Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 184 World Trainer Exchange Competition! The Second Giant PokéMon Appears! 【14】

"Eruption Dragon has lost its fighting ability! The gym leader Weng Fanmei no longer has any Pokémon available, so the final winner is Ye Si as the challenger!"

When the system's electronic beep sounded in Ye Si's ears, the referee on the sidelines also waved the small flag in his hand.

"As expected, the Eruption dragon is still completely defenseless?"

"The speed of this heterochromatic Metang is so desperate!"

"I think the main purpose of the museum is to let the Eruption dragon use [Fire Vortex] on itself, but it can also use the flames that Metang is afraid of to barely deal with it!"

"Are you serious? If you do this, wouldn't it be great if Metang just watches and waits until the Eruption dragon loses its ability to fight?"

"Um...it seems so!"

There was a surprising calmness in the exchanges with the Trainers on the battlefield.

"940" can't help it...

The worldview has fallen to the ground and is shattered. There is nothing left to continue to shatter!

And because Eruption Dragon was suppressed throughout the whole process, it was not easy to see how fast Flash Metang was in this third round!

"This is the Badge of our Tianyu Gym, please accept it!"

After putting away the Eruption dragon, Weng Fanmei also walked over and handed a feather-shaped Badge to Ye Si.

Ye Si’s sixth Badge!

There are only the last two Badges left to reach the eight Badges required to participate in the National Trainer Competition!

"Looking forward to your performance in the National Trainer Competition..."

When Ye Si put the Badge away, Weng Fanmei smiled.

"Of course, I also hope to see you at the World Trainer Exchange Competition one day in the future!"

World Trainer Exchange Competition?

Ye Si blinked and found the relevant information in his mind.

If the National Trainer Competition is a grand event for young Trainers within the government...

Then, the World Trainer Exchange Competition is a stage for the top Trainers from all over the world to compete!

The minimum person who can appear there is a gym leader-level Trainer!

And it has to be a Gym Leader-level Trainer like Weng Fanmei, who has the authority of a Gym Leader and represents the highest level of Gym Leader!

Even gym master-level Trainers like them are mostly just spectators at the World Trainer Exchange Competition!

In this world with incredible creatures like Pokémon...

The strength of a party has a great relationship with the strength and number of top Trainers it has!

Especially the group of leaders who stand on top of the world and represent the pinnacle of Trainer. Trainer...

The status and intimidation power are no less than the ‘big killer’ in Ye Si’s previous life!

The World Trainer Exchange Competition, in a sense, can be seen as a platform for all parties to show off their muscles!

On the surface it is about communication and discussion, but in reality it also affects the honor and face of the forces behind you!

Of course, the results of the 'exchange' may also affect the subsequent voice of the corresponding forces in the international community to a certain extent!

After all, they are actually the ‘strategic weapons’ of one force!

Therefore, there are many elites, champions, and even master-level trainers who are invisible in the eyes of the public...

You can see them all together at this world-class event!

When recalling the information and recalling this point, Ye Si couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

It has been said before that he has strength that is not inferior to that of an Elite-level Trainer...

But in fact, it never felt too real!

But now that I think about it carefully, I realize that his current status is much higher than imagined!

Unlike Lai Zhengxiang who was in the previous Rock Gym, Weng Fanmei didn't know Ye Si's specific strength.

Just saying this after a battle with Ye Si

This shows how optimistic this gym leader is about Ye Si!

The key is.………

The huge Pokémon that was active hundreds of miles away from Tianyu City during the day finally left the forest area completely at night.

The Pokémon Ye Si originally had were not far away from breaking through to the next level of strength!

The corresponding information was naturally passed to Ye Si who had given the instructions immediately.

In an environment where fights can start based on whoever is upset, even if Ye Si sweeps them all the way, no one will be surprised!

Ye Si bid farewell to Weng Fanmei and left Tianyu Gym.

Once this breakthrough is completed, Ye Si's comprehensive strength will make another qualitative leap!

"World Trainer Exchange Meeting?" Ye Si raised the corner of her mouth and murmured in a low voice, "I'm really looking forward to it!"

He is currently only an Elite guaranteed by Lai Zhengxiang and Ding Gaoyi, and has only been registered at 5.8...

Shaking his head, Ye Si temporarily put aside thoughts related to the World Trainer Exchange Competition..0

Astronomical amounts of experience and exchange coins...


If he wants to represent ** at the World Trainer Exchange Conference to harvest the ‘experience package’, he has to beat the shit out of his actual record with punches and kicks!

Maybe by the way, it can be more famous?

In other words, the world’s largest experience package will all be gathered together at that time!


The top Trainers in the world are gathered there!

It was night, when he was temporarily resting for the night in Tianyu City...

For him who owns the system, the World Trainer Exchange Conference is not as meaningful as Mikey...


Flash MetangLv30



"But before that, the experience package of the National Trainer Competition cannot be missed..."

When he got the Elite certificate from Lai Zhengxiang before, Lai Zhengxiang also told him some other information.

[Quest Name]: Defeat Dynamax Pokémon

In conjunction with the upcoming [Mega Wristband], the existing [Mega Key Stone] and [Mega Evolution Stone]

After receiving the information, Ye Si chuckled, summoned the Eruption dragon, and rushed to the scene of the incident.

[Task Progress]:1/3.

"Has another third of the mission progress appeared?"

At that time, Trainer will climb higher in the pyramid of strength!

In addition to just joining the team, Flash Metang has also experienced elite level combat ability after going through the Gym Challenge...

Ye Si can barely be considered a giant!


Eruption Dragon Lv57


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