Urban Witcher

Chapter 1579 Xiang Xiaoyu 2

Along the way, the two whispered to each other, and suddenly laughed together. Ye Shaoyang watched them leave, and couldn't help shaking his head. The world of women is indeed difficult to understand.

I opened the cheapest room without windows in the hotel. Ye Shaoyang took a bath and lay down, but he couldn't fall asleep. He went through his experience in the claustrophobic space again in his mind, and remembered the evil thing covered in hands .

Thinking back now, although I don't know the real body of this guy, but I think he must not be weak. When he attacked me, it was probably because Xiang Xiaoyu's Horcrux was still in his hand, so the purpose was to capture him alive, and he didn't really do it. , otherwise, based on the situation at the time, it is really not certain who will win the game.

Judging from the fact that the evil thing has many worms, it must have come from hell. Ye Shaoyang deduced that she was brought out of hell to be Wang Mansi's helper when the female demon stole the devil's heart grass from hell.

As for the fact that Rong Ruo, the servant girl of King Chu Jiang, didn't mention this last time, she was probably afraid that the secret would be leaked, and King Chu Jiang's reputation would be ruined...

If there is only one or two, I am not afraid, what I am afraid of is that there will be more.

I am not fighting alone, and Wang Mansi is not fighting alone.

Besides, there is a woman behind her behind the scenes, that is the real heavyweight player, she also came to rescue Wang Mansi not long after she got out of trouble, and went to the Great Hell to steal the magic heart grass, and helped Wang Mansi lay out the layout, explaining the relationship between the two Extraordinary, if she wanted to kill Wang Mansi, she probably wouldn't stand by and watch.

Fortunately, there is Xiaojiu in the Qingming Realm, who is almost like a nephew, and the best way for me now is to fight, first solve Wang Mansi, and then even if the nun comes to trouble me, one-on-one, I will also fight. Dare to fight, and even look forward to such a battle deep in my heart.

The Zombie Queen... what kind of strength is it?

After much deliberation, Ye Shaoyang finally fell asleep for some reason.

In the morning, I was awakened by the ringing of my mobile phone. I picked it up and saw that it was Xie Yuqing calling. After connecting, Xie Yuqing only said one sentence: "Shaoyang, Xiang Xiaoyu is awake, come here quickly."

Ye Shaoyang got up suddenly, and ten minutes later, he arrived at the gate of the investigation office. Xie Yuqing was already waiting outside, leading him in.

"How about it?"

"Woke up, looking like a normal person."

Ye Shaoyang didn't ask any more questions, and followed him to the room yesterday, Rui Lengyu and Yang Chenwu brothers and sisters were outside the door.

Yang Chenwu stepped forward and said: "Tianshi Ye, I told my junior uncle everything that happened recently, and my junior uncle is in the room, and he said he wanted to see you."

Ye Shaoyang turned his head to look at Rui Lengyu and Xie Yuqing, and said, "You two go together, discuss anything together, and save me from repeating it in the future."

The two followed, Yang Chenwu stretched out his hand to stop the two, and said in embarrassment: "Master Ye, my little uncle said, it's best to see you alone..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Your uncle is the emperor, he has the final say?"

Yang Chenwu was tongue-tied. Ye Shaoyang has already opened the door and walked in. Rui Lengyu and Xie Yuqing followed closely behind.

A man stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, wearing a windbreaker, brand new, Ye Shaoyang guessed that Yang Chenwu probably prepared it in advance, and put it on for him before he woke up.

The head is a bit messy, I didn't feel it when I was lying down and didn't wake up, but now it looks as long as shoulder length.

This is... Xiang Xiaoyu?

Hearing them coming in, Xiang Xiaoyu didn't look back, looked out the window, and murmured, "Thirty-three years ago, there wasn't a single car on this street, but now it's bustling with traffic, and it's more prosperous than Hong Kong back then. I can't imagine it. It's moving so fast now."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Pay attention to your wording, Hong Kong 97 will return, and it is also a part of China."

Xiang Xiaoyu pondered for a while, and said, "Does every family use a phone now, or are there still many people who use a mobile phone?"

Ye Shaoyang sneered, "everyone has a mobile phone for a long time, and even mountain people like me use it, and it's still smart."

"cell phone?"

Xiang Xiaoyu turned his head, his eyes swept over the faces of the three of them, and fell on Ye Shaoyang's face, Ye Shaoyang also looked over, although he had seen photos and corpses before, but now he was standing here alive, feeling completely different people.

Except for his face being a little yellow and without any blood, he really looked like a living person.

He is indeed handsome, and has a good temperament, with a hint of condescension in his gentleness.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said: "I don't have time to popularize these things for you. If you want to know, you can find out by yourself."

"I don't have time to understand." Xiang Xiaoyu smiled slightly, "Then tell me something else, you are Ye Shaoyang. My little nephew praised you very much, a young talent from the traditional Taoist school. Oh yes , I heard from him that the two of them offended you, thanks to your advice. Thank you very much."

Ye Shaoyang knew that this sentence meant accountability and provocation, so he said bluntly: "I just like to learn to do good deeds, so you don't have to be polite."

Seeing that he accepted it so honestly and rudely, Xiang Xiaoyu was slightly taken aback, then laughed loudly, and said, "Tianshi Ye, let's talk about business, my soul power can only sustain me for about five days, I will take everything I'll tell you all."

"It's not what it used to be. After my resurrection, although I have some mana, it's not enough to fight against Sisi, but I have a way to suppress her... Ye Tianshi, what do you think is the most difficult thing for her to deal with?"

Ye Shaoyang hates people's tricks the most, but he immediately remembered it and blurted out: "The claustrophobic space, she is the maker of all rules in the claustrophobic space, and she is almost invincible."

Xiang Xiaoyu nodded and said, "I know, I have a solution."

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, and Rui Lengyu and Xie Yuqing were also taken aback. How could Xiang Xiaoyu find a solution to this problem that bothered them the most?

Ye Shaoyang almost couldn't believe it, he frowned and said, "Are you serious?"

Xiang Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Master Ye Tian, ​​you feel that even in the face of eternal doom, you have to leave a body behind, why is that?

I was still able to communicate at that time. If there was any information left, it could be recorded with a pen or dictated to anyone. Why should I pay the price of eternal hell in exchange for this short five-day life? "

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, he did not notice what Xiang Xiaoyu said before, but now that he thinks about it carefully, there is indeed a flaw in the middle.

Xiang Xiaoyu looked at him, and this time he didn't try to be tricky, and said slowly: "Because, there is one thing that can only be successful if I do it myself."

"You may not know that when I came to school here, I came here for Wang Mansi. I knew at that time that she was a flying zombie, and she had a high status in the corpse clan. She was ordered to open up a foothold in the world. After I came , pretended not to know who she was, approached her secretly, and finally won her love..."


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