Urban Witcher

Chapter 1494 Qingqiu Mountain 1

Suddenly, General Yin Puppet turned his head and said, "Someone is approaching!"

When the two wisteria tree spirits heard this, they immediately flew towards the direction where his head was leaning. Within a few tens of meters, they saw two women approaching, and immediately shot.

"Don't do anything!" The Great Spirit Officer immediately rushed over, grabbed both hands, and a corpse was separated between the two sides.

Seeing their attack, the wisteria tree spirit immediately backed away when she knew there was a situation.

"Corpse gas!"

The two women were also taken aback, stopped attacking and looked towards the Great Spirit Officer.

"Empty Corpse Race!"

The two women were stunned and said, "What are you doing here!"

The Great Spirit Officer looked over and saw that there were two juicy girls with tender necks and plump breasts, but it wasn't about that. He wanted to climb up to take a bite and suck blood hard, but he also It can be seen that the other party's real body is two foxes. Although their cultivation base is not deep, they must not be messed with in this place.

"You are the Great Spirit Officer of the Corpse Clan!" One of the vixen looked at him up and down, and scolded, "You Corpse Clans have always been inseparable from my Qingqiu Mountain, what are you doing here in Qingqiu Mountain!"

"It's just passing by, calm down, both of you, we'll leave later." The Great Spirit Officer's attitude was very polite.

This vixen still wanted to speak, but the other one pulled her, and shouted at the Great Spirit Officer: "Leave, so as not to cause misunderstanding!"

The Great Spirit Officer retreated immediately, returned to Taoist Tongxuan, glanced at Guagua who was still resisting, and said, "You have alarmed the fox tribe in Qingqiu Mountain, speed up!"

Guagua's spiritual consciousness was completely blurred, when he heard the words "Qingqiu Mountain Fox Clan", the last sliver of his mind suddenly thought of something, and he wanted to shout, but now he can't even move at all, so The last glimmer of hope was completely shattered.

"Sister. What are you trying to do with me? My lord has said that you are welcome when you encounter corpses."

The two vixens walked away, one said to the other.

"That also depends on the situation. You didn't see that they were a group of black people over there, and the status of the Great Spirit Officer in the corpse clan is not low. It's better not to force it. Let's go back and report it."

The two vixens were about to fly away when one of them suddenly heard a low cry from behind, so he pulled the other to stop and listened carefully. It was a little girl crying, so he stopped and waited.

After a while, a four or five-year-old kid flew over clumsily, crying pear blossoms with rain, calling his sister.

"Who are you?"

A fox spirit saw that she was a ghost, and she still carried the turbid aura of the human world. She must have come from the human world, and she has almost no cultivation, so she became more curious.

"My name is Xinxin. I'm a ghost in the world. I was accidentally brought in by those bad guys. My brother is in their hands. I beg my sisters to save her. I beg you..."

Xinxin begged the two fox spirits by their clothes, she knew in her heart that these two powerful sisters were her last hope.

Just now, after Taoist Tongxuan let go of her, she realized that she was in a state of chaos. She didn't know that this was the Qingming Realm, and she didn't know how to get back to the human world. I followed all the way, but didn't dare to get too close, but I also heard Guagua's screams before, knowing that he must be suffering, and I was powerless, very sad.

In fact, Taoist Tongxuan and the others have long been aware of her existence, because she is really an insignificant brat, and they don't even bother to attack her, which is why she has been allowed to live until now.

"Well, let's report it." The two fox spirits said, not very interested in the truth of the matter. In this Qingming world, there are various battles every day, and some people die. The two obviously took what the little girl said as this kind of fighting.

They Qingqiu Mountain is only a separatist regime. Although they are powerful, they have no idea of ​​eliminating demons and defending the way. As long as they don't harm the interests of Qingqiu Mountain, they don't care about these fights at all. It's just that the little girl is cute, so I just casually said a word.

One of the fox spirits asked again casually: "Who is your brother, from the world?"

"Yes, his name is Guagua. He is very powerful. Those who arrested him are all bad guys." Xinxin said pitifully.

"Oh." The fox spirit said casually, disapprovingly, in the Qingming world, there is no distinction between good and evil, and besides, their fox clan is also a demon, so there is nothing good about it.

Although Xinxin has a four-year-old personality, she can see that the two are perfunctory, and she feels desperate immediately, and burst into tears.

The two fox girls seldom saw the little ghost in the world, so they thought she was cute, and when they heard her cry, they went up to coax her.

One of the younger ones was moved with compassion, and said, "Why don't we go back and have a look and save her brother?"

Another said: "It's not good to offend the corpse clan for the sake of an ordinary ghost."

Hearing what she said, Xin Xin suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said: "My brother is not an ordinary person, her name is Gua Gua, she is very powerful, and he also has a boss, a celestial master of Xuanqing Mountain, named Ye... Wild Goat. "

Ibex, the name.

The fox spirit smiled and said, "Okay, come with us, we'll go back to the mountain gate to report."

After speaking, he took the girl's hand and flew towards Qingqiu Mountain.

"Is it common for mages in the world to be named like this now, wild goat, haha..." A fox spirit trembled with a smile, turned to look at her sister, found her serious face, seemed to be thinking about something, and hurriedly asked :"What's wrong?"

The younger sister ignored her, took Xinxin's hand, and asked, "What's the name of that person, is it Ye Shaoyang?"

"That's right, I remembered wrongly, Ye Shaoyang, my brother said, he is a figure who crosses both worlds of Yin and Yang, and even Lord Yan wants to show face when he sees him." Xin Xin said what Gua Gua told herself, curling her lips, "But I can't go to the Yin Division, otherwise I will go to Lord Yan to save my brother."

The younger sister in the fox spirit immediately covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Oh my God, Ye Shaoyang!!"

My sister asked, "Why are you excited, do you know him?"

The younger sister grabbed her hand. "Ye Shaoyang, my lord's master!!"

My sister was shocked immediately. "Yes, that's the name, then this brat who was besieged..."

"My lord's brother!!" The two shouted together.

"This thief! Sister, let's go back and save people!"

Just as the younger sister was about to leave, she was stopped by her older sister, and said quickly: "Since they dare to attack, they must know his identity. We are going there now, but we can't beat them, and we will scare the snake away. If they run away, you and I will die." crime, go back to the mountain gate for help!"

The two sisters immediately showed their true bodies as fox spirits, with five tails trailing behind them.


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