Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1714: wrong! wrong!

With so many bodyguards staring at Li Yutong, it is difficult for her to fly with her wings inserted.

Li Xiangui felt that his arrangement was absolutely foolproof. In this way, it was much better than forcing Li Yutong to stun Li Yutong. After all, a stunning beauty lying in a coma, and a stunning beauty who took the initiative to scratch her head and behaved in a variety of ways, the difference is not even the slightest difference.

"Uncle San, don't worry, I will definitely serve that big man and will not let you down."

Casting a wink, Li Yutong said with a smile. However, she couldn't help but laugh in her heart, secretly saying that Lin Feng's stomach was full of bad water, and it was obvious that he could solve the problem straightforwardly, so she wanted to turn around like this to make things straight.

At this time, in Wansheng Imperial Court No.1 Villa, since Lin's father and Lin's mother knew that this villa was given to them by Li Xiangui, Lin's mother liked it everywhere. It was so big, so luxurious, with so many rooms and the swimming pool. Big……


Almost all the shortcomings that Lin Mu had censored just now have now become her strengths, making Wang Zhongjun who accompany him very ashamed.

However, Luo Qingqing and Luo Mu were not so particular about them. After visiting the villa for a few times, they felt satisfied in all aspects.

However, Luo Qingqing saw that Lin Feng hadn't come for a long time, so he asked Lin and Mother Lin: "Uncle Lin, Aunt Zhang, where did the stinky boy go? Why did he drive away halfway?"

It turned out that Luo Qingqing felt that Lin Feng had gone to a private meeting with other girls, and she became jealous in her heart.

"Qingqing, Xiao Feng said that there seems to be something important to deal with, and he will come over in a while."

Lin's mother now puts all her thoughts on this free mansion, and she is not so concerned about the whereabouts of her son Lin Feng, anyway, he just does nothing wrong.

Just at this moment, Lin Feng smiled and walked in from the door of the villa, and said to his parents who were looking at the swimming pool in the backyard: "Parents! Is this villa still satisfactory?"

"Yo! Lin... Lin Feng, you are back."

Seeing Lin Feng's return, Wang Zhongjun breathed a sigh of relief, but as Lin Feng had explained, in front of his parents, don't call him Elder Lin, just call him by name.

"En! Uncle Wang, thank you very much."

Lin Feng nodded and looked at his parents again. Seeing their expressions, he was very satisfied with the villa.

"Boy, where did you go? Just leave us here as soon as you get to the capital?" Luo Qingqing grumbled.

"Hey! Sister Qingqing, I just went to make money." Lin Feng smiled.

"Make money? Just leave for a while, how much money can you make?" Luo Qingqing said disdainfully.

"Oh! This is a lot! I made a lot of money just now!"

Speaking of the money he made, Lin Feng was also happy in his heart. Although he is not short of money now, he moved his lips to earn 1.5 billion Li Xiangui. After a while, he can still watch him collapse. This is very pleasing. thing.

"Lin Feng, you just came back. Take a step to speak..."

Seeing Lin Feng's return, Wang Zhongjun remembered the "beauty trick" arranged by Li Xiangui, so he quickly pulled him aside and whispered, "This time, Patriarch Li has arranged for you a beautiful woman with beautiful national beauty, how about? If Elder Lin wants to come with me, Patriarch Li has already made arrangements."

"Oh? The beauty of the country and the heavens? Tsk tsk, Uncle Wang, why are you so troubled? Sure enough, Elder Wang was very right to send you over."

Lin Feng said with a smile of "I understand".

"Then... Elder Lin, you can go with me to Villa 19 now! Patriarch Li has arranged everything there." Seeing that Lin Feng is indeed a man of temperament, Wang Zhongjun relieved his heart. I'm afraid Lin Feng won't eat this set at all.

But if you want to come to Lin Feng at a young age, how could you not like women? Moreover, even if Lin Feng is not that interested, as long as he sees Li Yutong's photos, he will probably be fascinated.

"What are you going to do there? Uncle Wang, you asked Patriarch Li to bring people over." Lin Feng said on purpose.

"Ah? Bring it here? This...the father and the Lingtang are here, and the girl Qingqing is here, is that okay?" Wang Zhongjun was taken aback for a moment and asked.

"What's wrong? Let Patriarch Li lead someone over!"

Lin Feng said again, Wang Zhongjun was not easy to refute, and nodded in response: "Okay! Then I'll hang up with Patriarch Li."

After all, Wang Zhongjun walked outside the villa and dialed Li Xiangui's cell phone.

"Hey! Brother Wang, just right, I have already done it, and my niece Li Yutong will definitely take care of Mr. Lin..."

After receiving a call from Wang Zhongjun, Li Xiangui said cheerfully, "Why don't you think of a way to bring Mr. Lin here alone? Be careful, don't be discovered by Mrs. Lin."

"Wrong! Wrong! Patriarch Li, you made a mistake..." Wang Zhongjun shouted.

"What's wrong? Where is it wrong?"

Li Xiangui couldn't figure it out and said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it was the wrong person. The big man I told you before was not Mr. Lin..." Wang Zhongjun shouted.

"It's not him? Who is that? If it's not him, I think Brother Wang, why are you so respectful to him?" Li Xiangui was also taken aback when he heard this.

"It's not this Mr. Lin, it's his son. I can't make it clear to you about his identity. However, I dare to assure you that as long as you take good care of him, you will definitely be able to make your Li family fly." Wang Zhongjun said.

"That Mr. Lin's son? This... he seems to be only over 40 years old. Isn't his son over 20 years old at most? This is the big man you are talking about? Brother Wang, are you sure?"

Li Xiangui was confused now and asked.

"I promise! Okay, you quickly bring your niece of your stunning beauty to Villa No. 1. As long as things are done, what are your Li family afraid of?" Wang Zhongjun emphasized.

"Take it over? Is this...really good?" Li Xiangui hesitated, after all, there are three female relatives, Mother Lin and Luo Qingqing, and Mother Luo.

"It was said by the big man himself! Hurry up, bring it here, we are all grasshoppers on a rope now, can I still pit you out?" Wang Zhongjun urged.

"Okay! I'll take her over immediately..."

With Wang Zhongjun’s promise, Li Xiangui didn’t doubt anything, so he called Li Yutong and hurried over to Villa No. 1. He didn’t even know that the so-called big man in Wang Zhongjun’s mouth was actually just now. I have seen it, and spent 1.5 billion yuan to send him away.

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