Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 154: 1 goal

"It's your turn again! Lin Feng, you ran out of luck and you have the ability. You can enter another one for me this time..."

Full of provocative words, Lu Hao threw the ball directly at Lin Feng. Lin Feng smiled without saying a word. He directly picked up the ball. This time he didn't even aim. He just casually threw the basketball towards the rim with one hand. It was even worse than the angle of the ball last time. Maybe a goal.

However, something that stunned everyone again happened. The basketball turned again. In mid-air, the basketball shot by Lin Feng turned again.

"Turning again? Isn't it... there is wind again?"

"No! It's not a turn, it's... a spin! You stared at the basketball seriously, you whirled it in the air, and then the direction immediately changed..."


The gaze of the audience once again focused on the ball shot by Lin Feng in the air. Everyone stared intently, without blinking. Hold your breath and follow the trajectory of the ball until the sound of a goal sounded, and the audience fell into dead silence again.

"In! Lin Feng has entered again..."

"The ball is spinning, Lin Feng deliberately, he... is really a basketball player?"

"Unexpectedly, Lin Feng is really hidden, this hand is really amazing! It is too cool to be able to turn the basketball in the air!"


The first goal can be said to be coincidence and luck, but Lin Feng's second goal was still scored in such a strange way. It instantly detonated the audience, and a discerning person could tell at a glance that this is Lin Feng's strength, the powerful strength that can control basketball turning in mid-air.

"Lin Feng, come on! Eight more!"

I don't know who started it. When the first cheer for Lin Feng sounded, the other middle school students also responded immediately, cheering for Lin Feng.

"The second middle school dog abused to death! Lin Feng, you are our hero, come on and score!"

"Lin Feng, you have to stand up! As long as we score every goal like this, we will win!"

"Let the second middle school dog get out of our first middle school! Lin Feng, come on!"


Facing the great shame of No. 1 Middle School, when everyone saw the opportunity for shame, they immediately turned their guns to the outside world, no longer mocking Lin Feng, and all cheering for Lin Feng in unison.

"Again... I scored again! Lin Feng scored again. This is certainly not a coincidence and luck. Fangfang, Lin Feng turned out to be... so good at basketball? Then I just... didn't I misunderstand him again? "

The school girl Qin Yanran was a little startled when he saw Lin Feng scored the second goal again.

It turned out that the confident words Lin Feng just said were really not bragging. He really had the strength to beat Lu Hao. But he didn't believe him at all. When he was sincere and eager to trust him, he still misunderstood that he was betting on himself as a commodity.

"Yeah! Yanran, I really didn't expect it! Lin Feng still has such a hand, but... then Lu Hao is not an ordinary player. He is a provincial-level athlete. I heard that Lu Hao made three-pointers and he was in good condition. At the time, he was hitting ten. Even if his performance is a little abnormal, he can make eight or nine. Now both of them have only scored two each. It might be possible to win or lose!"

Although Hong Fangfang was surprised by Lin Feng's performance in both shots, she is a more realistic and rational person. After all, Lu Hao's strength and reputation are beyond. Lin Feng wants to really beat Lu Hao by ten goals. In Hong Fangfang's view, she is still More difficult.

In the court, when the audience shouted to cheer for Lin Feng, Lu Hao became even more frustrated. He grabbed the basketball with one hand and stared at Lin Feng fiercely. He continued provocatively: "Unexpectedly, Lin Feng, You really have a lot of trouble. So you are pretending to be a pig and a tiger, pretending not to shoot. However, even if it is a skill, I am not afraid of anyone, watching football..."

After speaking, Lu Hao bounced again and shot a ball, a beautiful parabola, and the ball went in again.

"Lu Hao! It's enough for you to behave in one of ours. Today... I, Lin Feng, will let me get out as you get in!"

Grabbing the basketball, Lin Feng also jumped up and shot again, this time it was a bit more standard, but the same basketball rotated in mid-air to fine-tune the direction, and then went in again.

For the third goal, both of them scored again. Lu Hao knew that Lin Feng was fighting with him, so he calmed down and stopped provoking Lin Feng. Instead, he dribbled and aimed wholeheartedly. He knew that he had run into a formidable opponent, so he didn't allow himself to make any mistakes.

"Go! Now!"

With Lu Hao's cry, the fourth goal!

When Lin Feng saw this, he picked up the ball with ease, jumped up and threw it, the basketball turned again and hit the fourth ball.

Fifth ball, Lu Haozhong, Lin Fengzhong!

For the sixth ball, Lu Hao's ball turned around the basket. Obviously, Lu Hao was a little distracted after continuous shooting, and his head was slightly worse. However, the ball shot by Lin Feng still turned a corner in the air as always, and finally scored properly.

"Damn it! How could Lin Feng score goals like this every time? Wouldn't he be disappointed at all?"

Lu Hao, who was completely annoyed by Lin Feng, had already begun to become impatient. But he still forced himself to calm down, shot the seventh ball steadily, hit the rebound and bounced into the frame.

"Tsk tusk... Lu Hao! It seems that your level of provincial level athletes is not very good! Look at me..."

Whoosh! Huh...

Lin Feng is now very familiar with using water vapor to control the rotation of the basketball to change direction and score goals. Even if the basketball is thrown out randomly in his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he can make an adjustment in mid-air to ensure that the ball can enter the frame.

"You...huh! Lin Feng, don't be arrogant too early. Now you and I have scored seven goals. I'll talk about it when you really win."

As the main force of the provincial youth basketball team, how has Lu Hao ever been laughed at for his level of basketball?

Therefore, Lin Feng's words completely irritated him, allowing him to concentrate and move more, clutching the basketball, jumping up and making a very beautiful arc to score the eighth goal.

Lin Feng immediately followed and made a goal again without showing any weakness. The ninth goal was the same. Lu Hao forced himself to concentrate and made it. Lin Feng was also in the midair under the numb gaze of everyone. The basketball turned a corner and the ninth goal was scored.


On the basketball court, Lin Feng and Lu Hao both made nine three-pointers and both scored smoothly. In a ten-ball game, there is only one ball left.

This is a decisive goal. Whoever can hit is invincible. If the opponent makes a mistake, then the side that hits the ball wins.

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