Urban Witcher

Chapter 1691 Light 2

Ye Shaoyang smiled, "Just listen to this kind of threat. If it is really so effective, do they still need their protection for generations?"

Wu Jiadao echoed, "That's well said. Besides, since we're going to the grave, we've already made mental preparations. We're afraid of choking, so why don't we eat?"

Taoist Tianbao smiled and said, "That's exactly the reason. I don't know what your plans are going to be. When are you planning to go to the grave?"

Ye Shaoyang told him that although he said he was not afraid, he had to be well prepared, so he had to wait for the Four Treasures to fix the acupoints before considering how to go down to the tomb. Regarding the identity of the Four Treasures, Ye Shaoyang boasted a bit, saying that he is the descendant of Captain Mojin. Taoist Tianbao was even more excited, so the two parties agreed to take joint action after everything was ready.

"By the way, Martial Nephew Ye, I plan to send my eldest disciple Zikun to your place. First, I can help you. Second, if there is any situation, I can also send him to inform us in time. After all, we are underground and there is no traffic. Tools, it’s very inconvenient to connect. Zikun has his means to find us.”

Send someone to monitor yourself? Ye Shaoyang thought about it, nodded immediately and said: "That would be the best."

Taoist Tianbao was very happy. Seeing that he wanted to see off the guests, Ye Shaoyang hurriedly blocked him with questions. After all, it was not easy to come by himself, so he simply asked more.

"I have a question in my mind. Since these believers are Tibetans, why don't they build the tomb of the gods in the snowy area, but go all the way to Luopo where there is no one?"

Tianbao said humanely: "I also asked their high priest this question. They are a very small religion in the snowy area. They have been excluded by Tibetan Buddhism and other religions, so they migrated under the guidance of God. Come here, and when their god died, they were naturally buried here."

Ye Shaoyang was surprised when he heard the words, "You mean, they migrated here first, and then built the tomb of the gods here, instead of having the tomb of the gods first, and then came to guard it?"

"Of course not. The snow area is not far from here, and there was a lake in Luopo at that time, and life could be guaranteed. Religions have always developed like this. When they are excluded, they start wandering, looking for another suitable place to live."

Wu Jiadao heard this, and interjected: "Then their gods are not very powerful, otherwise why would they be bullied and run away."

Taoist Tianbao smiled: "The so-called gods are their leaders who claim to be the incarnation of gods..."

When several people heard this, they all smiled knowingly.

"However, how did they build the ancient tomb under the lake?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

Taoist Tianbao said that he didn't know this, but the method must be yes. As for choosing the bottom of Luopo Lake, it may be because it is a place of geomantic omen.

"One more question, is there... a woman here?"

As soon as this remark came out, even Taoist Tianbao was a little surprised, he laughed and said: "It turns out that Ye Zhang taught this well, but I'm really sorry, this is also our temporary residence, so why would we bring women here?"

Pressing Ye Shaoyang's shoulder with one hand, rubbing it lightly, he said in an ambiguous tone: "If Master Ye has an idea, after the matter is completed, I will take you to the provincial capital and find you some exotic girls..."

Ye Shaoyang almost fainted, and said dumbfoundedly: "Master, I'm asking... On the way we entered the cave, all we saw were male disciples, why didn't there be a single female?"

"Oh, what are you talking about?" Taoist Tianbao smiled coyly, and then sighed again, "I said before that they used to make a living on Luopo Lake and married the local Uyghurs. Later, Luopo Lake dried up, and everyone Some locals have also moved away, and they couldn't find a wife at all... It is said that they spent money to buy a few daughters-in-law back then, but there were not enough of them. Only the priests had wives.

That's why I said that their number is getting smaller and smaller now. Except for some believers who live in the town and provide them with supplies, there are only fifty or sixty people who really live in the desert, and there are no more than six or seven female relatives. They all live in some caves at the back, so of course you can't see them. Women who marry priests, if they give birth to sons, they stay, and if they give birth to daughters, they... deal with it. "

"How to deal with it?" The three of Ye Shaoyang were shocked.

"Through their people in town, sell."

"What!" The three said at the same time.

"It's easy to explain," Taoist Tianbao said, "Girls are useless to them. First of all, their concept is exactly the same as that of the ancients. They think that women are not their descendants. There are few resources in the first place, so there is no need to go. raise a girl?"

Wu Jiawei said: "Why don't you marry the tribe after you are raised, so that you can reproduce?"

Taoist Tianbao said with a smile: "I also thought so at first, it would be great to marry someone who is not related to the same clan. Originally they also lack wives, but if you think about it carefully, the total number of these believers is very small. If they marry each other, then Within two or three generations, they were all close relatives before each other.

We all know the consequences of close relatives getting married. When the time comes, the children born will not be as good as the next generation. Without any other factors, this ethnic group will become extinct by itself. "

Taoist Tianbao's explanation also calmed Ye Shaoyang's doubts. After thinking about it carefully, he said, "Then their number is getting smaller and smaller now, have you thought of any way?"

"There is no good way, they intend to stick to it, because there is a saying passed down from their ancestors: as long as the tomb of the gods is not destroyed, one day in the future, their god of light will be resurrected, descend among them, and lead them back to the world. Glory, so they decided to guard it until there is no one left."

After Ye Shaoyang heard this, he suddenly felt that this might be the so-called painting cakes to satisfy his hunger.

In this regard, apart from the religions of this life—such as Taoism, other religions have said similar things, which can be regarded as a vision for believers: For example, Christianity has said that God will resurrect and judge the world.

Faith is the most powerful and blindest force in the world, but for these believers, Ye Shaoyang has some admiration in his heart, and at the same time feels a little sadness.

Because of their isolation from the world, the thoughts and views of these believers have not evolved over the years, and they have kept their beliefs from generation to generation, and it is difficult to evaluate them from a modern point of view.

But one thing is: Ye Shaoyang has no aversion to these believers, let alone any hatred. What he hopes most is not to contact them, so as not to hurt each other, so no matter what, the Zhongge faction can handle these believers, so that they have no worries It is true that he has solved a big problem.


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