Urban Witcher

Chapter 1502 I Created Me 2

"You...why do you want to look like me!" Ye Shaoyang was shocked, looking at his appearance, he felt a strange feeling in his heart, another self, standing in front of him alive, was three-dimensional, this feeling , it's totally different from looking in a mirror...

The paper figurine knelt down on one knee and said, "Master, I was transformed by your blood essence, so I took the liberty to become like you, please don't blame me."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and glanced at Xie Yuqing. Xie Yuqing stared at the paper figurine with a strange expression, then frowned, and said coldly: "You should change into a different look, there is only one Shaoyang in the world, I don't want to see another him!"

Ye Shaoyang also said: "You change your appearance casually, remember, this matter is very important, you will never, never be allowed to become like me again!"

The paper figurine immediately changed its appearance again, changing its image randomly, becoming a handsome guy whom it doesn't recognize, but its appearance still resembles Ye Shaoyang a little bit.

Ye Shaoyang didn't force it anymore, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

The paper man said: "Please give me a name, master." Even the voice changed.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and said: "You are a man made of paper, and paper is made of wood, so you should be called Muzi."

Immediately, it occurred to him that Muzi is a Li character together, but it doesn't matter.

Muzi said: "Thank you master."

"Don't call me master. Just call me boss like them. You are transformed from my blood essence, and you are also my disciple. From now on, you will also be a member of the Ghost Hunting Alliance. I will send you to serve in Division Y. Earn more money." Yde, you will have the opportunity to enter the path of reincarnation in the future."

Muzi agrees.

Ye Shaoyang came to the living room, looked at Guagua lying on the sofa and said, "How is your recovery?"

"Much better, what's the matter?"

"Send them to Division Y, find the little boy, and let him arrange it, don't look for Chengzi, she's confused."


"Right now, I have other things to do, so I've been delayed for half a day."

Guagua gets up and walks to the bedroom, calling Xinxin and Muzi to go on the road together.

Xinxin threw herself into Ye Shaoyang's arms again, kissed her, reluctant to part.

Muzi's farewell was very simple, and Ye Shaoyang didn't say much to him. I saw Guagua flying out of the window with one of them in each hand.

"Master, you did not choose the wrong name. That Muzi is really a log, and he can't say a word."

Ye Shaoyang walked to the window, looked outside, sighed, and looked back at the two with a complicated smile on his lips. "Accidentally, I created another me. This feeling... I can't say it well, I feel very panicked."

Xie Yuqing reassured her in turn: "It's nothing, isn't all ghosts ever-changing? If other ghosts change into your appearance, they will also change. What's the difference?"

"It's not the same. His true self is now my appearance, and he is my blood essence. In a sense, he is another me."

I suddenly remembered that when I couldn't bear it for a while, when I let Muzi go to become a spirit, my master reprimanded me, this would increase the cause and effect for myself, as expected...

"Although this is a coincidence, it seems to be a kind of necessity. I don't know why, but I just feel that something will happen in the future." Ye Shaoyang leaned on the window sill, recalling the moment when he saw Muzi's face before. The strange feeling that flashed in his heart seemed to have broken some mystery.

But now that I think about it seriously, I can't think of anything.

Xie Yuqing reassured: "Maybe you are thinking too much, he is your disciple, just like Guagua and the others, he will never betray you or anything."

"He will never be the same as Guagua and the others, but betrayal is not enough. Forget it, let him get some Y virtues in Division Y, and send him to reincarnation through the back door."

Ye Shaoyang put aside these speculative thoughts for the time being, and thought about the business in front of him.

Zhang Xiaorui said a word, and said: "Master, let me say a word, that Taoist master, who chose Guagua as a hostage this time, will choose someone else next time, I won't say, Sister Yuqing is so close to you , what if he catches you and uses it to blackmail you, master, what will you do?"

When Xie Yuqing heard this, she also became nervous and looked towards Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "You don't need to look for Yuqing, he can threaten me by catching a few living people from the world. But why didn't he choose someone else, instead he chose Guagua, the most difficult person to deal with, and pulled so many people Cooperation, if it is not for Xinxin, he can't even catch melons, why should he go far away?"

The two girls were stunned and looked at him very puzzled.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Because he was born in a Taoist sect, the purpose of his wanting to obtain my body is only to practice magic in the human world, unite ghosts and corpses, and have the opportunity to prove the Hunyuan in the future. Instability, karma doubles, and when the catastrophe occurs, it will suffer ten times the number of catastrophes, so how can I prove the way?"

Xie Yuqing was stunned for a long time, then said: "I don't quite understand, but... why can't you catch others, but just catch melons?"

"Guagua is a demon from the Ghost Realm. It comes from Taiyi Mountain. In human terms, it has a bad composition, and there is no name in the book of life and death. Even if you kill him, it will not increase any karma. Living people will not be able to do it. Evil things Killing a living person or living soul will generate ten times the karma, so even if it is a real evil cultivator, it will not kill people for nothing. If the evil things are all bloodthirsty, there will be few people in the world now. Where can I take care of the magic world?"

"Is that so...why the hell are you still divided?" Zhang Xiaorui wondered.

"Of course, otherwise, how can there be ghosts, demons and evil spirits? People are born rich and poor, and the same goes for evil things. For evil things with bad backgrounds, if they want to cultivate a positive result, they need to put in more effort and time, just like the poor. It’s much more difficult than starting from scratch.”

After hearing his metaphors, Zhang Xiaorui and Xie Yuqing finally understood. Xie Yuqing said: "Then we must be more careful."

"You guys are fine, Xueqi should be careful, she is also a resurrection after death, she is essentially a ghost corpse, and her composition is not much better than Guagua."

As for his other disciples, Ye Shaoyang also thought about it, Cheng Zi didn't need to think about it at all, she is the best among several people now, let alone being attacked, even if he stood in front of Tong Xuan, Tong Xuan could only pretend not to see—— If he dared to do anything to Cheng Zi, he didn't have to do anything, Mr. Cui Fu would teach him how to behave in minutes.

As for the rest of the Ghostbusters Alliance, they are also on duty in Division Y, no matter how courageous Taoist Tongxuan is, he would not dare to go to Division Y to make trouble.

Only Xueqi might become his target.

"Although after this time, it is estimated that the old guy will not repeat the old tricks, but he will not be able to guarantee that he will use his tricks. Xueqi alone is not his opponent..." Ye Shaoyang pondered.


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