Urban Witcher

Chapter 1673 Hair 1

A part of the hair curled towards the middle of the crack, and the other part was still corroding the fixing line. Ye Shaoyang waited for a while, but there was no movement from Lin Sansheng's side. He was worried that Lin Sansheng might not be able to figure it out, and he didn't want to sit still, so he turned around and glanced, found a few empty wine bottles on the ground, and threw them into the corpse water.

Although the corpse water has a wide range, in order to spread, it has not piled up, so it is not deep.

Ye Shaoyang breathed a sigh of relief, jumped onto the wine bottles and jars, almost fell down, stepped on one of them, and walked forward just like a roller, and when he came to the middle of the crack, a ball of hair immediately surrounded him.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed hold of it, quickly twisted it into two strands, and tied them together into a French knot. The only cinnabar popped out from his little thumbnail. He recited the earth fire mantra and blew a breath on his hair, which burst into flames. up blue flames.

The ground fire burns along the hair until it reaches the source of the corpse water. The fire should be extinguished when it sees the water, but the ground fire is supposed to burn out all evil spirits. Same, immediately lit up the fire.

Taking advantage of the fire not spreading, Ye Shaoyang retreated to the corner of the wall, blocking the panicked Cao Yu and others, and said, "Don't be afraid, this fire won't burn anyone, you'll be fine standing here."

The earth fire only targets evil things. The things in the world will not burn except for the medium of the spirit - the picturesque charms. Burned, so Ye Shaoyang retreated to the side.

"Military division, come up quickly!" Ye Shaoyang shouted towards the middle of the crack, but there was no movement.

The fire didn't spread: shortly after burning, the corpse water stopped gushing, but flowed back into the crack, leaving a mess on the sand, but the corpse water had subsided, and the crisis was finally alleviated.

Ye Shaoyang flew to the edge of the crack, leaned over and looked inside, not being wary of a bunch of hair coming out, wrapping his face thoughtlessly, and pulling it down forcefully.

Ye Shaoyang tried to support the edge of the crack with both hands, but he forgot that there was sand under his feet, and his hands went straight into the sand, his head was down, and he was dragged down along with the quicksand.

Ye Shaoyang said inwardly that he was not good. At this critical moment, he suddenly felt his ankles tense, as if someone had grabbed him and dragged him out forcefully.

Although the force behind him couldn't compete with the hair that entangled him, it still made Ye Shaoyang take a breath. He bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed down with blood.

With a squeak, the hair that was entangled with him immediately shrank back.

Ye Shaoyang stepped back hurriedly, turned around and saw that it was Liu Kai and another soldier, each holding his leg, and nodded to them to let them go.

Standing up, just taking a breath, the hair below spread up again.

The ground fire that was so strong just now was actually extinguished! What kind of evil is the owner of these hairs?

Ye Shaoyang held his empty hands, really feeling like a hero is useless. He leaped hard, avoided the first wave of attack from his hair, stretched out his hands to hold the two strands, repeated the same trick, and tied them into a knot, but he didn't have time to read The ground fire curse, only heard two screams from behind, turned around and saw that two soldiers were bound by their legs by their hair, fell to the ground, and dragged into the crack.

In desperation, Ye Shaoyang swooped, pinched his fingers into a formula, and pushed back the hair wrapped around Liu Kai's leg. Just as he was about to save another soldier, a large strand of hair protruded from the crack, separating the two opened, rolling towards Ye Shaoyang overwhelmingly.

Damn it!

Ye Shaoyang was also really fired. He stood still, his eyes turned cold, and he opened his sky eyes. A white light invisible to ordinary people shot out from between his eyebrows.

The light of the eye of heaven. It can only be used once a month, and Ye Shaoyang will never use it unless it is absolutely necessary. Now that it is important to save lives, Ye Shaoyang can't care less about it.

As soon as the light of the sky eye shot out, it immediately melted a lot of hair in front of him, and opened a gap in the barrier made of hair. Ye Shaoyang rushed over immediately, looked to the edge of the crack, only saw two feet, flew over, and grasped tightly. Stop, Liu Kai over there also came back to his senses, came to help, hugged one leg each, and pulled it out hard.

Ye Shaoyang looked forward, and saw that the person in front of him was covered with countless hairs, which continued to spread and tightened more and more. In the place where there are many thighs and buttocks, the skin has been stretched out of shape, even if the two of them can Catch him so that he doesn't fall into the crack, I'm afraid his people will be crushed by these hairs in a short while.

"Come here, someone!" Ye Shaoyang yelled, and immediately another soldier rushed over from the corner, took a leg from Ye Shaoyang's hand, held it down and pulled it out.

"Who has a knife!" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"I have." Liu Kai let go of one hand, pulled out the saber from his waist, and threw it on the ground.

It is a dagger with a blade that opens backwards, shaped like a dog's leg, which is also the nickname of this kind of dagger, and it is standard equipment for field troops.

Ye Shaoyang picked it up and scratched his left index finger, blood gushed out immediately, Ye Shaoyang dipped his finger in the blood, drew a rune on the knife, and cut off the soldier's hair.

The dagger that had been razed by the blood talisman cut off the hair. It was a real hair blow. It cut off all the hair wrapped around the soldier in an instant. There were still some hairs that wanted to be wrapped around Ye Shaoyang. The two soldiers led the wounded back to the corner of the wall immediately. Ye Shaoyang stretched out his head and looked under the crack. His hair was all black, and he couldn't tell what was what. He wanted to jump down, but he was afraid of being entangled by hair.

He was hesitating, when suddenly he heard a muffled hum, which came from under the crack, followed by an earthquake-like movement, farther and farther away.

The long-haired evil thing under the crack roared like a wild beast, and receded downwards. The quicksand piled up around it that had been pushed out by him earlier rolled down, filling the crack.


Ye Shaoyang was wondering when he saw a figure flying out from below, it was Lin Sansheng, his clothes were torn and his hair was disheveled, he shook his head, said "repent", and with a shake of his body, he returned to his usual glamorous side.

That's all it takes to be a ghost, as long as your cultivation is deep enough, you can transform into whatever you like at any time.

"That thing is so powerful. I fought with its real body down there for a long time, but I couldn't win. Fortunately, the two girls helped, otherwise it's hard to say whether I can get away."

"You two girls?" Ye Shaoyang frowned.

At this time, two people emerged from the quicksand,

Seeing that it was Chengzi and Xiaobai, Ye Shaoyang heaved a sigh of relief, stared and scolded: "Why did you come here!"

At the beginning of the fight, Ye Shaoyang summoned them through the soul seal, so he let Lin Sansheng hold on for a while, but he didn't expect the opponent's offensive to be so strong, and a powerful evil thing of unknown origin was dispatched, which caused the crisis just now.


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