokémon hunter in front of him was actually correct.

If Ye Si doesn't want to take care of this matter, non-staff Elites like him really don't have the obligation to take care of it...

But if he wants to take care of it, after all, he has Elite status, so he can really take care of it!

However, this Pokémon hunter is completely different from what Ye Si thought.

Ye Si may be very strong, and it's true that Pokémon hunters are very scared.

But Ye Si said that she is an Elite.…………

Looking at Ye Si's ridiculously young face, the Pokémon hunter didn't think so.

"Elite? I think you also want to get your hands on these two Metagross and this egg, right?"

The Pokémon hunter sneered inwardly.

From his point of view, Ye Si's words actually unilaterally terminated the negotiations with him...

Just like when he saw other people's prey in the past, he wanted a piece of the pie, or even when the lion opened its mouth and wanted to take it all away!

"If you want to seize food from the tiger's mouth, you have to weigh how much you weigh!"

Feeling that the bottom line had been touched, the Pokémon hunter had no intention of continuing to communicate with Ye Si and turned to look at his Pokémon.

"It's understandable that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, so let me, a senior in the hunter world, teach you a lesson!"

He spent a lot of time and energy on these two Metagross from gathering intelligence to mid-term investigation and final capture...

Pokémon hunters can just sell them for a prosperous and stable future!

No matter who it is, as long as they have an idea for these two Metagross...

So no matter how afraid you are, Pokémon hunters will definitely give it a try!

"And...this Pokémon looks like it can be sold for a good price々||!"

The Pokémon hunter's eyes fell on Zeraora next to Ye Si.

He didn't know this was a phantom Pokémon...

But as a Pokémon hunter, if he can't recognize Pokémon, that means they are rare!

And rare...

It represents a considerable amount of wealth in the black market!

If Ye Si initially made some simple but not excessive requests, the Pokémon hunter thought he was willing to accept them out of fear of Ye Si.

And he won’t go out of his way to target Ye Si Pokémon!

But since this young man doesn't understand current affairs, don't blame him for being too ruthless!

"Crobat, "Venoshock"!"

Pointing at Ye Si, the Pokémon hunter said loudly.

Since this contains temptation, I might as well take the opportunity to directly resolve Ye Si!

Ye Si naturally understands this, and the smile on his lips gradually turns cold.

This Pokémon hunter has no idea that just because of such a sinister little move...

It directly made Ye Si change the way she originally dealt with him in her heart!

Since there is a way to die, there is no need to catch him and throw him in jail!

"Zeraora, plasma lightning!"

The current battle was a battle involving life and death rather than an ordinary battle with rules. Ye Si used the Trump Card directly in his hand.


Upon receiving the command, blue-white thunder formed by strong electric currents appeared on the surface of Zeraora's body!

Before she even left the ground and rushed out, the power emanating from Zeraora caused ripples in the air in the surrounding space!

Zeraora disappeared in the sound of Sonic Boom in the air.

"Ding! Your Pokémon gains experience!"

In the blink of an eye, Skarmory, who was also in the air not far away, was swallowed up!

WailordLv56--Lv57 decoration!

When the thunder Cal in the sky dispersed, Crobat and Skarmory fell downwards without any movement...


Shaking his head, the Pokémon hunter forced himself to calm down.

Impossible! How could there be such a young Elite-level Trainer?"

As for the purple Toxic created by Crobat...

But now the Pokémon hunter's pupils were not only constricted, but his body was trembling slightly.

Both the Pokémon hunter and his Pokémon are instinctively nervous.

Zeraora's palm pressed on Crobat's body, and thunder burst out from her palm, instantly filling Crobat's body and wreaking havoc!



Looking at the scene in front of him, the Pokémon hunter's pupils shrank sharply.

You can see that where it was originally located, the soil was lifted up due to the low pressure caused by the explosion at that moment!

"Ding! You have obtained [[Sharp Gaze] Ability Fragments] X1!"

A series of system electronic beeps sounded in Ye Si's ears, making him feel comfortable all over.

But the one-sided situation is destined to make him unable to achieve his wish...

"He...could he...really be an Elite Trainer?"

Eruption Dragon Lv54--Lv56!

Not only was Crobat wrapped in thunder, the thunder around Zeraora was also expanding...


"Ding! You have obtained [[Mental Power] Ability Fragments] (Nuoqian Zhao) X1!"

"How could it be so fast?!"

An ominous premonition began to arise in his heart.

"Ding! You got [Exchange Coin] X2000!"

It doesn’t fall on Ye Si at all!

When it appears again the next second, its palm holding the powerful thunder is already imprinted on Crobat's body!

When Zeraora got close to Crobat, it was completely torn apart and absorbed by Zeraora!





The word ‘Elite’ that Ye Si mentioned before also flashed through his mind.

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