Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 253 Weird Registration Conditions

However, the map is not omnipotent. Maybe it is just that the map just missed the drawing?

After Ye Si passed through the woods, he saw a small village in front of him. This was also not on the map.

But it was noon now, and Ye Si planned to go to the village to see if there was a restaurant. If there was one, he would have a meal there before leaving.

Ye Si arrived near the village. Although the village was relatively small, for some reason, there were many people inside.

"It seems there are quite a lot of people here. There should be a restaurant."

When Ye Si entered the village, he looked at the streets with people coming and going. There were also many people who looked like Pokémon trainers. There should be restaurants.

Facts have proved that Ye Si's worries were completely unnecessary. After Ye Si came in, he saw a restaurant on the roadside, but it was almost full.

Ye Si went inside, quickly grabbed a seat, ordered a few dishes, and prepared to enjoy lunch.

"Hello, can I sit with you?"

At this time, Stephanie walked up next to Ye Si and wanted to sit with Ye Si. Ye Si was stunned and looked around. The place was already full.

"Anyway, there's no one across from me, so please sit down."

Ye Si nodded. There was no one sitting across from him. If others wanted to sit, Ye Si wouldn't mind sharing a table with others.

"Thank you, are you a trainer too?"

Stephanie smiled and nodded, sat opposite Ye Si, and talked to Ye Si.

"Yes, having said that, there seem to be a lot of trainers gathered here."

Ye Si nodded and looked at the road outside. On the road outside, there were many people who looked like trainers walking around.

"There is a competition here, don't you know?"

Stephanie looked at Ye Si in surprise. Ye Si was stunned. In such a small village, there is actually a competition?

"Can you elaborate?"

Ye Si also became a little interested and asked Stephanie.

Through Stephanie's words, Ye Si learned that the village is the place to register for the competition. It is on the south side of the village, where you can register.

However, the registration method here is a bit strange. Applicants must buy a sapling at the registration location and plant it in the forest to the west of the village before completing the registration.

"This registration method is very strange, why do you need to buy saplings~". "

Ye Si raised an eyebrow. As a way to sign up, it would be too strange to buy a sapling.

"You should have seen the forest over there. It was planted through this registration method. It is said that it was very barren a long time ago."

Stephanie smiled slightly and looked at the forest in the distance from the window, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Greening, it's interesting, I'll sign up too."

Ye Si nodded and planned to sign up for this competition. After all, he could participate in the competition and also do some greening, killing two birds with one stone.

"It just so happens that I haven't signed up yet. Let's go together later. My name is Lily, what's your name?"

"My name is Ye Si."

After Ye Si and Lily finished eating, they set off towards the south of the village. After going there to pay for registration, they got two saplings and two cards.

"Come out, Delphox.

Ye Si and Lily took out their respective tents, and it was almost dark on Christoph. After setting up the tent, the two were ready to collect firewood.

Delphox, use "Mystical Fire" to light the firewood. "

"It doesn't matter, my Pokémon is also level 49, so we should be evenly matched."

Lily nodded modestly (Qian Li's), took Delphox back, and then sat down next to the flame.

Ye Si raised his eyebrows, Delphox, Ye Si had never heard of it, so he used the system to view Delphox's panel.

"Normal, nothing outstanding."

Ye Si was startled. The Delphox in front of him was now the Delphox hiding the Ability Magician.

By the way, the venue for the competition is not in the village. If the village continues to go east, you will see a town where the competition will be held.

Delphox waved his staff and used "Mystical Fire", shooting a stream of flames towards the firewood on the ground.

Ye Si raised his eyebrows slightly, Delphox still brought Pokémon with hidden abilities, but Lily Si's Delphox was quite good.

Ye Si smiled, took out a Poké Ball from his pocket, and threw it forward.

Lily gave an order, and Delphox stretched out his hand to grab the fur on his body, and unexpectedly pulled out a magic wand.

"Do you want to challenge Delphox? But the temperature of Delphox's flame is too high and it is not easy to control."

Ye Si looked at the sky and saw that it was already dusk. Since Ye Si spent a lot of time planting trees, the two of them didn't set off until around three in the afternoon.

The Ye Si Poké Ball was thrown forward, a ray of light shot out, and a huge figure slowly emerged, it was the metal Flash monster still at level 49. .

[Name]: Delphox

[Hidden Ability]:Magician

Ye Si and Lily put the collected firewood together, and Lily took out a Poké Ball, and a fiery red fox appeared.

"Oh, this Delphox is pretty good. It looks so powerful."

But Lily Si doesn’t have Gogoat, and Ye Si is not good either. Stephanie is walking on the road next, so she can only walk to the town with Lily Si.

Ye Si looked at the firewood on the ground. The temperature of the flame used by Delphox just now was estimated to have reached a thousand degrees, and the firewood was ignited immediately.

"It's already dusk now, why don't we sleep outdoors tonight."


[Level]: Level 49 (Elite)

[Potential]: Museum owner

"Your Delphox will be upgraded soon. Do you want to have a Pokémon duel?"


Ye Si was very interested in the Delphox just now and challenged Lily.

But if you go east, it happens to be in the same direction as Ye Si is traveling. Ye Si and Lily are walking east.

In fact, it is not very far from the village to the town. It takes about six hours to walk from the village to the town. However, if Liu Yun uses Gogoat to travel, it may take three hours.

Ye Si and Lily each had a sapling, which they planted in the forest to the west of the village. However, Ye Si did not know how to plant trees, so it took a long time to plant them.

"Okay, anyway, this is a grassy area, which is quite suitable for sleeping outdoors."

"The decision is yours, Metal Flash Monster."

Lily was stunned. Delphox's flame temperature was extremely high. It was difficult to control the Pokémon in a duel. It would be troublesome if it was accidentally injured.

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