Urban Witcher

Chapter 1722

Furthermore, these two evil creatures guarded one side of the ancient tomb, and Sibao suspected that they had never even seen each other before, and it was normal for them to be incompatible. Generally speaking, moving forward in this kind of ancient tomb is like passing through various organs. If you die halfway, you will die. If you pass through, it means that the evil thing in this level is either sealed or killed. This kind of situation still rarely happens, even the owner of the tomb probably wouldn't think of it.

"Great monk, how are you doing?"

Lin Sansheng rushed to help Sibao at Ye Shaoyang's request, and found them after searching for a long time. Seeing the situation on the other side, he was shocked on the spot. "What's going on with these two evil things?"

Taking advantage of the time when the two were wrestling, Sibao roughly explained the situation, and Lin Sansheng was startled when he heard it.

"Sloppy...this is sloppy." Lin Sansheng was in a daze, looking at the evil thing opposite, and said: "This is a monster, and its cultivation is not weak."

"Yeah, it's a good thing that the two of them started fighting. It's really dangerous. If the two of them besieged me at that time, I would have already knelt down."

Lin Sansheng gave him a dissatisfied look and said, "You are a monk, why are you full of foul language?"

"At this time, don't teach me a lesson. What can you do?"

Lin Sansheng observed the battle situation, and said in a deep voice, "Since they are still fighting, let's not interrupt it. If one can die and the other can be injured, that is the best result."

Ma Huzi's eyes were red with that evil thing, and they got entangled together, and he had long forgotten about Sibao and his group. Sibao was also willing to do this, and quietly told everyone to back off and watch the battle from a distance.

Although the moth monster is huge in size and not weaker than the sloppy man, it has a fatal problem: the space here is too small, and its huge body cannot be used at all. On the contrary, it is not as flexible as the short sloppy man. Come down, gradually revealing defeat.

The one that Sibao saw happily, this moth monster must have been an evil thing arranged by the owner of the tomb on the way ahead, if it hadn't been encountered by those fleeing Taoist priests and attracted it, I would have solved it here After getting rid of Sloppy, they will definitely face this one in the next level, and it will inevitably be another hard fight. Now let them fight and consume, Sibao is very happy.

Lin Sansheng said: "It seems that this moth won't be able to withstand it for long. Four treasures, please arrange it quickly. When the battle is over, the sloppy will definitely come to attack us."

Sibao frowned and said: "This sloppy is very difficult to deal with, and I have no good way to deal with it."

Lin Sansheng said: "The so-called one hundred secrets and one sparse, this kind of man-made evil must have the weakness of the Gate of Fate, if you can find its weakness, it will be much easier to deal with it, if you fight recklessly, you must protect everyone, fear of casualties .”

"Yeah, the key is what's the weakness of this product..." Sibao pondered.

"Master, sloppy sons are afraid of salt. That time Master dealt with sloppy sons, he used the water used to pickle pickles."

Sibao was stunned, "Afraid of salt? I heard that to make sloppy cockroaches, you use skinned civet cats and throw them into a pickle jar filled with blood."

The little Taoist said: "Then I don't know, anyway, Master did that."

Lin Sansheng said: "That's right, pickling the peeled civet cat with the water of pickled vegetables is to make it suffer from extreme pain, separate its soul, and breed resentment. Now it has no skin, and its body is only a layer of soft flesh. Naturally, it is still afraid of salt. Yes, do you have any salt on you?"

"I have a bottle of hydrochloric acid." Because he knew that he would not be able to replenish the magic medicine on the way to the tomb, Sibao brought a copy of all the magic medicines that were convenient to carry. Using hydrochloric acid to deal with the bronze armored corpse had a miraculous effect. This time, Sibao was afraid of encountering the bronze armored corpse again, so he brought a bottle of pure hydrochloric acid with a high concentration.

The little Taoist said: "Hydrochloric acid is synthesized from concentrated sulfuric acid and table salt, that's even better."

Sibao took out a glass cup with a protective cover from his backpack, Lin Sansheng looked at it and said, "Is this the cup you usually use for drinking tea?"

"Yeah, because there is a protective cover outside, use a glass bottle directly, and it will be troublesome if it is broken."

Lin Sansheng said: "It's a good idea, I'm just afraid that you might take it by mistake and drink it as tea."

"It's a pity that you are a ghost, and you can't even drink if you want to."

The little Taoist said eagerly from the side: "I said, you two, it's already the time, so stop bickering."

Sibao smiled and said, "You don't understand, this is the tradition of our ghost hunting alliance."

"Ghostbuster Alliance?" The little Taoist scratched his head in confusion, "What kind of organization is it?"

"Of course, the most powerful supernatural organization."

Sibao opened the bottle of hydrochloric acid, and immediately a pungent smell came. He glanced over there, and under the constant impact of the sloppy child, the moth monster's body was riddled with holes and blood flowed horizontally. I can't stand it anymore.

"How to do it? You can't just pour it on it directly. This sloppy child is very fast. If you miss it, it will be useless. There is only this bottle of hydrochloric acid." Sibao looked at Lin Sansheng with some concern.

Lin Sansheng pondered for a moment, then said: "Dig a hole! After pouring it in, lead it in!"

Sibao came back to his senses, and immediately looked at the soldiers around him who had been in a daze, and said, "Where's the engineer shovel from before?"


The two soldiers immediately unloaded their backpacks, took out the folding engineering shovel inserted in it, opened it, and waited for Sibao's orders.

After discussing with Lin Sansheng, Sibao chose a location close to the middle, and asked them to use engineers to shovel up the tomb bricks on the ground, and then dug a hole with a diameter of about half a meter and a depth of only half a meter. Cloth, spread on the bottom of the pit, holding a bottle of hydrochloric acid, hesitated.

"If you pour it directly like this, I'm afraid it will burn through the cloth. Besides, with this little liquid, even if it's a sloppy person, it won't stick to the whole body. You need to find water to dilute it."

Lin Sansheng said that there is water on the side of the secret road, but judging by the situation in front of him, the winner will be decided soon, and there is no time to get it. Everyone is hesitating, Sibao slapped his head, and pointed out to the soldiers: "You all give me the right Pee here, and there happens to be salt in the urine, come here, everyone pee."

Everyone stares. Fang Mengna blushed and said, "I..."

"You avoid it."

Fang Mona walked back. Seeing that everyone is embarrassed, Sibao is the first to take off his pants...

Everyone was forced to urinate, a total of more than a dozen people, and the urine filled the dug hole. After that, Sibao poured hydrochloric acid into it, and they all survived.

A group of people shone their flashlights over there, and saw that the moth monster was already lying on the ground, sloppy pounced on it, and fought for a while, then opened its stomach, and after a while, it came out with a red glowing bullet in its mouth. He held the beads in his mouth and swallowed them a few times.


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