Urban Witcher

Chapter 1447 face

Pulling out the Mieling Nail, Ye Shaoyang took the flashlight from Xie Yuqing's hand and looked carefully at the gap, but was blocked by ghost blood, so he drew an earth fire talisman, dried the ghost blood, and looked in, the crack There is something like hair in it.

Ye Shaoyang took out a piece of elm bark from his backpack, grabbed Xie Yuqing's hand, cut his fingernail with his nails, and dripped a drop of blood on the bark.

"What are you doing!" Xie Yuqing rubbed her injured finger.

"Ghosts have a bloodthirsty instinct." Ye Shaoyang only explained this sentence, and brought the elm bark closer to the crack. Sure enough, the ghost hair inside twisted and crawled out of the crack like a snake, circling the tree as if they had found food. The skin spiraled up and formed a ball.

Ye Shaoyang swiftly wrapped the bark with a magic talisman, plucked off the ghost hair on it, folded the talisman into a quadrilateral, shook it in the air, the talisman ignited spontaneously, and was thrown into an empty bowl by Ye Shaoyang.

The ghost hair, together with the talisman, was melted in the fire, forming a puddle of liquid that stuck to the bottom of the bowl.

"This is..." Before Zhang Xiaorui could finish asking, Ye Shaoyang dipped a little in his hand and put it in his mouth.

"What does it taste like? Is it delicious?" Zhang Xiaorui also reached out to dip her hand, but Ye Shaoyang slapped her hand away, "You're looking for death!"

Immediately spit out the ghost blood and said, "That's right, it's the blood of the ghost corpse!"

"Ghost corpse?" Xie Yuqing heard this term for the first time. She searched for Ye Shaoyang's explanation about ghost corpses in her mind, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration and asked, "Is it ghosts attached to corpses?"

"To put it simply, ghosts and zombies become one." Ye Shaoyang wiped the bottom of the bowl with a magic talisman, and said, "If it wasn't for the last moment, we would all be fooled by it, thinking it was an ordinary ghost, this guy Cover up your own body completely, leaving only a ghostly atmosphere at the scene”

"Why do you want to do this?" Xie Yuqing asked.

"It's a kind of suspicious formation." Ye Shaoyang sighed, "Ghost corpses are very difficult to deal with, and just now I stabbed the ghost door with a blow, but he was able to escape. This guy is amazing."

Ye Shaoyang went back to the wall again, looked at the cracks on the wall, stroked it lightly, and said in a serious tone: "It's so hot, I've never seen such a strange thing, ghosts can actually pass through walls"

Xie Yuqing said: "Is it not possible?"

"Of course. The hostility of the zombies is very strong. If you say that you can break the wall, I believe it, but if you squeeze out of the wall like this, but the structure of the wall has not been destroyed, how is this possible? If the zombies have such function, it would have already ruled the world.”

Xie Yuqing also frowned and thought for a while, and said: "You said just now that it is a ghost corpse. Is there a possibility that this ghost is separated from its body. What came over just now is its soul state. Its real body has no body. Come on? Is it normal for ghosts to pass through walls?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Under normal circumstances, ghost corpses cannot be separated from soul and corpse, but it is not impossible. However, the pool of blood just now was clearly corpse blood, not ghost blood! It means that what appeared just now was the ghost corpse itself, only injured Just run away."

Xie Yuqing was stunned. She couldn't refute Ye Shaoyang's conclusion, and she didn't know what the truth was. After thinking carefully for a while, she said, "Since this is an irreconcilable paradox, why not put it aside for now and try to reverse it?" Come and push, let’s not talk about how it passed through the wall, let’s think about it, where did it go after passing through the wall?”

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, not to mention, Xie Yuqing's proposal really provided him with an idea. He immediately took the two of them downstairs, turned out the window, and looked up, and found the location of the wall opposite the 203 dormitory. .

This side of the floor is completely enclosed, with no windows, smooth walls, nothing and no cracks.

Xie Yuqing said, "Do you want to watch the surveillance?"

"No, it can't be what we think. The ghost corpse is injured. If it comes out through the wall, it will definitely leave a corpse on the wall or on the ground, but look, there is nothing here."

The three of them looked around, and it was indeed as Ye Shaoyang said.

Ye Shaoyang pouted at the van not far away, where two security guards were smoking.

"They have been staring at this side. If someone really jumps down, no matter how fast the speed is, it is impossible to escape their eyes."

Xie Yuqing said: "It passed through the other side of the wall, but it didn't appear here. Could it be that it was caught in the middle of the wall?"

"I've seen it a long time ago. The thickness of the wall is very average. No matter how you hide a corpse, it is impossible to hide it from both ends. Don't think about it from this aspect. This matter is different from our previous supernatural knowledge and physics. Knowledge is completely deviated from common sense, which is unreasonable.”

Xie Yuqing said: "Then what should I do? A zombie can pass through walls infinitely. Once it gets in, it can't be found. Even you can't do anything about it. This is too hooligan."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her, shook his head slowly, and said: "I absolutely don't believe that such a thing against the law of heaven will happen, just like it is impossible for a person to fly for no reason."

Xie Yuqing stood at the opposite angle and said, "But this is what we saw with our own eyes."

"There must be some special reason, but we don't know. It seems that people can fly. Maybe it's because of the aircraft strapped to their body, not because they can fly. You believe me!"

Xie Yuqing looked at him and nodded.

Zhang Xiaorui said: "Master, what the hell is this? Why did it appear on the wall? Is she the murderer who killed that girl?"

"It appeared suddenly, probably because it was curious and wanted to follow us, because it saw what I did before, but it was not sure about my strength, so it didn't dare to attack directly."

Ye Shaoyang smiled complacently, "But it still underestimated me. After it was hit, it didn't come out to fight me head-on, which shows that it knew it by itself, and it was not powerful enough to fight me. This is also good news. At least we What I met was not that kind of super perverted opponent."

Xie Yuqing said: "Then what should we do now?"

"Collect clues, find a way to figure out the secret of her ability to pass through the wall, and the purpose of killing people, and then analyze it further."

Xie Yuqing knocked on her forehead and said, "That's right, I'm a little confused at the moment, and it's not like we don't have clues at all. I didn't come to tell you before, one of the four security guards who experienced the haunting incident was in the hospital. I went to him to record a statement, and his delirious appearance seemed a bit bewitched.

Originally, I planned to take Xueqi with me, but I just heard that you are coming back today, so let's go there together. "

Ye Shaoyang nodded, even if she didn't say anything, he would definitely go and have a look.


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