Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1100: It's so lively tonight


Why did Teacher Xu come here too?

Lin Feng's heart at this time was simply 10,000 grass-and-mud horses whizzing past. He knew that tonight would not be so safe to pass through. As expected, the moths came one by one. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā. . Pinshu

"Damn it, why doesn't this teacher Xu come early or late, but come here at this time?"

Looking at Lin Feng, who was already in the "bed", Luo Qingqing pouted unwillingly.

"Sister Qingqing, what's that? Teacher Xu is outside, I...what do I do?"

At this critical moment when a slight mistake was enough to detonate several atomic bombs, Lin Feng was absolutely afraid to act rashly.

He had no choice but to look at Luo Qingqing who was sitting on him with a pitiful face, intending to obey Luo Qingqing's command.

"Boy, you tell her that you are asleep. Let her talk about it tomorrow."

Luo Qingqing, who was not reconciled, took his breath and said quietly.

"No way! Sister Qingqing, Teacher Xu will definitely not believe it. Didn't you believe it just now, and then insisted on coming in?" Lin Feng said helplessly.

"Let you talk, what nonsense?" Luo Qingqing squeezed Lin Feng and urged.

At this time, Xu Minjing, who was outside the'door', was a little anxious and knocked on the'door' and shouted, "Lin Feng..."

"Hey! Teacher Xu, I...I'm asleep, you...what's the matter with you, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Lin Feng "pretended to sleep" once again under Luo Qingqing's intimidation.

"No! Lin Feng, if you don't talk to you, I...I can't sleep. Moreover, I will fly back to the capital tomorrow morning and I won't have the opportunity to be alone with you again. Will you open the door, OK?"

Xu Minjing outside the ‘door’ said with a very firm attitude, “If you don’t open the ‘door’ for me, I will stand at the ‘door’ of your room all night and wait.”

Hearing Xu Minjing’s words, Lin Feng looked at Luo Qingqing helplessly, made an expression of "I said it earlier," and asked, "Sister Qing Qing, what should I do now? Teacher Xu seems to insist on coming in. Or, I'll open the door for her? You quickly tidy up your clothes and don't be too messy."

"What's the whole thing? What would she think if she let Teacher Xu see that I was still in your room so late? And...huh...I also want to know that Teacher Xu came to you so late? What do you want to do?"

Since there was no other way but to open the'door' for Xu Minjing to let her in, Luo Qingqing scanned Lin Feng's bedroom, got out of the'bed' and walked quickly to the big closet where she thought Xu Minjing was hiding inside.

"Boy, don't make any noise. I'm hiding inside! Go open the door for Teacher Xu!"

Gently opened the'door' of the closet, Xu Minjing shrank and hid in, but did not close the'door' of the closet, but left a small gap with one eye slipping. Staring outside.

"Okay! It's really lively this time, Sister Tongtong is still invisible in the room, and now when Teacher Xu comes, Sister Qingqing is hiding again. God! What is this going to do!"

At this moment, Lin Feng came to realize that the smoke and the flames of war that had been eaten late was just a small appetizer.

And now, the real big curtain has officially begun. But Lin Feng was already completely overwhelmed by the difficulty of riding a tiger. Even if he was a cultivator who could perform various magic spells, he couldn't think of a better way to solve the current predicament.

Luo Qingqing hid in the closet, and Xu Minjing waited for him to open the ‘door’ outside the ‘door’. Lin Feng once again looked at Li Yutong, who was invisible, with his helpless eyes.

But Li Yutong had no choice but to make a wry smile, letting Lin Feng ask for more blessings.

"Okay! Go to death! Let the storm come harder! Little master, I have never seen this in the world, so I am afraid of this?"

Having plucked up his courage, Lin Feng got off the'bed' and walked to the'door', opening the'door' with a squeak.

But immediately after opening the'door', Lin Feng was stunned.

"Lin Feng, why did you wait so long to open the'door'? Are you afraid that I will catch a cold outside?"

Xu Minjing's voice was charming, and she smiled charmingly at Lin Feng and said.

However, the voice is not the point, and the charming smile is not the highlight. Lin Feng's eyes were about to bulge out, at this time Xu Minjing was wearing a translucent close-fitting lace suit, which was so thin that people felt a little distressed, but it was so hot that people couldn't help but boil with blood.

"Xu... Teacher Xu, you... why did you come here in this way?"

Lin Feng only felt that he was full of enthusiasm, this is basically attracting tourists to commit crimes!

And Li Yutong, who was invisible in the room, suddenly had such an expression, because the lace outfit Xu Minjing was wearing was picked from her wardrobe.

At that time, Li Yutong wondered why Xu Minjing picked this style, but now he understands everything. It turns out that Xu Minjing had prepared it early in the morning!

As for Luo Qingqing, who was hiding in the closet, seeing Xu Minjing dressing up like a ‘door’ in the middle of the night, he narrowed his eyes angrily and spit out "Fox ‘Fox’!"

However, looking at Xu Minjing's graceful figure, matched with this dress, it really looks very "female". Li Yutong couldn't help feeling jealous in her heart, and comforted herself in her heart, "What's this? If I wear this way, it's not bad for her."

"What's the matter? Lin Feng, don't you like it when I wear it like this?" Xu Minjing pursed her small mouth and snorted, said.

"No...No, Teacher Xu, I..."

Just as Lin Feng was about to explain, Xu Minjing blocked his mouth with a finger, and said dissatisfied, "Lin Feng, didn't we say it? From now on, no matter what occasion you are, you are not allowed to call me teacher again~www .wuxiaspot.com~Because...now you have graduated from high school, and I am no longer your head teacher. From now on, you will call my name Minjing directly. Have you heard that?"

"Well...Okay! Minjing, you came so far from the capital today, isn't it tiring to work all day? It's so late, or go back to the room early to rest, what can we say... we'll talk tomorrow... …"

Faced with Xu Minjing like this, Lin Feng is really a little hard to resist the ‘temptation’ and ‘confusion’, but now there are two other ‘female’ in the room, he can’t do anything!

Therefore, instead of suffering in this way, Lin Feng might as well suggest Xu Minjing and let her go back to the room quickly.

"I'm not tired! Lin Feng, I...I miss you very much. I haven't seen you in these two months. I was in the capital alone. I really have trouble sleeping and eating. I didn't know what I was thinking. Exactly what I think, but this time I received your text message, there was a strong voice in my heart, it told me that I must come back to you...let you know my mind..."

Xu Minjing stepped closer to Lin Feng and confessed affectionately.


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