Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 201 A Family Must Be Neat And Tidy! 【14】

If we really want to talk about how difficult (e) it is to get (xin), when the difference in strength is not big...

Zeraora, who has the ability of [Strange Guardian] and almost invincible defense, is far superior to Slaking!

The most you can do when facing Slaking is to feel the fear of being dominated by absolute power. That is still a real strength gap, just accept it!

But when you face Zeraora, you will know what the true feeling of powerlessness is!

On the surface, it seems that you are not completely powerless to fight back, but all your fights back are just a joke...

Who can withstand this!

Now these seven or eight Pokémon facing Zeraora are like this!

Flame, thunder and lightning, water column...

They didn't hold anything back, and their various skills almost greeted Zeraora as soon as they rushed toward them!

If it were another Pokémon, even a real champion Pokémon here...

If you don't avoid the edge temporarily, you may pay the price of injuries that you are unwilling to bear, and you may be at a disadvantage in subsequent battles!

However, facing these attacks, Zeraora showed no intention of dodging or slowing down!

"After all, you are still young and energetic!"

"Do you really think he is so much better than us?"

"I hope he can continue like this!"

Regarding Zeraora's support, the faces of the three masked men all showed joy.

Originally, the appearance of Ye Si and the strength he showed made their prediction of the situation a little pessimistic.

But if Ye Si is so "superfluous" in the subsequent battles, who will have the last laugh might not be able to win!

Ding Gaoyi also frowned slightly.

But then he remembered something, and his face softened slightly, with a look of constipation appearing on his face.


Like a blue-white meteor, the sound of air Sonic Boom appeared along the path of Zeraora.

It collided fiercely with many powerful oncoming attacks!

In fact, this cannot be said to be a collision at all...

The thunder that enveloped Zeraora only lasted for a moment, and all attacks seemed to be swallowed up by the blue and white thunder in an instant!

The speed of Zeraora Flying is not even affected by Yifu!

These attacks, which can cause heavy damage to ordinary champion-level Pokémon, only consume part of Zeraora's physical strength!

"This...how is this possible?!"

And this scene, not surprisingly, made the three masked men unbelievable.

Ding Gaoyi's face twitched slightly as he watched.

Sure enough, it was just like what he just thought...

He also experienced the same scene when he led Kuailong to fight Ye Si!

Even if Zeraora is currently fighting against Pokémon from the enemy, it will not prevent Ding Gaoyi from arousing the shadow left in his heart.


Zeraora was not blocked and appeared in front of these Pokémon in the next second.

Then, holding the terrifying thunder in hand, he rushed into these hostile Pokémon kings without hesitation!

As the level increases, Zeraora's attack power, which was originally slightly inferior to the Elite level, has also been improved!

The thunderous palm slapped one of the Lickilicki heavily, and the thunder surrounding Zeraora also expanded, wrapping up the entire Lickilicki!

While Lickilicki was suffering heavy blows, he was also being attacked by strong currents and Electric Type energy!

The stiffening effect of the Electric Type attack itself made Lickilicki unable to move...

But the Pokémon around him didn't intend to just sit back and watch, and they all surrounded him!

In the previous attempts, their attacks failed to achieve results, and this time (cach) they were all changed to physical attacks!

However, when their fists or Jump Kicks greet Zeraora...

Any Attribute energy they use disappears without a trace in an instant!

Then they all became stiff like Lickilicki when they touched the blue and white thunder around Zeraora!

The blue and white thunder around Zeraora is much more powerful than the spikes on a hedgehog!

With just one blow, Zeraora cannot directly knock down these Elite level Pokémon unless it is restrained by Attribute.

But this does not affect the fact that the situation is completely one-sided!

Running rampant among several Pokémon, Zeraora gives them a try to cool them down!

On the other hand, their attacks were all in vain.

On the other side, the battlefield opened by Slaking is also coming to an end.

It looks exactly like a violent tank, and the speed at which it ends a battle cannot be matched by Zeraora!

The three masked men looked at each other and quietly retreated toward the rear.

But Ding Gaoyi and Ye Si have been paying attention to them!

"Run? Where can you run to?"

With an interesting look on his face, Ye Si chuckled and spoke.

"Go quickly!"

Seeing that their escape plan was revealed, the three masked men stopped covering up.

The three Pokémon they rode, Flygon, Altaria, and Tropical Dragon, did not join the battle.

As soon as they turned over, they were all riding on them.

Flygon, Altaria and Tropical Dragon each flapped their wings and soared into the air to leave far away!

"Zeraora, knock them down!"

With a wave of his hand, Ye Si's order was given decisively.

These three Pokémon that carried the three masked men to escape belong to the three masked men...

If they really let them run away, it would be equivalent to Ye Si not completely defeating each of the masked men, and not getting any mission progress!

This kind of thing......

Can you bear it?

Anyway, Ye Si, who had been working so hard for a long time, couldn’t bear it!


In response, Zeraora instantly escaped from several hostile Pokémon, turned into a meteor and chased the three masked men!

"Hey g!"

Slaking also hit the Ground again, causing all the Pokémon in front of him whose Contest Condition reached the limit to lose their ability to fight...

As soon as it turned its head, it targeted the Pokémon that Zeraora had left but had not yet been knocked down!


It must be neat and tidy!

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