Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 1795: It can really cure the disease (part 2)

"Eat! Eat... Haha! Lin Feng, if a patient gets sicker or even dies from eating your fish soup... Then just wait! See I won't let San Shugong kill you..."

Seeing this scene, Liu Botao widened his eyes and looked forward to it. After all, the old patient who Lin Feng personally fed Yugeng is dying. It can be said that he is the most seriously ill patient at present, and he may die with a little carelessness.

As long as Lin Feng feeds him and dies after eating fish soup, even if it is not Lin Feng’s fault, Liu Qingshi can be forced on Lin Feng’s head. In that way, even if Xiao Nichang would intercede for Lin Feng, it will be useless. .

"Old man, come! Don't be afraid! You will get better with this bite of fish soup."

However, when Lin Feng carefully fed the first bit of hero fish soup into the old man's mouth, who only slightly opened his mouth. The fragrant smell instantly exploded in the old man's mouth, and an unparalleled energy quickly swallowed from his throat, and then spread to the whole body.

"Ah! It's so delicious! It's so delicious... I've never had such a delicious fish soup..."

Two seconds later, the eyes of the old man who had had no godless eyes burst out in an instant. The hands that could not be lifted just now are now strong enough to grab the hero fish soup from Lin Feng's hands, and then grumble. Pour into the stomach bit by bit...

"It's delicious! It's delicious! I still want to eat, boy, I want to eat this fish soup, where can I get it?"

After the old man ate a bowl of fish soup in one bite, the whole person had jumped up from the hospital bed, and said full of breath.

"Old man, if you still want to eat, you have to go down and line up."

Seeing that the old man had recovered, Lin Feng smiled and pointed to the dozens of lines below.

"Okay! There is such a delicious fish soup, even if I go up to the knife mountain and down to the pan, let alone just line up?"

Stop talking! The old man jerked and jumped off the hospital bed very flexibly, holding a bowl in his hand, and went down to line up.

And this scene completely stunned the doctors and experts who were still skeptical just now.


What exactly is going on?

The sickly old man, after drinking a bowl of fish soup, his face recovered?

He had already lost his physical mobility, and now he is queuing up to get Yugeng to walk like flying. Is the disease on his body really eliminated?

Lin Feng's hero fish soup is not only delicious, can it be said that, as he said, it can really cure diseases?

"This...what the **** is going on? I checked the patient before, and the breath of life is already very weak. The virus has invaded most of the organs, even if an available vaccine is developed, it may be saved. Not alive..."

An old expert with gray hair was so startled that his eyes were about to fall. Perhaps in the eyes of a layman, it is not a great and miraculous thing to cure illnesses and save people.

However, only these expert doctors who really understand medical science know that the dying old man can be pulled back from the gate of the ghost almost in an instant and become so alive. This is almost only the legendary doctor Hua Tuo can do it. Arrived.

Moreover, this time the epidemic is still such a weird super virus. Modern Western medicine basically has no way to deal with this virus, but now it has been cured by Lin Feng's bowl of heroic fish soup.

"No...impossible! How is this possible? A bowl of fish soup is obviously a very ordinary dish! How...how can it be cured?"

Seeing this scene, Liu Botao, who was waiting to laugh at Lin Feng, was going crazy. Even if he admits that Lin Feng's hero fish soup is delicious, it is only delicious in the sky, but this...this bowl of fish soup can cure diseases and save people, is this too **** exaggeration?

"Haha! Master! Master Lin Feng... You deserve to be my Master Smith Liu wanted to worship! Is this the highest state of Chinese medicine in the legend, diet therapy wins medical treatment? There is such a delicious bowl of heroic fish soup. effect."

Smith Liu, who had already admired and superseded Lin Feng, was even more admired this time, and once again ran to Lin Feng's side and pleaded bitterly: "Master! You will accept me? I will definitely. To thoroughly carry forward our Chinese medicine, give me this opportunity..."

However, Lin Feng ignored him, but continued to feed the hero fish soup spoon by spoon with Li Yutong to the patients who were seriously infected with the disease.

"Quick! Everyone, come and take the lead too, don't eat it first, the hero fish soup is limited, and focus on the patients who are already sick..."

At this time, Meng Xue, the attending physician at the municipal hospital, also put down the fish soup with a look of dismay, and immediately called the doctors in the hospital together with Lin Feng to treat those infected with a bowl of hero fish soup. The patients of the epidemic.

"Okay! Okay...Dr. Meng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cai Yong, who sent me 26 beds before, is also cured!"

"Me too, Miss Liu from bed 58 has also fully recovered!"


Good news came one by one. Many patients who were dying in bed, after taking Hero Fish Soup, took about a minute or two, or more than ten minutes later, they became like the old man at the beginning. Regardless of one by one, they took their bowls and ran down to line up to eat the hero fish soup.

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable! In such a short period of time and so many patients, none of them have rejection reactions or any side effects. This...this hero Yugeng is simply amazing..."

After wiping the sweat, Meng Xue’s mouth has grown big. She has seen almost all the seriously ill patients who have been sent in. Almost none of them are optimistic. If you can’t find a good one In terms of treatment, none of them can get this week.

But now, a bowl of heroic fish soup that looks unremarkable has become a life-saving straw for so many people. It actually has the effect of curing diseases and saving people. It is more effective than any modern medical high-tech treatment equipment and precious medicinal materials. .

"God! What kind of fish soup is this? What is it made of? And how did the person who invented this fish soup come up with the idea that using fish soup can completely eradicate this super virus?"

Not only Meng Xue, all the doctors in the municipal hospital, the experts from Beijing, and all the members of the Dragon Group were completely shocked and conquered by Lin Feng's bowl of heroic Yugeng that can cure diseases.

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