Urban Witcher

Chapter 2191 Chapter 2199 Midge 1

Ye Shaoyang's eyes fell on the right hand of the corpse, the right hand of the body was slightly pressed under his body, and it seemed to be holding something black in his hand. Ye Shaoyang broke off the corpse's hand with great force, and was surprised to find that there was actually a tortoise shell clasped in the corpse's hand, the size of a palm, which was completely held by the corpse. After careful inspection, Ye Shaoyang found that it was not just a tortoise shell.

Inside the turtle shell, there are also the turtle's skull and limb bones, which have also been completely calcified. Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought, when the tortoise was in her hands, could it be that it was alive, and it just kept suffocating until it died, and then its flesh rotted and decomposed, and it became what it is now?

It's a bit unbelievable...

Ye Shaoyang didn't dare to move, and under the urging of several people below, he told what he saw in the coffin.

After everyone listened, they all fell silent.

"Ah, don't touch that corpse! Quickly cover the coffin!" Miao Xin shouted suddenly, her voice was full of tension and even a little fear.

Ye Shaoyang was startled, and before he had time to ask carefully, he knew that she must have thought of something, otherwise she wouldn't be so nervous, and immediately looked for the coffin lid.

The coffin lid had been thrown to the ground by them.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly called Mao Xiaofang to jump down together, grabbed the coffin lid head by head, lifted it up, climbed up the mandala again, and wanted to cover the coffin, but at this moment, Chen Xiaoyu's demon servant "Monkey King" jumped from his shoulder. He jumped up and down, not knowing whether it was out of curiosity or because he sensed something, he swished onto the mandala, got into the coffin, and looked curiously at the corpse lying inside.

"Monkey King!" Chen Xiaoyu yelled, "No coffin is allowed!"

Both Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang were stunned for a moment, at this moment, the corpse in the coffin wearing silver silk suddenly sat up with a click, clasped his hands together, and pinched towards the Monkey King's neck.

After all, the monkey monster was a monkey monster, and he reacted extremely quickly. With a kick of his legs, he jumped up from the corpse and got out of the coffin.

"Let go!" Ye Shaoyang yelled, Mao Xiaofang understood, and they both loosened the coffin lid.

Because the corpse was sitting up, it was taller than the coffin itself. The coffin hit her on the head and tilted her head. Ye Shaoyang rushed over.

Even though the matter happened in a hurry, Ye Shaoyang had already made preparations and untied the soul hook. Seeing the corpse rushing towards him, he immediately threw the soul hook out, hooked the neck of the female corpse, and jumped to the ground. , After straightening the hook, the female corpse was torn off the mandala and fell to the ground.

Ye Shaoyang rushed over, and before the female corpse got up, he wrapped another strand of the seductive rope around her body, and pulled it hard. Although the female corpse had great strength (zombies generally have great strength), she couldn't react in time and had nowhere to rely on her strength. Ye Shaoyang was dragged down again.

Ye Shaoyang leaped up, three times, five times and two times, wrapped the female corpse tightly with the seductive rope several times, and tied it tightly.

Only then did Ye Shaoyang heave a sigh of relief, and took a few steps back.

The female corpse was tied up into a meat dumpling, her hands could not be used, she wriggled on the ground like a bug, and made a creaking noise with the hook, but Ye Shaoyang was not worried at all. Although the hook is not a magical weapon, it is also a weapon of the underworld. The standard configuration of high-level ghosts is made of black iron and forged by hellfire, so there is no doubt about its strength.

Ye Shaoyang had used it to bind even more powerful evil things before, and it was no problem, dealing with a zombie like this was really nothing.

Ye Shaoyang raised his eyebrows at Miaoxin, a little bit to ask for credit.

"Get out of the way!" Miao Xin yelled.


Ye Shaoyang was stunned all of a sudden, and everyone else was also stunned. At this moment, seeing the female corpse on the ground suddenly stop struggling, her whole body trembled, and the amplitude became bigger and bigger. While trembling, everyone was surprised to find that she His belly also grew rapidly.

Because Ye Shaoyang focused on wrapping her arms around her stomach, so it didn't affect the swelling of her abdomen. As soon as she saw it, the belly of the female corpse became so big that she seemed to be pregnant in August.

It's going to explode!

Without Miao Xin's reminder, everyone realized this instinctively, immediately dispersed and hid on the other side of the mandala, and then only heard a pop, which sounded like a sphere exploding...

A green liquid sprayed everywhere, and then, a rotten egg-like smell spread out in the tomb.

It stinks beyond description.

Ye Shaoyang was about to vomit on the spot, so he quickly covered his mouth with his sleeve, and everyone looked bitter.

"Everyone, spread out, this is corpse miasma, if you inhale too much, you will get poisoned by corpse!" Miao Xin shouted, covering her nose.

In fact, there is no need to talk about corpse poison, just such a smelly gas is unbearable. Everyone covered their mouths with their sleeves, looking for the previous entrance.

But because we turned around behind the mandala and there was not enough light in the tomb, everyone searched for a while before finding where the exit was, and immediately rushed over and got into the tomb.

Ye Shaoyang was the last one, and just about to go in, he suddenly heard a puffing sound, turned his head and saw some black things wriggling among the green liquid sprayed out by the female corpse explosion. The light in the tomb was dim, and nothing could be seen clearly. Ye Shaoyang looked for a shark oil lamp, which was placed on the ground to illuminate it. Near the shark oil lamp, he could roughly see the black spots, which turned out to be countless small insects. , were crawling out of the green liquid in piles, not walking around, but gathering together, and then... the puffing sound that Ye Shaoyang heard before, it was these little bugs that exploded his body, From the middle flew out a thing that looked like a fly.

Corpse midge!

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback. He didn't expect to encounter this kind of bug, which was considered extinct by the magic world like bedbugs.

The so-called corpse grasshopper, as the name suggests, is a kind of insect that grows from a corpse, and it can also be regarded as a mutated evolutionary form of the corpse insect.

The word cadaver midge is actually not defined by the magic world, but Miao doctors, who define it as a medicinal material. It is said that the cadaver midge has spike-like mouthparts like mosquitoes, and is connected to a pulp in the head behind it. The sac, which stores the liquid being absorbed and transformed by the corpse grasshopper, after stinging people, it will expel this liquid while sucking blood.

This slurry contains corpse poison, which is highly poisonous to ordinary people. A bite is equivalent to injecting corpse poison. The consequences are terrible. After spreading, it will become a walking corpse, but for people who are dying of certain diseases However, it can fight poison with poison, and even save a life.

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