After all, one is injured and the other is not injured. Level and Attribute have no effect. No matter how you think about it, the side without injury will win.

Ye Si was still analyzing the battle situation, and No. 4 below also realized this. After lowering his head and thinking for a moment, he raised his head.

"Arbok, use "Stockpile"."

No. 4 gave the order, and the energy in Arbok began to condense, and it continued to condense towards his mouth.

"Pidgeot, be careful, the other party seems to be using some ultimate move."

Out of caution, Lily reminded Pidgeot that the energy gathered by Arbok has exceeded the energy required by Poison Barb.

Pidgeot also stared at Arbok cautiously, and his energy gathered, ready to deal with Arbok's attack at any time.

"Use 'Swallow', Arbok."

The energy in Arbok's body was almost condensed, and then he opened his mouth, and a white Energy Ball floated in his mouth.

"Be careful, Pidgeot."

Lily stared at Arbok's Energy Ball, which contained very powerful energy. I was afraid that Pidgeot would be sent to the Pokémon Center if it received such an attack.

Just as Lily and Pidgeot were on guard against Arbok's attack, Arbok closed his mouth and swallowed the Energy Ball.

Lily was stunned. Wasn't the Energy Ball just an attack?

While Lily was in a daze, a faint white light emerged from Arbok's body, and the wound suffered by Pidgeot was also constantly recovering.

"Healing skills include Stockpile? Pidgeot, use "Wing Attack"."

Lily didn't expect that Stockpile's skill was actually used for healing. She stupidly waited for the opponent's Stockpile to finish. She became angry and asked Pidgeot to launch an attack.

The energy in Pidgeot's body is used on its wings, and then it spreads its wings in the air and swoops down. The wings hit Arbok with colorful lights.

"Arbok, use 'Restraint'."

Seeing Pidgeot flying downwards, No. 4's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked Arbok to use the "Restraint" skill.

Arbok's injuries have also recovered. Facing Pidgeot's "Wing Attack", he is not afraid. He gathers energy and scatters it in various parts of his body to attack Pidgeot.


There was a muffled sound, and Pidgeot's "Wing Attack" hit Arbok hard. Arbok was hurt, but he climbed up along Pidgeot's wings.

Although Pidgeot hit Arbok, Arbok also entangled Pidgeot. Pidgeot couldn't break free and was suddenly at a disadvantage.

"Oops, Pidgeot!"

Lily looked at Pidgeot anxiously. Now Pidgeot was tightly entangled by Arbok and could not fly to Soaring in the sky. As a Flying Pokémon, the battle would basically be over if it could not fly.

"Well done Arbok, use it now."

Ye Si looked at Pidgeot and Arbok and shook his head. The winner was now decided, and it was impossible for Arbok to withstand the attack of "Twister".

Pidgeot flapped its wings, the energy in his body condensed on his body, and he slowly wanted to land on the Ground.

"Huh? Is it 'Fengqi'?"

Lily also smiled coldly, then turned to Pidgeot and said: "Pidgeot, use "Fengqi"."

Ye Si looked at Pidgeot and raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, this Pidgeot actually learned "Feng Qi". Now it seems that Arbok's poison is useless.

Lily suddenly remembered something and gave an order to Pidgeot. The energy in Pidgeot condensed outside, and a ball of sand blew towards Arbok's face.

"I actually learned such a powerful healing skill..."

Lily looked at Arbok and actually entered "Twister" directly. She had to admit that No. 4 was also a ruthless person.

The big bird (cafc) took advantage of the opportunity and flapped its wings to fly into the air to prevent Arbok from continuing to pester him after he recovered.

"Haha, what if it flies into the air? Pidgeot has been poisoned and won't last long. You'd better admit defeat."

"In this case, I will use the strongest attack. 11

Number 4 looked at Twister and said to Arbok: "Arbok, don't be afraid, just go ahead, pass through Rival's attack, and use "Belch" on Rival."

Seeing Arbok taking the opportunity to crawl over, Pidgeot flapped his wings, and strong winds blew out from the wings and condensed in front of him.

Lily looked anxious when she saw Pidgeot being held tightly by Arbok, but she couldn't get up.

Arbok was still biting Pidgeot, when suddenly sand hit his face, and some sand flew into his eyes. Arbok's eyes hurt, and he let go of Pidgeot, rolling on the ground.

Three poisonous needles were inserted into Pidgeot's body, and the wounds instantly turned black, showing the intensity of the poison.

"Don't even try, Pidgeot, use "Twister"

Pidgeot slowly fell to the ground, a dim light emitting from his body. The wounds caused by Arbok were constantly recovering, and the Black poison in his body was also emitting black gas and dissipating in the air.

No. 4 saw Pidgeot flying into the air without any panic [Lily said with a sneer.

Looking at Pidgeot, No. 4 didn't expect that this healing skill was so powerful. It healed all the wounds and toxins at once.


No. 4 smiled coldly, Arbok condensed energy in his mouth, and three needles shot out from his mouth. Pidgeot was bitten tightly by Arbok and could not dodge.

But it's useless, Arbok will never come out inside. .

Soon, a Twister condensed and stood in front of Pidgeot. Some surrounding objects were blown up by the strong wind and flew into the Twister.

No. 4 seized the opportunity and gave instructions to Arbok. Arbok opened his big mouth and bit Pidgeot hard.

"Arbok, use "Poison Barb"."

The outcome has been decided.

"You actually let your Pokémon sneak into Twister. You are really cruel.

No. 4 glanced at Arbok. Arbok nodded, gathered energy on his body, used "Restraint", and wrapped around Pidgeot who fell on the ground.

Although there was nothing serious about Pidgeot's action, the wound punctured by the "Poison Barb" had turned black and was still spreading outwards, making it look very dangerous.

"Pidgeot, use "Sand Attack"."


Arbok nodded, faced the strong wind, and headed into the "Twister", and was instantly swallowed by the "Twister".

"The outcome is still uncertain. You think I'm going to lose so early. You're underestimating me."


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