Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1750: Ghost hit the wall

Li Kai and Muronghui, who were trapped in the puzzle, could only hear each other's voices, but could not see each other at all. It's like a ghost hitting a wall in the legend. After being fascinated by the ghost, it has been spinning around in place, unable to get out.

"Ahui! Don't worry, continue talking to me, we shout to each other..."

Upon seeing this, Li Kai started to think quickly in his mind. He deserves to be the top hacker in China, and sometimes some puzzles are created based on certain mathematical principles.

Therefore, Li Kai began to speculate on the distance between himself and Muronghui and the method of cracking.

"Brother Kai! What should I do? Are you alone? Where is the boss? Where are the others?"

In the darkness, Muronghui was a little at a loss, but fortunately Li Kai was with him nearby. Although I can't see Li Kai's figure, at least I can hear the voice. If someone communicates, it is not so scary.

"Yes! I just chased it, the boss is going to solve the blood-clothed ghost, right?"

Listening carefully to Muronghui's voice, Li Kai traveled through the sound at a speed of 340 meters per second, and then quickly calculated the distance of Muronghui in his mind.

After that, he moved a distance of about ten meters to the left and continued to talk to Muronghui. After hearing Muronghui's echo, he once again determined the straight-line distance to Muronghui.

In this way, the intersection of the two straight lines must be the exact position Muronghui is now.

"Found it! Ahui, stand still and don't move! I am looking for you..."

After determining Muronghui's position, Li Kai ran forward quickly, about 50 meters away. When he called again, he found that Muronghui's voice was about 30 meters away from him.

"Brother Kai, where are you? Are you here? Didn't you say that my distance has been determined?" Muronghui waited for a long time, but did not wait for Li Kai, and became anxious again, shouting.

"No! Why is it wrong? Obviously, through the calculation of the sound distance, the error is at most within five meters, but why...why can't I see Ahui's figure?"

Standing still, Li Kai was helpless. His proud IQ was crushed by this ghost. This is simply unforgivable.

"Brother Kai! Where are you?"

Seeing that Li Kai had not found himself, Muronghui moved and looked for him.

"Wait! Ahui, why are you walking around the bend?"

Hearing Muronghui’s voice, Li Kai automatically calculated his movement trajectory in his mind. The result showed that Muronghui was completely walking in a circle, and he walked about ten meters and returned to the starting point. The origin.

However, when Muronghui heard this voice, he immediately denied: "Where is it? Brother Kai, I have been walking forward! There is no turning at all..."

"Right! This is the crux of the problem, Ahui! I know... You stand where you are, wait for me a while, I will definitely find you."

There was a flash of light in his mind, and Li Kai immediately remembered some records about the trail of the desert, saying that the steps between the left and right legs of people are not exactly the same, so if there is no reference, you think you are walking in a straight line. In fact, it's just a big circle.

Therefore, when those explorers travel in the desert, they are often careless, and they will easily go back to the origin, and they must walk according to the compass and other direction reference objects.

In their situation, the illusion that their vision was completely made by ghosts was plunged into darkness, and they couldn’t see anything at all. So at this moment, the straight line you thought you were walking might be misguided, and finally It's just a circle.

"It turned out to be like this! This weird place hides such a weird phenomenon... Ok! Since you, a ghost, let us walk in a circle, then I will show it to you!"

Immediately, Li Kai started to calculate quickly in his mind, including his own speed and footsteps, as well as Muronghui's footsteps and speed, the current position of the two, and then the distance between them.

"Okay! Ahui, listen to me, at your current speed, continue to move forward with your feelings! Don't stop, keep a constant speed..."

The close calculations in his mind made Li Kai feel confident this time, he let Muronghui walk straight like this, the final rule of motion will be a circle, and he himself will also walk straight in that direction at a certain speed, and the final trajectory is also A circle.

However, the difference from the previous one is that the trajectories of these two circles will be tangent at exactly one point, and the trajectories of the two previously are separated.

However, this requires an accurate calculation. As Li Kai walks, he is calculating the time and distance in his mind, and the voice sent back by Muronghui is constantly correcting the time. After thirty-eight seconds, he will be Muronghui. Just when he reached the tangent point of the two circles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Kai immediately shouted: "Stop! Ahui, don't move now! Just stand there, I think we will meet in a while ..."

Sure enough, this time, when Li Kai also reached the tangent point of the two circles, although the two still couldn't see each other, they could clearly feel that the distance between the two was within easy reach.

"Ahui! I'm here..."

Li Kai felt that Muronghui was in the front where he could reach with his hand. He reached out but couldn't touch it, as if the two were in different spaces.

"What's going on? Brother Kai, I obviously feel that you are right in front of me, why can't I touch you?" Muronghui also stretched out his hand to touch it, but also felt a hole.

"It must be the ghost. Even if I find you in the right place, but still can't touch each other, what should I do? What should we do? We are trapped here like this, not only can't get out, we can't even meet... "

It took a lot of hard work to find Muronghui, but he couldn't get along, and Li Kai was also worried.

But at this moment, Muronghui suddenly had an idea and said, "Brother Kai! If this is a ghost hitting a wall made by that ghost, then let's try... the palm thunder that the boss gave us?"

"Yes! How did I forget about this?"

Say it! Li Kai raised his right hand, learning the way Lin Feng taught them, and muttered: "Mami Mami... Boo!"

As the last word "coax" was issued, Li Kai's eyes widened, seeing that a huge thunder light actually emitted from his palm, blasting fiercely into this boundless darkness.

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