Urban Witcher

Chapter 1404 Prince Asura 3

"Damn it, why did you get here? That's the attitude!" Ye Shaoyang gave him a middle finger, pulled Rui Lengyu and the others, and retreated to the side in annoyance.

Daofeng jumped into the Ten Thousand Demon Tower.

At this moment, Wu Nian Tianshi's extremely shocked voice came from the dojo: "You——you are Asura!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked and even stopped attacking.

Yang Gongzi originally arrived at Zhang Wusheng and several other great masters to join forces to attack, but at this moment, he also seized the opportunity, rushed up the mountain, and followed Daofeng into the Wanyao Pagoda.

"You old monster, the Heavenly Eye has such deep attainments." Nangongying looked at Wu Nian Tianshi, slightly surprised, then smiled and said, "But what you said is not accurate, I am the sixth king of Asura. Prince, Yumian Shura."

Prince Ashura!

Hearing these words, even Ye Shaoyang was shocked, no wonder he came from the Boundless Realm.

Asura was born as a demon. Legend has it that Asura is a kind of creature from Mount Sumeru in the Infinite Realm. After being converted by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, some of them went to the Asura Way to act as guardians of the gods, and the other part lived in the Infinite Realm and practiced like other living beings.

Ashura believes in Buddhism and is a disciple of Buddhism in name, but he has an aloof personality and fights fiercely. He once had a war with the Devas led by Di Shitian in the boundless world of desire.

These two races of creatures are the two largest races in the Infinite Realm. All systems are imitated by humans. The boss is King Asura, and there are various deacons below. It is rumored that Asura has a lifespan of 500 years, so the dynasty is constantly changing. .

The Asura clan was born in Hell Styx. When Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva went down to the underworld to save the dead, he took the Asura clan as the vanguard and fought for many years. Only then did he take charge of the Styx River and create three of the six paths of reincarnation. Sigui Mansion is evenly divided.

To put it bluntly, black, white, impermanent, cow-headed and horse-faced, these are Taoist Y-gods, the king of Asura, Emperor Shitian, the four kings, etc., are all Buddhist Y-gods, but the Asura clan is basically in the Infinite Realm, so the human world treats them understanding is very limited.

Ye Shaoyang knew even less.

He didn't know which son Nangong Ying was King Asura, but the word "Prince" was enough to show his dignity. No wonder even a Taoist master like Wu Nian Tianshi was so shocked.

Shi Xinwu, Xiao Yaofei and other Buddhist disciples heard that Nangong Ying was the prince of Asura, and immediately clasped their hands together and saluted.

Wu Nian Tianshi looked at Nangongying, and said very surprised: "Since you are Prince Asura, you should know that back then, the two religions and the three merchants drew a clear line of separation and did not interfere with each other. Regarding the matter, your Asura clan is still in the boundless world, why do you want to join forces with Daofeng and attack my Taoist door in the world?"

Nangongying smiled slightly, "You are wrong, Daofeng and I have never united."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, hesitated to speak, and dared not speak out. Finally, Su Mo said without fear: "Everyone saw it just now, you stand up for Daofeng and help him break into the Wanyao Tower, are you an idiot, or do you think we are all idiots?"

"Okay, good scolding." Ye Shaoyang applauded. Although she and Su Mo were the worst at dealing with each other, her performance just now really relieved her anger. Most importantly, he looked down on Nangong Ying even more than Su Mo.

"You will also be a character in the future, and we will definitely meet again in the future."

After Nangongying said this, she paused for a moment, and then said: "I help Daofeng only because he doesn't fight with me. He said that only if I help him deal with you and let him completely solve the matter of Xuankongguan, can he be able to fight?" Concentrate on fighting me, so... I have to resign myself to it."

When everyone heard this, their faces turned green. They dared to say that Prince Asura is a martial idiot...

Instead, Su Mo nodded and said, "If he's absent-minded, even if you beat him, it won't be fun. Your goal is to beat him, not kill him."

"That's the reason. However, anyone I am interested in challenging will die if they lose to me." Nangong Ying smiled at Su Mo, "I'm not interested in you now."

Su Mo blushed, and just about to say something, the calm and indifferent voice of Master Daoyuan came from behind: "When did the world become your playground?"

Nangongying turned her head and looked over, with a contemptuous smile on her lips, she said, "To tell you the truth, the so-called magic world in the human world is just a game in the eyes of our infinite gods, and even the rules are naive."

In a word, it drew everyone's hatred.

Master Daoyuan smiled lightly, and said: "It's understandable that you haven't come to the world for a long time, and the news is outdated. If the magic world in the world is just a game, I'm afraid you can't play this game well..."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out a hand to Zhang Wusheng: "Bring it."

Zhang Wusheng understood, walked over immediately, offered the Nine Heavens Yuanchen Ruler, the most precious treasure of Longhu Mountain, and said, "Master, be careful!"

Master Daoyuan held the Nine Heavens Yuanchen Ruler and walked towards Nangongying with the steps of the Big Dipper.

Nangongying's eyes turned cold, orange flames burned all over her body, and she slammed into Daoyuan Daoyuan.

"Nanming Lihuo!" Qingyunzi gasped, and murmured: "This guy is really hard to deal with."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Can Daoyuan Daoist beat him?"

Qing Yunzi said: "I don't know, but this is a battle to rectify the name, Dao Yuan will not hold back, if he can win, it will be really relieved!"

At this moment, the voice of Master Wuji came again from the Wanyao Pagoda: "You all come in, we have important matters to discuss."

Those masters immediately hesitated, not knowing whether to stay and watch the battle, beware of accidents, or enter the Ten Thousand Monsters Tower according to the plan.

"You go in and leave me here alone to fight against the enemy."

Master Daoyuan spoke, and everyone had no choice but to go to the Wanyao Pagoda.

"I'm not going." Zhang Wusheng said silently watching the two people who were fighting furiously. For him, nothing is more important than Daoyuan Daoyuan's safety.

If he didn't go, Master Longyang naturally wouldn't go either.

The rest of the people filed in and entered the Wan Yao Pagoda.

"Let's go in too!"

After Ye Shaoyang finished speaking, he also walked in. Just like Zhang Wusheng cared about Daoyuan Daoyuan, what he cared most about was the safety of Daofeng and Yang Gongzi.

Entering the Wanyao Pagoda, only to find that the people in front of them were walking towards the center of the formation, one after another, they entered through the eight trigrams gate, their movements were skillful, and no one asked questions.

Qing Yunzi was stunned and said, "Sure enough."

"What?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"It's all arranged, only we are excluded."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, thinking about it carefully, it was really the case. Just at this time, Wu Nian Tianshi finally came, Ye Shaoyang walked up without fear, and asked him what was going on.


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