Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 129: Mayor's daughter

"Also? Yanran...what are you looking for Lei Feng? Do you know what Lei Feng I am talking about?"

Upon hearing this, Hong Fangfang put down his phone, tilted his head, and asked strangely.

"Fangfang, first talk about the Lei Feng you're looking for... Why do you say that it's your mother's life?" Qin Yanran asked back, she already had a rough guess in her heart.

"Yan Ran, my mother's heart has always been bad, and it's very dangerous now... But I can't bear even the risk of surgery. The experts at the municipal hospital dare not perform surgery on my mother. However, I heard yesterday that the municipal hospital The day before yesterday, a classmate who called himself Lei Feng appeared in the uniform of our No. 1 High School. He did a good job without leaving a name. He sent an old grandmother who had a heart attack to the hospital and treated her heart disease with a kind of "Shen Shui". It's..."

Hong Fangfang quickly told Qin Yanran what he had heard from the nurse sister Liu Yanru yesterday, and said with some worry on her face, "Yanran, this thing sounds a little weird. But whether it's true or false, there is something It may be the only chance to save my mother. I must find this classmate Lei Feng."

"Fangfang, I can tell you. This thing is absolutely true..."

After listening to Hong Fangfang's narration, Qin Yanran smiled slightly, and it was as she guessed it. The Lei Feng Hong Fangfang was looking for was the one who saved his grandma.

"Really? Yanran, you... why are you so sure?" Hong Fangfang said strangely and suspiciously.

"Because... Fangfang, the grandmother who was rescued by the kind Lei Feng classmate at the municipal hospital the day before yesterday is my grandma. I heard that my grandma was in an accident, so I rushed to the hospital immediately... It turns out that my grandma's heart really recovered to the healthy level of her twenties and thirties... so this incident is absolutely true!"

As soon as Qin Yanran's voice fell, Hong Fangfang became excited, grabbed her excitedly, and eagerly asked: "Then Yanran...What does Lei Feng look like? Do you know what grade and class of our school is it? Go find him and beg him to heal my mother."

Originally, Hong Fangfang was still worrying about how to find Lei Feng, who did good deeds without leaving his name, among the boys in the school, but he didn't expect that his deskmate Qin Yan turned out to be the granddaughter of the rescued grandmother the day before yesterday. After Qin Yanran confirmed the authenticity of this incident, Hong Fangfang was even more eager to find this classmate Lei Feng quickly.

However, in the face of such anxious Hong Fangfang, Qin Yanran could only helplessly smile and said: "Fangfang, when I rushed to the hospital, that Lei Feng classmate had already left. So, now I am just like you. I am also looking for this classmate Lei Feng! Thank him for saving my grandma..."

"Yeah! Yanran, what you just said... You are also looking for this Lei Feng! Hey... There are so many boys in our No. 1 Middle School, do you really want me to ask them one by one?"

Sighing, Hong Fangfang said helplessly.

"Fangfang, this is not necessary. Although I have not seen the classmate Lei Feng who does good deeds without leaving his name, my grandma remembers what he looks like, and started painting his appearance yesterday. Fangfang, don't worry. Grandma’s painter can at least restore more than 90% of his looks. When we are holding the portrait, are we afraid that we will not find this unnamed Lei Feng in school?"

Qin Yanran relieved Hong Fangfang. She had 100% confidence in her grandma's painter. Grandma Ye Huiqin is the most famous and experienced female painter since the founding of the People's Republic of China. She once existed in the painting circle with Qi Baishi and Xu Beihong, and later became a master of painting in the Central Academy of Fine Arts. It is too easy to draw this classmate Lei Feng.

"Portrait? That's good, thank you, Yan Ran! With your grandma's portrait... we can definitely find that classmate..."

Hong Fangfang smiled and said, and then suddenly seemed to remember something, suddenly widened her eyes, pointed at Qin Yanran and suddenly realized, "Yanran, the old lady who was rescued by classmates Ye is always your grandma? And sister Yanru told me. Ye Lao’s daughter is the Mayor Chen of our Zhi'an City. Doesn’t that... mean... Yanran, Mayor Chen is your mother?"

"Hush! Fangfang, keep your voice down... I don't want everyone to know that my mother is the mayor!"

After Hong Fangfang discovered this secret, Qin Yanran hurriedly covered her small mouth and made a "hush" gesture, then whispered to Hong Fangfang, "Fangfang, remember to keep it secret!"


Hong Fangfang nodded in surprise, and after Qin Yanran let go of her, she asked quietly, "Yanran, are you hiding too deeply? I have been at the same table with you for three years... I didn't even know that your mother was. Mayor Chen! No wonder... No wonder every parent meeting, your parents didn’t come... We all thought that your parents were very relieved of the first school bully of your grade, so I felt that there was no need to hold a parent meeting. of……"

At this time, Hong Fangfang connected everything together, and finally understood that Qin Yanran was the mayor's daughter. If this news spreads out, I am afraid it will be enough to make the entire Zhi'an School a sensation. However, she also really admires Qin Yanran's secrecy work so well, I am afraid that no one in the school knows that she is the mayor's daughter.

"Yan Ran~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I really envy you! Not only do you look beautiful and sweet, but you also always rank first in the school. The family background is so good, there is a mayor’s mother..."

What is Bai Fumi? This is Bai Fumei!

At this time, in the eyes of Hong Fangfang, Qin Yanran, who combines beauty, wisdom and good family background, is simply a representative of Bai Fumei. Knowing that Qin Yanran is the mayor's daughter, Hong Fangfang is even more inferior and envious.

"Fangfang, don't say that. Actually, I...I am not as happy as you said. I...I don't have a father anymore, and my mother has been busy with work since I was a child, and I don’t have much time to accompany me... basically Grandma is taking care of me..."

However, upon hearing Hong Fangfang’s enviable words, Qin Yanran could only shook her head with a wry smile, and said, "You may all think that I have such a good academic performance, so there should be nothing to worry about... But, hehe...speak up, Fangfang, you won’t believe it, but I envy you even more. Every parent meeting, the classmates in the class are severely criticized by their parents because of their poor grades... How much I hope that my parents can come too Participating in a parent conference... I would rather my academic performance is not so good, maybe... as long as I have a bad exam, my mother will spend more time caring about my studies instead of busying her work all day..."

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