Urban Witcher

Chapter 1541 Fog 1

Zhang Xiaorui stood in her friend's dormitory, looking at the thick fog outside the window, with a serious expression on her face. She wanted to call Ye Shaoyang to tell him about it, but she was afraid that she was thinking too much, so she hesitated, and decided to go outside the school to have a look, so A person left the dormitory and walked towards the nearest exit to the school.

Walking along the canal, when approaching the school gate, a few lights came and went under a small building on the side of the road. Because of the thick fog, no one could be seen, only a few people could be heard talking:

"It doesn't make sense, how could it be corroded like this..."

Zhang Xiaorui was curious, so she couldn't help walking over, until she came to the front, only to see some school security guards shining a flashlight on the outer wall of the small building.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Xiaorui said suddenly, but it startled a few people. Seeing that she looked like a student, she didn't bother to answer her.

Zhang Xiaorui made a distinction, and it happened that one of the security guards was familiar with him. He also cooperated with him when cleaning the sewer during the day, so Zhang Xiaorui greeted him immediately.

The security guard also recognized her. Although he didn't know her details, he knew that she was with Principal Liu Ming. He guessed that it was someone from the school, so he shone his flashlight up and down on the outer wall for Zhang Xiaorui to see for himself.

The outer wall is made of concrete, probably due to years of disrepair, there are cracks everywhere, exposing the drilled wall inside, and the cracks are covered with withered creeper leaves.

Zhang Xiaorui looked at it for a long time, and said, "It's an old building, what's wrong?"

The security guard said: "But this building was built last year, and it was fine before. How did it break down like this?"

Zhang Xiaorui was stunned. If he judged by naked eyes, the building in front of him was at least 20 or 30 years old, and the balcony was still made of cement. It looked like the old one.

Several security guards also discovered this, and after discussing it, although they all felt that the building was weird, but because the building was in a remote location and hadn't been put into use, no one usually noticed it and didn't remember what it looked like, so Walk around the small building.

Zhang Xiaorui found that even the path under his feet was mottled, with moss growing in the cracks between the stone slabs.

"Look!" A security guard pointed a flashlight at a certain place on the outer wall, and everyone immediately pointed their flashlights at it. It was a metal building signboard, which was stained and stained. If you look carefully, the words Building No. 20 were written on it.

Several people immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Our school doesn't seem to have Building 20, right? Why don't I remember?" a security guard asked.

The other nodded and said: "That's right, and the building plates were all changed the year before last, and they were all yellow metal plates. How could there be such a thing?"

"Forgot to change this?"

"How is it possible, this building was only built last year!"

As soon as this sentence came out, several people were silent, and some people suspected it was a prank. Use a flashlight to illuminate the past, from the first floor to the fifth floor, all lights are turned off.

A security guard suddenly called out: "No way?"

Others immediately asked him what was wrong, but the security guard was stunned for a long time, and murmured: "I have gone upstairs before and sent things up. I remember that this building has five floors...how come there are only four floors?"

The rest of the security guards had no memory of the number of floors in this building. At this time, they also walked to the front of the building. The two iron gates were open, and the inside was dark. Someone suggested to go in and have a look.

Several people looked at each other, but no one dared to go in.

"I'll go in and have a look!" Zhang Xiaorui wanted to go in after speaking, a young man immediately grabbed her.

"We have so many men, let you go in with a girl, what are you talking about, if you don't go, I will go!"

After speaking, he held up the flashlight and walked into the iron gate. Infected by him, the two security guards immediately followed, while the rest waited at the stairs.

Watching the three of them going upstairs with flashlights, they inspected the rooms one by one.

"It's so strange!" A security guard shouted down from the railing, "There are a lot of broken tables and chairs here, all of which are decayed and moldy, as if they were decades ago!"

Decades ago... Zhang Xiaorui suddenly thought of something at this moment, and hurriedly said: "Come down, it's dangerous!"

"Dangerous? Where is the danger?" At this time, the three security guards had already walked outside the last large room, pushed open the door, and walked in one after another.

Zhang Xiaorui looked at the flickering flashlight in the room and prayed that nothing would happen. However, the most worrying thing happened.

A security guard yelled in the room: "Who are you? What, what is this!"

There was the sound of three people running out in a hurry from the room, followed by screams...

Only one figure ran out, covered his face with his hands all the way, and staggered down the stairs.

The security guards downstairs were immediately stunned. Zhang Xiaorui came to his senses first and rushed over to check the situation.

After the security guard rushed out of the iron gate, he fell to the ground, howled loudly, and rolled around on the ground. Zhang Xiaorui rushed forward to see that blood was continuously flowing from the security guard's ten fingers.

"Call an ambulance, hurry up!" Someone took out his mobile phone and dialed 120. There was no response for a long time. When he looked at the mobile phone, there was no signal at all...

"Look!" Someone yelled, pointing to the second floor of the building, Zhang Xiaorui looked up, and there was a long-haired girl standing near the stairs, wearing a school uniform of different colors, standing in the thick fog, unable to see Clear appearance, only two eyes can be seen, like two black holes, staring at him.

A gust of wind blew, and thicker fog floated in. When I could see clearly again, the figure was gone.

Zhang Xiaorui froze for a few seconds, then looked down at the security guard who was injured on the ground.

The security guard suddenly jumped up and pinched her neck with both hands.

Zhang Xiaorui was startled and hurriedly backed away.

An elderly security guard beside him also came to his senses, instinctively pulled out his stick, and stabbed at the wounded. The wounded man grabbed the stick and pulled it hard. The old security guard didn't notice for a moment, but he pulled him over and immediately thrust his hands towards his face.

The old security guard turned his head to the side in despair, waiting for his face to be pierced, but his hands didn't come down for a few seconds. Ten fingers pointed at him, but they didn't stick in after all.

Zhang Xiaorui patted his heart on the side, and took a long breath. Fortunately, fortunately, he remembered the method of drawing the corpse talisman at a critical moment, but the other party had just become a zombie and had no magic power.

The old security guard who escaped from the tiger's mouth came back to his senses, looked at Zhang Xiaorui in shock, then at the injured security guard, and said, "What's going on?"

"Turned into a zombie."

Hearing the word zombie, several security guards were immediately moved, showing expressions of disbelief.

Zhang Xiaorui asked someone to hold a flashlight, and carefully lifted off the magic talisman attached to the injured security guard's face, revealing his entire face. Everyone gasped suddenly, and some even vomited on the spot:


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