Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 2049: This Lin Feng is too good

"Lin Feng, you... what do you mean? Can we... really be able to stop a nuclear bomb?"

Qin Yanran nestled in Lin Feng’s arms, not afraid at all, even if it really exploded into ashes at this moment, she has no regrets, no regrets, as long as Lin Feng’s side, live together Death is enough.

"Yan Ran, you'll be optimistic about it in a while. It doesn't matter how many nuclear bombs come, it doesn't matter if they come, let's take them all..."

With a slight smile, Lin Feng called the intercom agency, and then looked to the northwest. Here...there is the second nuclear bomb from the Pacific nuclear bomb base.

On the Dragon Group side, Elder Wang was also a little confused.

"How is it? Elder Wang, what did Lin Feng say? Will he come back?" Song Hong hurriedly asked. After all, Lin Feng is now the hope of the entire Chinese nation and the hope of the whole world.

"Lin Feng said that he...has found a way to deal with nuclear bombs. But, I...why don't I believe it! How can such a powerful nuclear bomb be able to stop its explosion?"

Elder Wang couldn't figure it out, because he had just come into contact with cultivation, and he didn't even know the powerful powers of the cultivation practitioners, let alone understand how powerful the magic weapons of the cultivation practitioners are.

However, Lin Feng was fully prepared this time, even if you had more missiles flying over, it would be no problem.


In the mid-air, the second missile arrived as scheduled, and there was already a sea of ​​flames around. This missile was about to fly to the designated location, and then caused a super explosion.

But at this moment, Lin Feng used the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag to protect himself and Qin Yanran’s body from the radiation and shock waves. Another convenience was to immediately use his spiritual sense to cover everything in the vicinity. Within the scope of one's spiritual consciousness.

As soon as the second missile flew over, Lin Feng immediately took the missile into his Shenshui space through spiritual sense.


The nuclear missile with the power of destroying the earth was so easily brought into the Shenshui space by Lin Feng.

The US imperialism, who was paying attention to the situation in Binmeng, was stunned for a moment. Countless scientists and officials looked at all the nuclear missiles that had suddenly disappeared from the satellite image.

"What's the matter? Why, where did the second missile go? Did it disappear? Or it detonated? But... there was no sign of an explosion?"

"Could it be that our nuclear missile misfired? It fell directly to the bottom of the sea?"

"No! Impossible! Each of our missiles has undergone the most rigorous testing to ensure a 100% yield, and the latest tracking and positioning system can also allow it to explode only at designated locations. "

"Oh! God! God must have come to save us. God took the missile."


In the United States, bursts of surprises erupted for the sudden disappearance of this missile. In other countries, even though they were half a beat slower, they found no violent explosions, and they all started to revel.

In the Huaxia Kingdom, the Dragon Group's side has already turned the sky over.

"Great! It's true, Lin Feng has found a way!"

"Unbelievable! Really unbelievable! How did Lin Feng do it! He can even intercept nuclear missiles, and... it's not a simple interception, but it completely makes this missile disappear. This is simply Amazing……"

"Anyway! I'm saved! I'm really saved! Lin Feng can make one missile disappear, and he can deal with other missiles. That's great! It's really great..."

"The earth is saved, and the Chinese people are also saved! Lin Feng, really... really amazing."


The elders of the dragon group were all over a thousand years old in total, but when they saw that Lin Feng had actually taken away the missile, they all burst into tears and were as happy as children. , Embracing and crying.

At this time, hundreds of nautical miles away, the explosion of the second missile should have been heard, but there was no movement at all. The Master Tsing Yi immediately yelled in a frenzy: "What's the matter? My Where's the missile? Where's my explosion? Where did it go? It exploded! Why didn't it explode!"

Over the island.

Qin Yanran saw the missile coming oncoming, she had already closed her eyes and was ready to die, but immediately after that, she felt a powerful spiritual power, and swished the missile. Take it away.

"Successful? Lin Feng, you...you used the Shenshui space with twenty-four sea **** beads to take away this nuclear missile?"

The intelligent Qin Yanran could see how Lin Feng did it at a glance, and at the same time couldn't help but exclaimed, "Lin Feng, you are really a genius, you even want this."

"And it was collected before the missile exploded, and then in the Shenshui space, it’s what I said. I let it explode to explode. If I don’t let it explode, I can completely freeze it and then sink into me. In the ocean of Shenshui..."

The test was successful, and the nuclear missile was successfully included in the Shenshui Space. Lin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then flew a third missile on the head, Lin Feng made it easier. As soon as the spiritual consciousness moved, it was taken in.

Although the explosive power of a nuclear missile is powerful, it is a dead thing after all. It is not as powerful as a warrior and a cultivator. Therefore, for Lin Feng, the nature of a missile and a desk is the same. His spiritual sense can easily control and collect them.

And once the nuclear missiles were put into the Shenshui space, Lin Feng completely controlled everything here. He immediately froze the atmosphere of all nuclear missiles, making the state of these nuclear missiles completely frozen before the explosion.

"Great! So, isn't it... I can also use the Shanhe Sheji map to collect some nuclear missiles?" Qin Yanran asked immediately.

"Of course! Yanran, your mountain and river shrine map should be much more powerful than my 24 Dinghai God Orbs. The mountain and river space inside is completely under your control. You don't have to worry about missiles coming inside. Explosion." Lin Feng replied with a smile.

Qin Yanran immediately unfolded the pictures of the mountains and rivers, and looked at the nuclear missile that was flying over immediately. He smiled slyly at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, you are not allowed to grab me!"

"Haha! Yanran, where can I grab you! Your spiritual sense and magic weapons are stronger than mine..."

Lin Feng also nodded and smiled, and then looked at the powerful nuclear missiles flying in. Together with Qin Yanran, they collected all of them, and the embarrassment that would have brought annihilation to the earth, instantly Resolve nothing, disappear into the invisible.

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