Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 972: Lin Feng's experiment

"What? Stop? Lin Feng, if you stop here, you will really be completely surrounded by them. WWW.SUIMENG.lā... This is completely dying!"

Although Xiao Nishang was shocked by Lin Fengshen's unconscious control of these warriors, but she thought that this must have been prepared by Lin Feng early, perhaps because there was something poisonous in the general air. But once the car stopped and was surrounded by so many post-acquired masters, there were only two of them, no matter how powerful they were, they couldn't resist it!

After all, these are warriors who have experienced many battles, not those little ‘hustle’ on the street. No matter how good Lin Feng is, can he deal with more than a dozen masters of the late acquired stage alone?

"Master, there are so many wolves chasing after him, he dare to ask to stop?" Luo Zijin was also shocked. Even her master's cultivation at the peak of the acquired peak, she did not dare to say that she was alone against a dozen masters of the later stage of acquired. Under the siege, he was still seriously injured.

"Wolves? Humph! Those people behind think they are wolves. Unfortunately, they have become prey now." The old woman's eyes ‘exposed’ the ‘essence’ light, but did not panic, watching the changes.

But the bus driver who has been driving at the door does not know that only four of the passengers sitting in the back are still alive, and the others are dead. He heard Lin Feng yelling to get out of the car and pee, and he felt that he would take a break after driving for so long, so he pulled the bus aside and prepared to get off for a rest.

When the bus stopped, the post-acquired masters in the five or six suvs chasing after them all came to their ‘spiritual’. After all, they waited for too long and never saw the hands-on signal in the bus. Now that the bus is stopping on the way, it is obvious to them that the bus has already been ‘chaotic’, and their men have already gotten their hands. Now is the time to harvest the fruits.


One SUV, two SUVs...

All the SUVs stopped behind the bus, and the masters of the car and their men quickly ran down, surrounding the bus.

"Scar Liu! Unexpectedly, you also stared at this piece of ‘meat’? However, I’m here today, and you don’t have the right to speak. If you want to ‘mix’ in Tianshan, get out of here!"

The King of Knives is the owner of the "door" of a small gang at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains. With the eighth-story repair base, Liu is one level higher from the scar. When he gets out of the car, he asks his own people to give Liu the scar first. Surrounded. Because in the eyes of the King of Sharp Knife, a lot of people in the car are already waiting to be slaughtered, and there is no way to escape. On the contrary, the masters who came with him in the later days are the real enemies to deal with.

"Quick Knife King, don't be arrogant! Do you think your cultivation level is one level higher, and you're sure of winning? Dart week, you and I join hands, how about half of the benefits gained by the secret realm key at that time?" Well, Scar Liu immediately wooed another similarly weak Houtian Seventh-layer Martial Artist Shuriken Zhou, a master with hidden weapons.

"Okay! Let's join hands, or he will break them all..."


Suddenly, the bus stopped for a few minutes, and the warriors who came down from the SUV became a group. Xiao Nishang, who thought there would be a round of fierce battles, was dumbfounded and said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, you... how do you know these people? Will you fight yourself?"

"It's very simple! Because the warriors of this bus are not all the way, it is obvious that the people who are chasing after are all conceited. We stopped the car, and they felt that the warriors in the bus had succeeded. Naturally. They will attack each other, and finally come to compete for the benefit of the bus. Of course we can sit and watch a good scene of a dog biting a dog."

Lin Feng didn't need to look out of the car window at all, his spiritual sense had already been covered. This is also another purpose of Lin Feng deliberately attracting these post-acquired masters. He wants to test secretly the effect of his spiritual sense and water control ability on these post-acquired masters.


These masters of the ancient martial arts in the later days of acquired, although they also have thermal weapons, but in this snow-covered mountain road, they dare not shoot, for fear that it will cause an avalanche. Therefore, they are basically fighting each other by their own force. They probably have five different forces, but now they are divided into two factions, entangled together, and more than 30 people fight inextricably.

Among these thirty-odd people, there are only six martial artists in the late acquired period, and almost all the martial artists of the fifth or sixth layer are their deputies. After Lin Feng observed the form, he quietly infiltrated the spiritual sense, and first found a martial artist on the sixth floor.

At this time, this warrior was fighting desperately with another warrior, with a large sword struggling to resist the opponent's long sword. When Lin Feng was in his most dangerous time, he suddenly invaded his brain with spiritual sense, and he encountered a slight resistance, but in the end he was successfully invaded. However, Lin Feng did not absorb all the water in his brain like people like Che, but only made a mouthful of sputum in his throat, which caused him to lose consciousness in an instant, and he was pierced with a sword by his opponent. 'Bore.

"It seems that when the martial artist reaches the sixth floor of the acquired, it has already hindered my spiritual consciousness to a certain extent. In this way, the seventh floor of the acquired, will it be more difficult to control the invasion?"

With this test, Lin Feng immediately ‘forced’ his spiritual consciousness towards the 7th-layer Sword Liu on the acquired day. At this time, Scar Liu Zheng was resisting the unpredictable hand of the King of Knife. He almost couldn't support it.

"go to hell!"

Lin Feng took a deep breath. When the spiritual sense invaded Scar Liu's body, it seemed to pierce a thick film~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although it took a little effort, it was nothing more than It took two more seconds. It was also the moment when Scar Liu was invaded by Lin Feng, his body was already in a different place, and his head was beheaded by the King of Knife.

"Not good! Scar Liu is dead...King of Knife, you are so cruel!" Dart Zhou quickly flashed back, but King of Knife dared to'force', and Dart Zhou was forced to issue a hidden weapon to protect him. There is no hope that this dart can hit the Knife King, let alone severely injured or even killed him. With the Knife King's skill, it should be easy to escape. He only hopes that this dart can get him a second. Time for Zhong to run away.

But something strange happened. Faced with the hidden weapon of the dart week, the King of Knife didn't flash too much. He resisted so hard, and the dart directly pierced his heart. A master of the eighth floor acquired his life on the spot.

"Quick Blade King is dead! Quick Blade King is dead..."

The scene immediately became chaotic, but Lin Feng, who was in the bus, smiled slightly, and said in his heart, "It seems that the eighth floor of the acquired day and the seventh floor of the day after tomorrow are not much different, and the ninth floor of the day after tomorrow is not much. It only takes a little more time and strength, my spiritual sense can invade their bodies as well."


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