Urban Pokemon: I Am The Ability Master

Chapter 263 Complete Victory!

Ye Si looked a little more serious. Although this Numel is not as good as Infernape, what if Rival's luck comes again?

"Swampert, use "Mud Shot"."

Ye Si did not underestimate the opponent because Rival was weak, and directly let Swampert attack first. The energy on Swampert's body condensed, and several mud blasts were fired at Numel like normal bullets.

"Numel, quickly use "Tackle" to the side."

It has to be said that No. 12 was very smart. Without using skills, Numel could not avoid it at his slow speed, so he decisively asked Numel to use skills.

Numel rushed to the side, narrowly avoiding the bullet-speed mud, which was shot towards the Ground.


There were a few more pits on the ground instantly. If Numel hadn't avoided them just now, I'm afraid he would have been sent to the Pokémon Center by now.

Looking at the pits smashed by the mud on the ground, No. 12 broke into a cold sweat. Unexpectedly, since the opponent was so powerful, No. 12 already had some intention of retreating.

"Swampert, use "Water Gun" now."

Numel is still on the way to "Tackle" and has not stopped yet. As long as he can predict it, he can hit the opponent accurately.

Swampert opened his mouth and shot out a water column, shooting towards the path of Numel's Tackle. As long as Numel didn't stop, he would be knocked away by the water column.

"Numel, stop it."

Seeing that Swampert's "Water Gun" was about to hit Numel, No. 12 immediately stopped Numel, but Numel did not react so quickly and continued to rush forward.


Numel was hit by the "Water Gun" and flew out instantly, then hit the ground hard.

"Numel, how are you?"

No. 12 quickly looked towards the place where Numel was knocked away. Numel fell to the ground and seemed to be unconscious.

"Numel loses combat effectiveness, No. 11 wins~||."

Naturally, the referee also saw that Numel had fallen into a coma. After sending Numel to the Pokémon Center for treatment, he announced the result of the second game.

Now the score is one to one, and then it’s time to watch the last game.

Although Ye Si lost the first game, it was just Rival's good luck. Ye Si will not be careless in the future.

"The third game begins."

"The decision is yours, Charizard."

"Duck-billed Tyrannosaurus, come out."

Ye Si and No. 12 took out Pokémon balls and threw them onto the battlefield. Ye Si's Charizard and the opponent's Duck-billed Tyrannosaurus were summoned.

Two fire Pokémon were summoned on the battlefield, and the air suddenly became hot. Ye Si opened the information panel of the opponent's duck-billed tyrannosaurus.

[Name]: Duck-billed Tyrannosaurus


[Ability]: Flame body

[Level]: Level 41 (Elite)

The duck-billed tyrannosaurus opened its big mouth, and its energy continued to condense, and then a fireball shot towards Charizard.

Ye Si looked at the panel. Although the potential of the platypus in front of her was not high, it was already the highest level Pokémon in Rival. It was probably its trump card.

Seeing Charizard give him a questioning look, Ye Si naturally knew what Charizard was thinking and directly let Charizard fight freely.

However, Charizard flapped his wings symbolically and flew up from the ground, avoiding the fireball.

"How is it possible that after being hit by "Flame Splash", Xu Ran was completely unscathed?"

Charizard was no longer visible on the scene, but Ye Si didn't panic at all, because Charizard was not defeated so easily.

No. 12 immediately Foresight the skill Charizard was about to use and immediately let the duck-billed tyrannosaurus avoid it. The duck-billed tyrannosaurus did not dare to neglect and ran to the right.

Even so, when the duck-billed tyrannosaurus was avoiding the "Flamethrower", its arm was rubbed by the flames, and there was a burn scar on its arm.

"It's 'Flamethrower', get out of the way, duck (Zhao Wang Zhao) Mouth Tyrannosaurus!"

The fireball missed Charizard, but hit the ground at Charizard's feet, and the flames exploded instantly [submerging Charizard.


Charizard looked at Fire Punch's head, with no intention of hiding or even looking at it. He turned to look at Ye Si.

"Just give it your best, don't go too far."

A hurricane blew away the flames. After getting Ye Si's permission, Charizard looked at the duck-billed tyrannosaurus on the ground, its mouth opened wide, and energy continued to gather in the mouth.

Naturally, No. 12 also saw it, but No. 12 did not let the duck-billed tyrannosaurus retreat and chose to continue fighting.

No. 12 did not believe in evil and let the Duck-billed Tyrannosaurus attack again. The energy of the Duck-billed Tyrannosaurus was concentrated in his hands and he struck at Charizard floating in the air with ten moves.

Although No. 12 just lost a game, No. 12 did not receive a blow, and seemed to be very confident in his duck-billed tyrannosaurus.


The energy on the duck-billed tyrannosaurus condensed, and streaks of flaming smoke floated towards Charizard in the air. .

"Flamethrower" accurately hit the ground at the feet of the platypus. Fortunately, the duck-billed tyrannosaurus was reminded just now on the 12th, otherwise another Pokémon would be sent to the hospital now.


"Come on, Duck-billed Tyrannosaurus, let the opponent see our strength and use "Flame Burst"."

The duck-billed Tyrannosaurus punched out, and the energy condensed in his hand instantly condensed into shape, forming a Fire Punch head, which was thrown towards Charizard in the air.


`Duck-billed Tyrannosaurus, use "Fire Punch". "

Charizard glanced at the fireball. For such a fireball, Charizard didn't even feel any threat.

Two gusts of wind blew out from inside the flame, instantly blowing away the flame, revealing Charizard's figure.

No wonder No. 12 was shocked. Charizard was level 59, just one level shy of becoming a quasi-Elite, while the Duck-billed Dragon was only an elite, not even a gym leader.

The Fire Punch head accurately hit the Charizard in the air, and the instant explosion enveloped the entire Charizard.

With a gap of 18 levels, the duck-billed Tyrannosaurus' attack didn't even break through the defense, so it was naturally impossible to hurt Charizard.

The wind just now made Charizard flap his wings, and even though he was engulfed in flames, there was no trace on Charizard's body.

No. 12 looked at Charizard flying into the sky in shock. Although the "flame splash" did not hit Charizard directly, the flames that spattered successfully enveloped Charizard, but Charizard was actually unscathed.

"Duck-billed Tyrannosaurus, use "Lava Plume"."

From Charizard's mouth, a pillar of fire shot out and hit the ground where the duck-billed tyrannosaurus was standing.

[Potential]: Elite

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