Urban Witcher

Chapter 1671 Sudden Distress 1

For Ye Shaoyang, this was simply a catastrophe.

Liu Kai didn't know what the magic weapon was, but judging from his expression, he also knew that these things must be of great importance, so he proposed to look for them nearby.

Ye Shaoyang forced himself to calm down, and first looked around where he took off his clothes. There were no footprints left on the sand, so the two searched nearby, but they couldn't find them.

Ye Shaoyang scratched the tip of his right finger, and wrote an imperial edict with his blood on the palm of his left hand. He closed his eyes, and muttered words in his mouth, using his connection with the Seven Star Longquan Sword to perceive its position.

All of a sudden, his eyes lit up.

The position of the Seven Star Longquan Sword has been sensed! However, this perception spell is not precise, it can only perceive that it is roughly in a certain direction, and the distance is quite far away, so I hurriedly rushed out in that direction, and just after running for tens of meters, I suddenly thought of something and stopped immediately.

Turning around and running towards the camp, he shouted, "Hurry up and go back!"

Liu Kai ran after him and asked, "Mr. Ye, aren't you looking for something?"

"What do you think they stole my magic weapon for?" Ye Shaoyang asked while running.

Liu Kai was stunned, "Isn't it for theft? Although I don't know much about it, it must be a good thing."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. After the initial panic, he immediately thought of who was the one who stole things: This place is deserted, and there is no one else. The one who stole his magic weapon must be the wizard who tried to destroy it before. I found a nail, so I thought of this method.

Their intention is not the magic weapon itself at all. The seven-star Longquan sword, the Yin-Yang mirror, etc. are all their own magic weapons. You can get it all, and there is no need to take risks to steal it.

They stole their magic weapon for only one purpose: to weaken their own strength. I don't have a magic weapon, and my strength is equivalent to a waste of more than half.

Therefore, they basically still have to deal with the expedition team!

After thinking about this, Ye Shaoyang immediately gave up looking for the magic weapon, and rushed back to the camp to protect everyone.

There was still a sand dune away from the camp, and Ye Shaoyang heard two crisp sounds.

"Gun, someone fired a gun!" Liu Kai was startled.

After crossing the sand dunes, the two looked forward and were immediately stunned: within a radius of tens of meters of the monitoring room, it was shrouded in a mass of black air like a dark cloud, almost invisible.

"What's the situation!" Liu Kai was shocked.

Ye Shaoyang wiped off the talisman drawn on the palm of his left hand, cut the index fingers of both hands, and drew a palm thunder on each palm, then turned around and said to Liu Kai: "Follow me closely, don't leave even one step!"

The two of them ran all the way and entered the cloud-covered camp, and it seemed that they had entered the night from daytime. After Ye Shaoyang broke in, he immediately felt a threatening atmosphere. When he looked intently, there were several black shadows shaking in the direction of the door of the monitoring room, and finally Ye Shaoyang was spotted in front of him, and he rushed forward immediately.

Ye Shaoyang jumped up, and slapped his palm, the palm thundered on the opponent's forehead, and there was a crash, and a piece of his forehead sank, and then his whole body softened and flowed to the ground.


A person made of sand again?

Before Ye Shaoyang came back to his senses, the pool of quicksand gathered again, took the shape of a human, and rushed towards him.

Ye Shaoyang immediately smashed it into pieces, turned around and pulled Liu Kai who was already in a daze, "Follow me!"

I fought back against those sandmen in front, cleared a path, and led Liu Kai to the door. I saw Lin Sansheng blocking the door, with his hands in seals, and three flowers appeared on the top of his head, spinning continuously, and the petals transformed by mana kept flying towards the front , Continuously strangling the sandman who rushed over from the opposite side to the end.

Behind Lin Sansheng stood two soldiers with guns. They shot at the sand man. The place where the shot was shot would collapse and repair itself immediately.

"I shot him three times, what kind of monster is this!" the soldier trembled.

"You all go into the house, don't come out!"

Ye Shaoyang asked Lin Sansheng to support him, and rushed the rest to the bedroom. Cao Yu and others huddled in the room with panicked faces. Seeing Ye Shaoyang, they immediately surrounded him as if they had seen a savior.

"It's exactly the same as what happened before!" Cao Yu said in a deep voice, "The members who stayed here before encountered the same attack and all died."

"Go and hide in the corner, I'll deal with it!" After Ye Shaoyang finished speaking, he rushed to the door and asked Lin Sansheng to go in to protect everyone and block the door himself.

At first, there were not many sand people, but with Ye Shaoyang's mana, the thunder in the palm of his hand shattered. However, after the sand people were shattered, they immediately gathered into human shapes, and there were more and more people. After all, Ye Shaoyang was only one person. Can barely resist.

The feet suddenly softened, and there was a strange feeling. Looking down, the originally soft ground was also softening, and the sand gathered together, forming a human shape.

Ye Shaoyang was startled, so he could only call out to Lin Sansheng loudly, asking him to guard the bedroom and protect everyone. I still resist those outside the door and don't let them in.

"I said Shaoyang, what time is it, you are still using the palm thunder and the hook!" Lin Sansheng saw that Ye Shaoyang was bare-handed, and he couldn't help shouting anxiously.

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him, "If I were a magic weapon, I wouldn't know how to use it."

Lin Sansheng was taken aback, and said, "Where's the magic weapon?"

"It was stolen, if they don't steal my magic weapon, they dare to bully me?"

Ye Shaoyang was full of resentment in his heart. If he had the Hooking Sash in his hand, he would have killed a lot of people with a whip. Even if he didn't have the Hooking Sling and the Seven Star Longquan Sword, just a handful of copper beans would not be as difficult as it is now. .

"The Four Treasures are not here, and you have lost the magic weapon..." Lin Sansheng suddenly lost his mind.

At this time, the sand in the room continued to bulge, and gathered into sand figures. Lin Sansheng took out a ruler obtained in the Demon Palace, and kept beating them. Fortunately, the sand figures in the room revived much slower than the outside, so they could cope with it. It's easy to get up.

Cao Yu and the others all huddled in the corner, watching this horrific scene, trembling with nervousness, not daring to move.

While killing the enemy, Lin Sansheng thought about the reason. After killing a sand man, he observed carefully and found that there was nothing but sand.

Lin Sansheng didn't believe it. Although the sand man in front of him is just a low-level puppet evil spirit, there is no magic or witchcraft that can gather sand into human beings out of thin air. There must be something controlling it inside the sand man.

Immediately said to Ye Shaoyang: "Shaoyang, you kill one, find the soul letter! I am a soul body, I can't do it!"

The soul letter is the substance used by the mage to remotely control the puppet evil spirit.

Ye Shaoyang said: "It's about this time, what are you looking for!"

"You find it before you talk, hurry up!"


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