Urban Witcher

Chapter 1116 Battle 1

Is everything I do worth it or not?

Perhaps Zhang Shiming had a chance to change his ways. Zhang Shiming took a peek at Taoist Tongxuan and sighed in his heart. Now that he recognizes the thief as his father, he can never go back to the Taoist school.

By the time the eighteenth person vomited blood, the two bodies had completely fused together, and they stopped screaming and struggling.

Fei Fei ordered everyone to continue praying, found a jar of rice wine, opened it and poured it all on the red silk cloth, then used the Chenzhou amulet to turn it into a fire, and lit it to fight the fire.

In the red silk cloth, screamed again.

The wine and fire quickly burned the red silk cloth to ashes, forming a perfect outline of a girl. The whole body was covered with black ash, just in time to prevent her from being exposed.

Fei Fei ordered two women to come over and wrap a burqa around her body, then someone brought a basin of water and wiped her face with a towel.

Every time she wiped her face, she revealed a touch of whiteness, and when a face was wiped clean, a fair and beautiful face appeared in everyone's sight, it was Tan Xiaohui.

Slowly opened his eyes, looking around with confused eyes.

Everyone immediately knelt on the ground, kowtowed three times and bowed nine times, very excited.

The witch spirit and believer girl was finally resurrected, and the great witch fairy family once again had an inheritance.

Fei Fei was also exhausted at the moment, sitting in front of Tan Xiaohui, looking at her face with a proud smile.

At this moment, he felt that he was not a traitor or a murderer. He was just implementing his beliefs. Now looking at Tan Xiaohui, he felt that he was half successful.

Tan Xiaohui set her gaze on his face, moving up and down, as if to size him up.

"Can you hear me talking?"

Qin Xiaohui frowned, but did not answer.

This was also expected by Fei Fei. He nodded, stood up, and shouted to everyone: "Wu Ling believer has been resurrected, but she still has an empty body and lacks spiritual roots. Back then, ice silkworms used blood to melt into silk and make cocoons into cocoons." Gu, save that Ye Shaoyang.

Now, as long as you get his blood, you can completely resurrect the witch spirit girl with the technique of blood sacrifice. Ye Shaoyang will definitely not be willing to sacrifice himself. He has high mana, and he has many ghosts and monsters to assist him. Only by cooperating with the blood witch can we have a chance to capture him. Tomorrow is the final battle. Do you have any hesitation? "

Everyone is speechless. Although they all disdain to be with blood witches.

But the witch spirit girl is the inheritance of the whole family, especially since her body has been resurrected, and she is only one step away. At this time, it is impossible to give up.

For everyone, although unwilling, they can only endure the humiliation.

"Hmph." Taoist Tongxuan sneered, "These wizards are persistent."

After thinking about it, he said to Zhang Shiming: "You go to the Immortal Xuewu, tell them to follow the plan tomorrow, and tell him my attitude."

Zhang Shiming looked into Taoist Tongxuan's eyes, nodded, and then said: "Teacher, I'm always a little worried about whether things will be done tomorrow."

Taoist Tongxuan pondered for a while, and said: "This time Daofeng will not come, as long as he doesn't come, no one can save Ye Shaoyang."

Get up at dawn.

The light rain outside has not stopped.

Mu Qingyu brought Ye Shaoyang and Sibao breakfast, looking sullen.

Under Ye Shaoyang's repeated inquiries, she asked Sibao and the others to go out first, leaving Ye Shaoyang alone in the tent, and said very sadly: "Brother Shaoyang, I can't go with you."

"What!" Ye Shaoyang was stunned.

Mu Qingyu said: "When I came back last night, my brother talked to me for a long time. He told me that Baoka guessed that I slept with you to avoid him. He said that even if I really had something with you, he would You can forgive me, but in order to avoid long nights and dreams, he will marry me as soon as the flood problem is resolved. My brother has already agreed."

After hearing her finish, Ye Shaoyang asked calmly: "So, you decided not to leave?"

Mu Qingyu's eyes rolled down, and she cried, "What can I do? My brother has already received the bride price. If I go with you, I will run away from marriage. My brother will not be able to be a human being in the future."

Ye Shaoyang sneered in his heart. Up to this time, he was still thinking about Mu Qingfeng. If he wasn't afraid of affecting the overall situation, he really wanted to tell her the truth and see what kind of person the brother she wholeheartedly defended was.

Fortunately, there was a seal on the yin and yang mirror, otherwise Wen Huajiao probably couldn't help but jumped out when she heard this.

Mu Qingyu wiped away his tears, smiled with difficulty, and said, "Brother Shaoyang, you don't need to persuade me, and you don't need to comfort me, I already have a choice, I want to seal the snake with you, and finish this last One thing, you take me with you."

Ye Shaoyang heard that her voice was a bit wrong, but he still nodded. Although she couldn't help much if she went, she had to go today.

While talking, someone called Mu Qingyu's name outside.

"Baoka" Mu Qingyu's face darkened, and said.

Then the tent was lifted, and Baoka and Mu Qingfeng walked in together.

"You go back first." Mu Qingfeng said to his sister.

Mu Qingyu got up and left.

Mu Qingfeng and Baoka squatted down in front of Ye Shaoyang together, their eyes were a bit unfriendly.

"I was ordered to lead the villagers to prevent floods." Baoka said, "I heard that Mr. Ye will take action today. After today, there should be no more floods, right?"

Ye Shaoyang didn't bother to talk to him.

Mu Qingfeng said: "I will cooperate with you in whatever you need us to do. Once the matter is over, I will go with you to save your friend."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, if it wasn't for this matter, why would he bear it for so long.

Ye Shaoyang roughly described his requirements, and Mu Qingfeng wrote them down one by one, and got up to leave.

"Finally, a personal matter," Baoka smiled at Ye Shaoyang, and said in a strange way, "My woman, you'd better not touch her."

When he said this, his expression was a bit pretentious, and he put a hand on Ye Shaoyang's shoulder and patted it lightly.

"Crack!" There was a sound of broken bones.

Baoka screamed, and fell to the ground with his hands covered. His whole hand was completely deformed, almost ninety degrees. He grinned in pain, but his body seemed to be trapped by something, and he couldn't move at all.

"Ye Shaoyang, how dare you!" Mu Qingfeng yelled, reaching out to touch the Chenzhou Talisman, suddenly a figure fell in front of him, it was Xiaoqing, full of demonic aura, ready to erupt at any moment.

Looking at him calmly, Xiaoqing said: "I know you are very powerful and a wizard, but as long as you dare to do something, you will die."

Just do it, and you're dead.

When Mu Qingfeng saw several other ghosts rushing up and staring at him, he immediately understood that the snake monster in front of him was not bragging.

Looking down at Ye Shaoyang, he said in a deep voice, "There's no need to do this."

Ye Shaoyang remained silent.

Xiaobai squatted in front of Baoka, imitating his arrogance just now, patted his shoulder, smiled like a spring breeze, but his tone was extremely cold. "My boss, you'd better not touch it."

If you want to go out to do errands, first publish two chapters, and make up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow


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