Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1321: Smash the place

"Whether gambling is harmful to the country, society or family, it is infinite. [WWWw.SuiMеng.lā... But why are these farmers obsessed with not understanding?"

Seeing farmers and village ‘women’ entering and leaving these underground casinos, Zhou Yun’s heart can be said to be cramped. Because of her interviews in Zhi'an City over the past few years, she has received many cases of gambling family destruction. However, she is just an ordinary reporter. Apart from the ‘door’ of the Ministry of Public Security’s appeal for the renovation of these casinos, she can’t help them much at all.

The wind of gambling has been repeatedly banned and is a very serious disease in Zhi'an City. As a result, even reporters with a sense of justice as Zhou Yun are about to give up reporting and exposing this area, because there is not much effect at all.

"Lin Feng, I'm already at the entrance of the market in Dunxu Town. Where are you? I'm looking for you."

Standing at the ‘door’ of the market, Zhou Yun called Lin Feng to tell Lin Feng that she had arrived.

"Sister Yun, you are waiting at the market, we will go over."

After receiving Zhou Yun's call, Lin Feng smiled slightly and said to her mother, "Let's go! Mom, sister Yun has arrived, let's go together. It just so happens that the underground casinos are all near the market entrance."

"Then the relationship is good, Xiao Feng, how do you plan to expose those underground casinos with Reporter Zhou?" Lin Mu asked.

"Confidentiality! When you get to the casino, mom, you know. Come with me and smash their place!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, and after walking for about five or six minutes, he arrived at the market in Dunxu Town.

Although it is a busy season for farming, there are many farmers entering and exiting the entrances of various underground casinos, and even some farmers have just returned from the fields, still covered in mud and can’t wait to get in with money. The casino.

Zhou Yun happened to be standing at the ‘intersection’ of these casinos. She was uncomfortable all over. What she heard and saw was the scene of the peasant being caught in this gambling game.

"Haha... I was lucky today and won more than a thousand. Come, come, treat! Treat, take whatever you want!"

A young man in his early twenties took his grandfather Mao and walked to the canteen at the entrance of the market with a smile, and greeted those he knew around him to drink drinks and snacks. The owner of the commissary greeted him happily, with a smile on his face saying "Aquatic, good luck! I won again!"

"Shuisheng, good luck today! Tsk tsk, I'm not feeling lucky today, and I lost hundreds of dollars! Several days of work have been done for nothing. When I get back the two thousand yuan from selling oranges tomorrow, I will go back to the book. I hope I can win money just like you..."

The farmer man in his forties said with envy when he saw that this young man named aquatic won over 1,000.

"Eat, eat, don’t be polite to me, this is one hundred yuan, boss! Everyone’s food is mine. If you eat more, you don’t need to look for it. It's a pity. Haha! I have to take advantage of the victory and play a few more thirteen cards..."

After winning more than a thousand yuan of aquatic beauty, after he came out for a lap, he couldn't help holding the money in his hand and went into another casino.

But in less than two minutes, Shui Sheng came out crying, frowning, and ran to the'door' of the canteen, and asked timidly, "Boss! Just... where is the money you just found?"

"No! It's still thirty-five yuan! I'm looking for you to get it..." the owner of the commissary said, spreading his hands.

"Where did I have it. It was too bad just now. I had won a few hundred yuan, but I was all on impulse."

Shui Sheng said with an annoyed look, then gritted his teeth and said to the commissary owner, "Boss, you lend me five hundred yuan and let me go back to it. If I win, I will pay you one hundred more."

"Go go...My little business, where can I lend you money. Why don't you go to Dafa Brother if you want to borrow money? Dafa Brother does this exclusively."

As soon as he heard that Shui Sheng had not only lost all but also asked himself to borrow money, the owner of the commissary immediately put on a stinky face and pointed to the ‘door’ of a store on the other end.

"Brother Dafa? No, no, no...I'm not going! I have my life to borrow the money from him, but I have no life to pay it back. Forget it, I'll go home and drink Northwest Wind!"

The sound of water looked at the store on the other side, and quickly shook his head. Brother Dafa is one of the bosses who specialize in ‘door’ and ‘make’ loan sharks. The Ma Tsai under his hand is not easy to deal with. I heard that one of his hands still has human lives in it! But for those who owed money to Brother Dafa, almost no one dared to repay the bill. The only one who owed him money was cut off by Dafa Brother.

Although because of this, one of Dafa's men was sentenced to several years in prison, but this also made Dafa's reputation in this area more established.

"That's right. Two days ago, Guiliang didn't ask Dafa Brother to borrow 200,000 yuan to turn over the book. Then I heard that today's profit has risen to 500,000. Hey! I guess Guiliang's money I definitely can’t pay it back. If it’s not for selling my wife and children, I’ll have my hands and feet severed."

The owner of the commissary sighed, shook his head and said. And when he said this, he slightly shrank his right hand. If anyone was careful, he could find that the little finger of the right hand of the shop owner was broken. He was also a senior gambler at the beginning, and he also borrowed a loan shark to make a profit and finally lost. He couldn't repay the money and was cut off by a finger.

So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Later the owner of this commissary learned from the lesson and decided not to gambling anymore. Instead, a small shop was opened around this casino, which also made a lot of money. But the gamblers around him made him seem to have seen his past every time, and they were always warning in his heart.

"What is Guiliang afraid of? Isn't the horse paid back after he owed 200,000 yuan? He is now able to bear it. There is a nephew of a champion, the heroic restaurant in Zhi'an City, have you heard of it? Now it is the most famous in our city. The hotel is a mere 500,000 yuan. As long as he begs his elder sister Guizhu, he will definitely give it to him." Shui Sheng said with some envy, "If I have such a great eldest sister, I must also go to Dafa Brother to borrow money. Turned over."

"Guizhu? Shuisheng, take a look...Is it the one in front? I've seen it once in the past two years." The commissary boss pointed at Lin Feng and his party who came here with sharp eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes... it's her. It must be her son Lin Feng who is walking next to her. We are the number one scholar in Zhi'an City! I saw it on TV a few days ago. I guess they brought money today. The redeemer, Gui Liang is really **** lucky, there is a big sister who loves him so much." The God of Water also turned his head and stared at him, and said more envy.


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