Urban Witcher

Chapter 1929 Chapter 1937 Yao Mengjie's Persistence 1

"Whatever, but there seems to be nothing at the scene." Ye Shaoyang said.

"The process still needs to go." Xie Yuqing reported the situation through the walkie-talkie, requested the withdrawal of the explosion-proof detectives, and then entered the building with her subordinates from the Supernatural Incident Investigation Section.

"Master, I'm dead!" Zhang Xiaorui came up to claim credit, Ye Shaoyang saw that her left arm was wrapped in a bandage, went up and pinched her face, and said: "This time you have the most credit."

Zhang Xiaorui immediately described happily how she shot those evil things with two guns. Ye Shaoyang pushed Rui Lengyu to her as an audience, came to Lao Guo, and asked him how he escaped.

Lao Guo said it again, patted the flat head that turned into a human body and said: "It's all thanks to him, and it's also because he showed his real body at that time, with seven tails, one tail grabbed one, and crawled out of the mouth. Otherwise, today... just thinking about it makes me break out in a cold sweat."

Ye Shaoyang looked at Biantou, folded his hands, and bowed in a big salute, which frightened Biantou, a little at a loss, and looked at Lao Guo for help.

Lao Guo stepped forward and patted Ye Shaoyang on the shoulder and said: "Junior brother, Biantou is his own, he can't bear it."

"He can bear it." Ye Shaoyang said with a stern look on his face, "If it wasn't for you today, if something happened to someone, I really don't know what to do."

Biantou scratched the back of his head, looking a bit cute and stupid, completely different from his terrifying appearance when he transformed into his real body, and said in a low voice: "Little Master... I will call you Little Master, and I am also a member of the Ghostbusters League." A member of the team, as it should be."

Ye Shaoyang said seriously: "You can't count."

Biantou was taken aback, his expression was a little embarrassed, and the people around him were also a little embarrassed.

"You are obviously one of them, why do you count?" Ye Shaoyang patted him on the shoulder, "I will give you a job in the Onmyoji Division later, and you will be regarded as having status."

Biantou looked at Ye Shaoyang, his eyes flickered, and he was about to kneel down immediately, but Lao Guo grabbed him and said, "Don't be so vain, and hang out with your little uncle in the future, and strive to become the Yin God, you Uncle, I’m still counting on Yinshen after I die.”

The matter was over, Ye Shaoyang wanted the friends of the Yin Yang Division to go back, but Lao Guo said that the celebration banquet had been set up, and everyone had to eat before leaving. Although Lin Sansheng and others are ghosts and cannot eat things from the human world, it is good to feel the atmosphere.

So the big guy drove back, leaving only Lao Guo with his flat head to deal with the scene, and rushed back to meet with them later.

The car drove a certain distance, looked up the roof through the car window, and could see Xie Yuqing leading a few agents to search and take pictures on the roof. Rui Lengyu searched for a long time, but did not see Yao Mengjie, so she said to Ye Shaoyang, "Yao Mengjie is gone?"

"I don't know. It's over. I don't care what she does. To be honest, I don't really want to see her."

Rui Lengyu said: "You are stupid, how can you ask her for money if you don't see her!"

"Uh... let's forget about this, I didn't help her in the end."

"There is no credit but also hard work. You have worked so hard for so long, at least half of it must be given to you. Don't you have the key to her courtyard? Oh, by the way, don't you still have some of your things there? Go back and get your things, just waiting With her, she can't go back."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her blankly.

Rui Lengyu smiled, "Why, do you think I'm vulgar? You were single before, and I didn't bother to care about you. You don't even have a job, and you don't earn more money. How will you support your family in the future?"

Ye Shaoyang knew that she was joking, so instead of feeling unpleasant, he felt very warm.

"No, heck, it's my responsibility to make money to support the family. I didn't say no to asking for money. I was just thinking about how to open my mouth..."

"She should mention it to you. If she doesn't mention it, you can bring it up. Don't lose your face." Rui Lengyu was persuasive.

Sibao was sitting in the co-pilot, and after listening to her talk so much, he burst out laughing, turned his head and said to Rui Lengyu, "You used to be an iceberg beauty in our eyes, why now...haha, the painting style has changed suddenly. "

Rui Lengyu said: "Every girl is like this when they get married. Doesn't Bingshan beauty stop washing and cooking? You will know when you get married in the future."

Sibao said: "I'm a monk, so I don't have any worries about this."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I almost believed it when I said it. Who made a fuss before to return to vulgarity."

The three of them bickered in the car, enjoying themselves.

Back in the courtyard, Ye Shaoyang opened the door with the key given by Yao Mengjie. There was no one at home, Mr. Jin and the chef were away. Ye Shaoyang went back to his bedroom, packed his things, and waited for Yao Mengjie to come back.

Rui Lengyu and Sibao went to the restaurant first.

Anyway, this matter was called by Ye Shaoyang, and everyone came here for him. Rui Lengyu already felt like a family member. Since Ye Shaoyang wanted to wait for Yao Mengjie here, she thought it was necessary for her to help He greets people.

Ye Shaoyang asked her to inform Zhou Jingru. After all, Yao Mengjie was her friend and she introduced her to him. Regarding the process and results of Yao Mengjie's incident, he felt it necessary to tell Zhou Jingru. Besides, Zhou Jingru is also his own person, so of course he should inform her about the dinner party. .

Ye Shaoyang finished packing and sat in the room for a while, when he heard the sound of the door opening from the outer room, he came out and saw that it was Yao Mengjie. Yao Mengjie looked a little tired and lonely, when she saw Ye Shaoyang, she stopped and looked at him.

According to Rui Lengyu's instructions, Ye Shaoyang originally designed the lines, but when he saw Yao Mengjie, he immediately forgot everything, looked at her with embarrassment, and didn't know how to speak.

"I'm leaving soon. I'm very pleased to see you for the last time." Yao Mengjie forced a smile, "Aren't you busy?"

"Not busy." Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "I will go to a dinner party later, if you are free, go there together."

"I won't go. I booked a plane two hours later, and I'm going to the airport in a while. Let's chat for a while."

Yao Mengjie asked him to sit first, went to a room by herself, took out a bottle of red wine and two glasses, poured two glasses of wine, and brought one to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang took it, looking at the scarlet liquid in the cup, hesitant.

Yao Mengjie smiled understandingly, "Don't worry, this is real red wine. Today, I'll drink with you."

The two picked up their cups and touched each other, Yao Mengjie took a sip, called Ye Shaoyang to sit down at the dining table, sat on the side, looked at him, and said silently: "Shaoyang, are you really disappointed in me? "

"This... is actually not disappointing," Ye Shaoyang tilted his head, thought carefully, and said, "I just didn't expect things to turn out like this, it was a bit sudden."


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