Urban Witcher

2834 Chapter 2844 Opportunity 2

They are standard third-rate powerhouses.

Seeing that they finished chatting, Rui Lengyu couldn't wait to ask Ye Shaoyang: "Shaoyang, that Chen Yue was born in the same year, the same month, and the same day as you?"

"Ah, that's right, anyway, that's what it says on the ID card."

Upon hearing this, Daofeng asked, 'Who is it? "

Because it is irrelevant to the main storyline, Ye Shaoyang did not mention Chen Yue before, so he had to tell the situation about Chen Yue now.

Amnesia, inexplicable encounter with Ye Shaoyang, born in the same year, same month, same day, there is a lot of mysterious hostility in Qi Hai...

Daofeng's heart skipped a beat, what should come, is still here.

There was a rare wave of waves in his calm heart, and he pretended to be calm and said to Ye Shaoyang: "You keep an eye on her, don't let her get away, and also guard against her, first find out her identity, go there time, you brought her to me..."

"What's the meaning."

"It's nothing, you can just do it." Daofeng kept his mouth shut and didn't talk about it anymore.

Ye Shaoyang was full of doubts, but even if Daofeng didn't speak, there was nothing he could do.

"Okay, you can go, I still have to rest, by the way, you go out and tell Lin Sansheng, prepare some plaster water for me..."

"Do you want to make tofu?"

Daofeng didn't want to joke with him, and said: "Find another wooden figure, about the same size as me, jujube wood that has been struck by lightning is the best, and there are some materials, I wrote it on paper, you just ask him to prepare according to the above. "

Ye Shaoyang took the piece of paper from his hand, and when he looked at it carefully, Daofeng said: "Also, Shaoyang, you have to be careful of Yinsi, you are no longer their protection target, even, they will deal with you. "

Ye Shaoyang was startled and said: "I heard from Yuqing that the guy who pretended to be me before was chased and killed by a few people sent by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and he was found from hell, the four demon brothers. Why did Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva suddenly Start with me."

Daofeng pondered and said: "First, it is because of the seal of mountains and seas. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva does not want such a supernatural magic weapon to remain in the world. Second... he is testing."

"Trying what?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"Try the bottom line on the emperor's side, and on you, and judge your true identity from this."

"Real identity?" Ye Shaoyang frowned, "I am Ye Shaoyang, what identity do I have?"

"Don't ask about this matter, otherwise it won't be good for you. You should cultivate your strength first, and then talk about it."

Ye Shaoyang wanted to speak, but was stopped by Daofeng with gestures, and said: "I know you are curious, but give me some time, I promise you, as long as the time is a little ripe, I will tell you the truth."

Daofeng said so, no matter how anxious Ye Shaoyang was, there was nothing he could do. He nodded and said, "Are you going to stay here completely?"

"I'll go out again when I'm fully cultivated. As long as I show up now, I'll be killed immediately."

Ye Shaoyang wanted to say something else, Daofeng said: "Okay, I have nothing to do now, you go for a walk for a while, I have to adjust my breath. Guagua, come and protect me."

"Of order!" Guagua blinked at Ye Shaoyang, jumped to sit beside Daofeng.

Of course Ye Shaoyang understood that this was the time Daofeng specially gave himself and Rui Lengyu to be alone, so he took Rui Lengyu outside.

"Where are you going?" Rui Lengyu asked him.

"Walk around casually, you are more familiar with me here, please lead the way."

"Okay, I'll take you to the back for a walk, the scenery there is nice."

The mountain behind the Taoist temple is covered with peach blossoms, all over the mountains and plains, the flowers are whiter, a little different from the ones in the world, and the fragrance is bold. The two walked among the flowers.

"Why are you here to take care of him, why not Chen Lu or Gong Zi?" Ye Shaoyang couldn't help asking.

Rui Lengyu pursed her lips and smiled, "Are you jealous?"

"Uh, no." Ye Shaoyang touched his nose.

Rui Lengyu stepped forward to hold his arm, walked with him, and said: "I only know that because I, like him now, cannot show my face, otherwise I will be hunted down by many parties, and there is another reason... He didn't tell me, and I don't know. Gong Zi and the others, because they want to stay in the Valley of the Wind to direct the war, of course they can't come here."

After speaking, he smiled at Ye Shaoyang, "Don't worry, no matter how handsome Daofeng is, he is not my type, let alone he is a senior brother."

"That's not what I meant..." Ye Shaoyang was a little embarrassed.


The two went down the mountain road and walked into the valley. At this time, they were out of the bounded area. Although the snakes were lurking nearby, Rui Lengyu usually didn't go down the mountain, but with Ye Shaoyang by her side, there was nothing to be afraid of.

In the valley, just like the human world, there are all kinds of flowers blooming, and they are original ecology, without any artificial traces. The two of them strolled in the middle, and Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but put her on the wall on a whim. On a kapok tree, he possessed her and kissed her.

When the two were lingering, a gust of wind blew from the entrance of the valley, bringing with it a strong smell of blood, Ye Shaoyang immediately turned his head to look over vigilantly.

Rui Lengyu gave him a hand and said, "Don't get excited, that's Huang Yao offering a sacrifice."


"Let's go, I'll take you to have a look, you first post a hidden energy talisman, don't disturb them."

Ye Shaoyang then drew two hidden qi talismans for her and himself to stick on their bodies, and walked over hand in hand. When they were approaching the entrance of the valley, Rui Lengyu led the way, climbed up a mountain peak, and looked down from the edge of the cliff.

Ye Shaoyang saw at a glance that there was a crescent-shaped deep pool in the middle of the valley, with blood-colored water rippling inside, at least a hundred weasels walking slowly in circles around the side, making strange low-pitched calls, and some weasels jumped into it from time to time. Immediately, there was a puff of white smoke in the bloody water, and the place where it fell into the water would billow into waves. You could see that the weasel that jumped into it turned into a pile of bones in an instant.

This scene is a bit shocking.

"They are electing a leader." Rui Lengyu explained, "This is a sacred ceremony among them, just like in the world, the leaders of many monster clans are selected through this kind of sacrifice."

"I know this." Ye Shaoyang recalled the sacrifice when Xiao Jiu untied the seal, which was similar to the present one. "I just didn't expect that there was such a ceremony here."

"This is the human world thousands of years ago. Since then, the two tribes of yellow foxes have used this primitive method to choose their leaders. This is the earliest sacrificial ceremony imitating human beings."

Looking at the cruel scene in front of him, Ye Shaoyang took a breath.

Rui Lengyu said, "Do you think it's cruel?"


"Yes, but this is the way of the Yaozu. For them, it is imperative. Only a strong leader can lead them to rise, and they will not be bullied by foreigners." ()

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