Urban Witcher

Chapter 1290 Lesson 1

Damn, pretend to be a fart, Ye Shaoyang cursed in his heart, but still explained.

"Miss Rui sent me a WeChat message just now. She has already moved in. You really just came back. It's okay, you go back and pay attention to obey the rules in the future."

Ye Shaoyang quickly thanked him, and walked towards the dormitory building, cursing in his heart as he walked, this little boy was actually chatting with Leng Yu on WeChat!

But after thinking about it, Rui Lengyu's guess was really right. Since this Yang Bin can give orders to the security guards, he is definitely not as simple as an ordinary manager!

In the dormitory, Zhang Zijian has already fallen asleep, and the other two are still watching the live broadcast with their mobile phones

Ye Shaoyang was really speechless. He went to the public bathroom outside to wash up, and after he went to bed, he left a message to Xie Yuqing on WeChat, asking her to help provide clues.

As a result, Xie Yuqing was online and responded to the message after a while. Ye Shaoyang was confused when he saw it:

This Yang Bin is indeed not an ordinary person, he is the son of the chairman of Kangduo Group

Yang Bin, who returned from studying in the UK a year ago, was assigned to the factory by his father and only worked as an ordinary manager. He was also asked to exercise more at the grassroots level of the company.

back from the UK

Ye Shaoyang seemed to think of something, and hastily forwarded the clues provided by Xie Yuqing to Rui Lengyu.

After get off work at noon the next day, Ye Shaoyang received a WeChat message from Rui Lengyu asking him to meet in the cafeteria.

Rui Lengyu wore a brown lady's suit, high heels and black stockings, looking very much like a professional white-collar worker.

"This is my business attire. I just bought it this morning. How is it?"

"It looks good, but it looks like a different person." Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and said.

The two ordered meals and sat down to eat in the corner of the cafeteria.

There are many beauties in the factory, but there are not many who are dressed like Rui Lengyu, and Rui Lengyu is so beautiful, many people who are eating around sneak a look at them, and some people walk past them deliberately, in order to see her clearly. What does it look like.

All of them looked like wolves.

The two quickly finished their meal, left in a hurry, and went for a walk outside the factory.

"I can't come to you recently, so as not to be suspected by Yang Bin." Rui Lengyu said with a smile, "I am an assistant to the manager. If I am with you all the time, he will definitely find it strange. If you have anything to do, just call me on WeChat."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said, "You are also an assistant now, what are you going to do?"

"Close to Yang Bin, then pass him, approach the spiritual congregation, and search for clues."

Ye Shaoyang was a little worried.

Rui Lengyu said: "I know what you are worried about, don't worry, I promise that when this matter is over, I will be fine."

"It's not a guarantee, but a must!" Ye Shaoyang grabbed her hand, stared into her eyes, and said:

"Let me tell you one thing seriously. I don't need to investigate this case, or I can fail, but you must not have an accident! You remember, I don't want the whole world, I just want you to be well."

"It's so nasty, but I remember it."

A few days passed in a blink of an eye. In the past few days, Ye Shaoyang and Rui Lengyu met occasionally, and they usually kept in touch with each other by mobile phone.

Ye Shaoyang went to and from get off work every day, and secretly noticed that from the outside, this factory was no different from ordinary factories, but after get off work, no one was allowed to stay in the factory, which was obviously to cover up something.

Ye Shaoyang felt that all the secrets were in that small auditorium.

On Friday afternoon, while Ye Shaoyang was at work, the team leader suddenly came to inform that Manager Yang came to the workshop to inspect the work.

Not long after, Yang Bin arrived, wearing a black suit, with his hair combed shiny, looking handsome, but Ye Shaoyang had already labeled him a gentle scum.

Unexpectedly, Rui Lengyu was by his side, holding a folder in his hand.

The team leader accompanied them and reported to work.

Rui Lengyu caught sight of Ye Shaoyang, stayed there for only two seconds, then looked away.

Ye Shaoyang didn't want to greet her either, and hid in the crowd.

When walking past them, Yang Bin somehow found him, and said to Rui Lengyu, "Isn't this your fellow countryman, Mr. Ye?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said hello.

Yang Bin called the team leader and asked about Ye Shaoyang's work. Seeing that they knew each other, the team leader naturally flattered them all.

"Work hard." Yang Bin patted Ye Shaoyang on the shoulder condescendingly, "Leng Yu recommended you to me, saying that you practiced martial arts when you were young, and your skills are good. If you continue to practice, I will have a good job for you in the future."

With a smile on his face, Ye Shaoyang really wanted to punch him in the face and tell him that Leng Yu was not called by you, but now he can only bear it.

After Yang Bin left, everyone continued to work. A guy in the adjacent seat winked at Ye Shaoyang and said, "Hey, that beauty is from your hometown. She has a good relationship?"

Ye Shaoyang responded casually.

The man chuckled, "She's Manager Yang's assistant, is she his mistress or something? You can ask her for help and find you a good job, don't work here!"

Ye Shaoyang glared at him fiercely, with a plan in mind, he must end this matter as soon as possible.

Let Rui Lengyu stay with that idiot again, and he will go crazy.

Before leaving get off work, the team leader came over to register the name of the psychological counseling on Sunday. Ye Shaoyang has been in the factory for less than two months, so he is not eligible.

But the psychological counseling class, I have to participate.

Ye Shaoyang thought hard and had no good plan.

Back in the dormitory, Ye Shaoyang saw that only Zhang Zijian was there, so he thought about it and asked him if he would participate in the psychological counseling class.

After getting a definite answer, Ye Shaoyang immediately invited him to have a drink, drank him a few glasses during the dinner, and proposed that he really wanted to attend a psychological counseling class, to experience it, and to name him, and then took out two packs of Zhonghua that he bought. Give him a cigarette.

Seventy yuan a pack of cigarettes, Ye Shaoyang's flesh hurts just thinking about it, but in order to investigate the case, he had to cut his flesh once.

Although Zhang Zijian was a little bit reluctant, he couldn't stand Ye Shaoyang's begging, so he had to agree.

On Sunday, Ye Shaoyang exchanged work cards with Zhang Zijian, and went to the small auditorium under his name.

There are a lot of people, and it is not very strict to enter the door as long as they sign and check the work card. Ye Shaoyang easily sneaked in.

In the middle of the first floor of the small auditorium is a theater, which is arranged as a large stage-like existence, and the people who go in sit in a circle.

The theater has no windows, and a few lights hang overhead.

"Hello!" Someone pulled Ye Shaoyang's sleeve and whispered, "You're here too."

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and saw that it was the beauty named He Yang who met the live broadcast that day.

"Why, are you here to broadcast live?"

"How dare you." He Yang stuck out his tongue, looked at him, and said, "Are you alone?"


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