Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1788: Master, it's so hard for me to find you!

"This is Smith Liu! He is really young. I didn't expect him to be so young and so accomplished?"

"With him this time, we will definitely be able to control the super virus of the epidemic."

"Unexpectedly, Dr. Meng and Smith Liu are so familiar! Now, we can learn a lot..."


These doctors and experts all looked up to Smith Liu's arrival. When Xiao Nishang saw this situation, he couldn't help but look sideways, and secretly said: "It seems that the helper Liu Botao has found has some reputation in the medical world?"

"Smith, the situation is not optimistic this time! Super viruses are easy to kill, but they reproduce faster. What we need now is your unpublished technology..." Meng Xueyan explained the problem concisely.

"Ok! No problem at all, Meng! No matter what the virus is, I can guarantee..."

After hearing the specific situation, Smith Liu became more at ease. In the eyes of others, it was a big problem. In front of his method, it was not difficult at all. Just when he wanted to brag a few times, Glancing around, he suddenly saw Lin Feng who had just opened his eyes, sitting in the waiting position.

Suddenly, Smith Liu was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened. He was completely ecstatic, and he didn't care about continuing to talk to Meng Xue, and he rushed to Lin Feng's face. Come.

"Cousin, wait, where are you going?"

Seeing Smith Liu suddenly look so abnormal, Liu Botao hurriedly shouted.

"Doctor Smith, where are you going?"

Meng Xue and other doctors and experts also shouted curiously.

However, Smith Liu seemed to be possessed by a demon. He ignored their screams and went straight to Lin Feng's location. Then, even Lin Feng himself did not respond. Then Smith Liu slammed and knelt towards him firmly. Down.


This kneeling is not just a gesture!

In the past few months, Smith Liu has been worshiping old Chinese medicine doctors everywhere in China. He has long been used to kneeling and has gained experience in kneeling. No matter what kind of profession, Huaxia Guo needs to be sincere, and the best embodiment of this sincerity is that the apprentice kneels.

kneel! Must kneel loudly!

kneel! You must kneel down!

Moreover, he had to put on a tragic expression that had been looking for a teacher for a long time.

awful! The worse the better!

Pathetic! The poorer the better!

In this way, the master will reluctantly accept you.

However, Smith Liu knelt so suddenly, but all the members of the dragon group and doctors and experts present were bewildered.

"Oh my god! What's going on? How did doctor Smith...how did he kneel down for that young man?"

"This is Doctor Smith! The last time I went to the International Medical Forum, in front of several well-known medical professors, he was still full of spirits and did not lose the limelight! Why did you kneel down for a young guy who seems to be stinky? "

"What the **** is that guy? Does anyone know?"


The doctors and experts had their eyes widened, and they were completely stunned when they watched the rising medical star Smith Liu kneel down to a young man whom they had never seen before.

"Cousin, you... how can you kneel down for this stinky boy Lin Feng? What's the matter?"

I originally thought that after Smith and Liu came, he could grow his face well, and quickly solve the task of this virus in a beautiful manner, playing a majestic manner. However, Liu Botao hadn't been happy for long, his cousin Smith Liu, whom he had always been proud of, just knelt down to Lin Feng.

"Huh? What's the matter? What method did Lin Feng use to make Liu Botao's cousin so awed and obedient to him?" Even Xiao Nishang was surprised, which was beyond her expectation.

However, at this time, Smith Liu does not care what people around him think! After he understood the profoundness and profoundness of Chinese medicine, he was even more eager to find Lin Feng and became his teacher.

After banging down on his knees, Smith Liu seemed to be afraid that Lin Feng would run out of sight again. He hugged Lin Feng's thighs with both hands, and shouted in a horrible state of death for the whole family: "Master! I'm looking for you. Bitterness! Your old man must accept me..."



Old man?

Must accept?

What's this all about?

With such a heart-piercing cry from Smith Liu, everyone present was even more confused. How could he call Master Lin Feng? The unremarkable young man in front of him has the ability to make the rising medical star Smith Liu kneel down and apprentice?

"It turned out to be you! Smith, why did you come to apprentice again? I have said that Chinese medicine is extensive and profound, and medical skills can only be passed on to our Chinese descendants."

After being made so by Smith and Liu, Lin Feng just remembered. No wonder he heard the name so familiar. It turns out that he is the famous Chinese doctor who treated Old Man Cai before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ last time he saw it. After his superb gold needle medicine skills, he begged to be a teacher in vain. Lin Feng didn't have a bird at all, but he didn't expect that he would meet again in this scene a few months later.

"No! Master, what I have is the blood of Huaxia! And, I...I have been traveling north and south in China in the past few months, learning ancient Chinese and ancient books. I know it is wrong, knowing that Chinese medicine is really amazing, I I have made up my mind to study Chinese medicine well and develop Chinese medicine! I beg you to accept me? I am very sincere..."

When Smith Liu saw Lin Feng rejecting himself again, he was almost crying. He even had to hold Lin Feng’s thigh when he crawled around and said everything, and shouted like a rascal: "Master Lin, if you don’t accept me as a disciple, I Never let go."

Just now, the Chinese medical genius Smith Liu, who was also a talent in Yushu Linfeng, became almost like a beggar rascal in a blink of an eye. Everyone was a little dumbfounded and didn't believe what they saw in their eyes, or that they were. They didn't even believe that the doctor Smith who was holding Lin Feng's thigh on the ground was actually the Doctor Smith they looked up to.

"Cousin wants to follow Lin Feng's boy as a teacher? What...what the **** is going on? And, Lin Feng hasn't accepted it yet, my cousin still begs to be a teacher? This, this...what exactly is Lin Feng? What's the background? He can be very good at Chinese medicine?"

Liu Botao was already crying without tears. He was expecting his cousin Smith Liu to show off his face in front of Xiao Nishang, but now... Seeing Smith Liu’s sloppy look, his face is also hot. Also lost all.

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