Urban Witcher

1040 Bowl 1

Ye Shaoyang grabbed the tail with both hands, shook it three times in the air, and used it to throw it on a huge boulder. He fell in a mess, blood spurted out, and it took him a long time to get up.

This is no ordinary evil. Ye Shaoyang knew very well in his heart, this can be seen from the fact that it can break through the blockade of the cinnabar line and break out of the body.

Unfortunately, the opponent he met was Ye Shaoyang, who had been taken the upper hand from the very beginning and couldn't perform at all, and couldn't even fight back.

Just got up from the rock at this moment, Ye Shaoyang held a big seal and hit it down with his head.

"Pixiu Seal of Mingming, one town of Tianwen Road, two towns of Diwenmen, three towns of people with roads, and four towns of ghosts without doors. The heaven and earth nets are unforgiving, and the Taishang Laojun is as urgent as the law!"

Pixiu Yin firmly pressed the strange baby, completely unable to move, the body was crushed bit by bit, blood flowed, and soon there was no movement.

Ye Shaoyang put away the Pixiu seal, looked for Mu Qingyu, and saw that she had already landed on the zombie, tied her hands and feet with a straw rope, and pulled them together forcefully.

The zombie struggled with all four limbs, but couldn't break free from the seemingly fragile grass rope.

Mu Qingyu took a breath, went to look at the strange baby who was crushed to death by the seal of Pixiu, took a look, immediately covered her mouth, and exclaimed: "This is the blood of ghosts!"

A brief introduction: Guitoujiang is an extremely powerful type of black witchcraft.

Although Mu Qingyu hadn't seen it, she had read it in the book.

Looking at the pile of blood stains on the stone, he finally picked up a bunch of white things with a branch, and said, "This is the real body of the ghost blood descending."

"What's this?"

"Ziheche, that is, the placenta. This witchcraft is to use the placenta of women when they give birth, soak it in medicinal water, and there are various mysterious techniques. I don't know it.

In short, three years later, Ziheche turned into an evil spirit, and it was this ghost blood descending. It was used to hurt people, and it was extremely difficult to deal with. How did you kill it? "

Mu Qingyu looked Ye Shaoyang up and down, and saw that his body was clean and there were no traces of violent fighting, so he was very curious.

"It didn't find a chance to fight back, so it just killed it." Ye Shaoyang shrugged.

Mu Qingyu said: "In our Eighteen Villages, there is absolutely no such a powerful black wizard. Even if the whole of Xiangxi is gone, I don't know who has such a deep hatred with us, and actually released ghost blood..."

Ye Shaoyang pondered for a moment, and now he was completely unsure who was going to attack. He suddenly thought of Tan Xiaohui, and thought of the blood wizard...

Maybe it has something to do with them?

"Ah!" Mu Qingyu suddenly exclaimed, "Where's that Wu Yao?"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, and looked around, but Wu Yao was nowhere to be seen. He was shocked. After thinking about it carefully, it must be just now. When he and Mu Qingyu split up to deal with the zombies in exchange for ghost blood, Wu Yao disappeared.

What did she go through and where did she go?


A faint call came from a distance.

The two glanced at each other, hurriedly followed the sound, and ran all the way.

There was always a cry for help, pointing out the direction for the two of them. They ran to the bottom of the mountain in one breath, and saw Wu Yao standing in the middle of a puddle from a distance, holding a tree tightly with both hands, and half of her body was already submerged in the muddy water.

The little tree was stretched so hard by her that it couldn't bend any more, and it might break at any time.

The two came to the puddle in one breath, Wu Yao saw them and cried, "Brother Ye, save me quickly, something is pulling my feet..."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, untied the seductive rope from his waist, threw it over, and let Wu Yao catch it, and after a long time of effort, he couldn't pull it at all.

In desperation, he had no choice but to tie the soul-elusive rope to a tree, let Mu Qingyu guard it, rushed down the puddle by himself, grabbed the soul-elusive rope with one hand, and moved step by step to Wu Yao's side.

I walked under her body with my feet, and sure enough something was entangled with her feet. Before I could find out what it was, I felt my feet sinking: the thing let go of Wu Yao and grabbed my feet.

In the current situation, Ye Shaoyang didn't have time to grind, he directly pulled out the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword, stabbed at his feet, felt the thing tremble all over, sent his hand, and shrank down.

Ye Shaoyang didn't pursue either, he hugged Wu Yao, grasped the hook with both hands, and left the quagmire with difficulty, returning to the shore.

His whole body was covered in muddy water, Ye Shaoyang was so tired that he lay on the ground panting for breath.

Later, I asked Wu Yao, and learned that she was forcibly pulled here by a ghost, pressed in the mud, and then the ghost grabbed her feet from below.

She rolled up her trousers and wiped off the mud, and found that there were black and purple finger marks on the necks of both legs.

The strength of the evil thing in the mud can be seen.

"Is that thing dead?" Mu Qingyu asked worriedly.

"After being hit by my sword, I probably won't survive, but I'm not sure. You can mark it here, and come and deal with it when you have time in the future."

As Ye Shaoyang said, he began to think hesitantly in his heart: the black shadow grabbed Wu Yao, but did not kill him, apparently to attract him to come.

But there is no danger?

Ye Shaoyang felt that this matter was very confusing, and he suddenly thought, could it be that the other party lured him here not to kill him, but for other purposes?

What would that be?

Suddenly, Mu Qingyu pointed to the mountain behind him and said, "There's a cave there!"

Ye Shaoyang looked back and saw that there was indeed a cave under the mountain peak. When he walked over and looked carefully, the outside of the cave was covered with new soil, and there was a large mound of dirt not far below. appeared.

After Mu Qingyu looked around, he proved this point.

"This cave may not have opened before, and even if it did, it was very hidden. It was only revealed because of the landslide caused by the flood."

Mu Qingyu looked inside with a flashlight, and found a long thing, one big at one end and small at the other, supported by two wooden beams on the rock wall.

"Hanging coffin!" Mu Qingyu's expression changed on the spot.

In the south, hanging coffins are very common. As long as the mountain is dangerous enough, there will almost always be hanging coffins on the cliff.

But it is very rare to place a hanging coffin in a cave like the one in front of you.

Mu Qingyu bowed his body, and used a flashlight to shine into the depths of the cave, and found that there seemed to be more than one hanging coffin.

"Do you know what a hanging coffin is?" Mu Qingyu asked Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang nodded. Regarding the hanging coffin, of course he heard that it is a custom and culture different from the Han people’s burial. To put it bluntly, the coffin is hung on the cliff, and the sky does not touch the sky, and the ground does not touch the ground. Why do you do this? Ye Shaoyang didn't know.

As for how these coffins were transported to the cliff, there have always been various theories, and Ye Shaoyang didn't know which one was true.

Mu Qingyu had already walked to the cave, held up a flashlight, and shone inside.

Ye Shaoyang rushed to her side and observed together, only to see that the interior of the cave was wide, and the rock wall on the side of the wall seemed to be covered with coffins.


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