Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 216 Instant Defeat! Level Up! 【34】

In the center of Grumpig's abdomen is the Black Pearl that can amplify Psychic!

This can also be regarded as the key point of Grumpig!

The Black Scythe on Absol's head swung, and the Black Pearl in Grumpig's abdomen was hit!

After all, this is a regular battle, not a life-and-death battle, and the strength of Absol's scythe horn swing is also well controlled to avoid directly damaging Pearl or causing Grumpig to suffer too serious trauma.

But the Dark Type energy covered by the Black sickle horn on its head also crazily invaded Grumpig's body at the moment of contact!

This is the main force causing damage!

The energy of Dark Type itself can have an outstanding effect on the super Attribute's Grumpig, and the energy of Dark Type attacks the weak points of its defense...

With just one blow, its Contest Condition was directly close to the limit!

Its [Thick Fat] Ability can only weaken the damage of the two Attribute energies of ice and fire, and it cannot play any role in the current situation!

The yellow arc condensed above his head suddenly collapsed, and Grumpig himself flew back with a cry of pain.

It fell to the ground with a thud, and it struggled twice in the end without being able to stand up, so it lay down on the 407 Ground on the opposite battlefield, turning into a noisy eye!

"Ding! You have obtained [[Thick Fat] Ability Fragments] X1!"

"Ding! You got [Exchange Coin] X500!"

"Ding! Absol gained experience! Level +2! Reached Lv40!"

"Ding! Pancham gains experience! Level +9! Reached Lv25!"

As Grumpig lost its combat capability, the system's electronic beep sounded in Ye Si's ears.

Just as he guessed, the amount of experience points that can be gained in this level of battle...

For a Pokémon like Pancham, which is of low level, it is really generous!

After just one battle, it was raised to Level 9!

"Isn't this too strong?"

"Did you defeat the gym owner's Grumpig with just one hit?"

"If I remember correctly, the difficulty of this battle has been increased!"

The melon-eaters on the sidelines were also a little stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

Absol is a cadc Pokémon that is different from ordinary Pokémon...

And Ye Si dared to simply agree to Chen Xinyuan’s proposal to increase the difficulty...

In fact, everyone wants to believe that Ye Si has a chance to win in the battle.

But no one would have imagined that the battle would be decided in just a dozen breaths!

No one would think that the Grumpig sent by Chen Xinyuan was not strong enough.

The gym system has been operating for so many years and has long since matured!

The Pokémon in the four boxes beside Chen Xinyuan have all been rigorously tested to ensure their strength!

Then the facts are clear....

It can only be that Ye Si and this Absol are too strong!

Before this, there were still people who were taking chances...

What if Ye Si possesses a special and rare fantasy Pokémon, but in fact his Absol is not too strong?

If it were just that, this feeling of disparity wouldn’t actually make people despair.

But the cruel facts in front of them undoubtedly made their ideas completely frustrated!

"Grumpig loses the ability to fight! The winner of this round is the challenger's Absol!"

The referee on the side of the battlefield was stunned for a while before he finally came to his senses and waved the small flag in his hand to announce the result of the battle.

"It seems that he only has six Badges now, just because he 'just set off'..."

Using Poké Ball to put away Grumpig, Chen Xinyuan confirmed his suspicion.

Even if I have seen countless young people with amazing talents, I was even a genius in the eyes of others back then...

Chen Xinyuan also looked at Ye Si with a hint of approval.

There are many geniuses, but not many are as amazing as Ye Si!

"Let's have a second battle!"

Without saying anything else, Chen Xinwan handed Grumpig to his assistant and took out the second Poké Ball.

"This is what I'm going to use in the second game!"

The Poké Ball was thrown by it, and a nearly human-shaped Pokémon with a main body color of brown, holding a spoon in each hand, appeared on the battlefield!

It has a big head, long mustache and pointed ears...

Its wrists, chest, shoulders and knees all have brown armor-like Protectors!

It's an Alakazam!

Compared to its pre-evolved Yongira form, it has no tail behind it.

“Is the second one Alakazam?”

Ye Si also carefully looked at the Pokémon he met in real life for the first time.

It is said that Alakazam's brain cells are constantly growing indefinitely, so the older Alakazam gets, the bigger his head will become!

This makes Alakazam's brain run as fast as a Metagross and is comparable to a Mega computer, but it also brings it trouble...

Its head is so heavy that it seriously affects

The reason why the Alakazams we see normally can move normally is because their heads are completely supported by Psychic!

If Psychic is removed, they will probably collapse on the spot!

This situation will become even more serious after the evolution of AlakazamMega...

All power, including muscle power, is converted into Psychic during the Mega process. Mega Alakazam can only use Psychic to make itself cross-legged and float in the air!

Among Trainers who use Psychic Pokémon, Alakazam is obviously much more popular than Grumpig.

In fact, at the same level, Alakazam is indeed better than Grumpig!

[Name]: Alakazam

[Attribute]:Super power

[Ability]: Synchronization

[Level]: Level 44 (Elite)

Not to mention, this Alakazam itself is a bit higher than the Grumpig just now!


What it has to face is Absol, whose level has reached Lv40 and whose strength has been improved compared to when it just fought against Grumpig!

"Absol, Encore!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Si stretched out his palm and pressed it forward, and a faint command sounded in the sky on the battlefield. .

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