Urban Witcher

Chapter 2873 Chapter 2883 Choose 1

Ye Shaoyang looked over carefully, and saw that Huineng's appearance was not surprising, he looked like an ordinary old monk, standing at the nearest place to the steps, with his head lowered and his hands clasped together, as if he was reciting scriptures.

In front of him, there were quite a few monks sitting cross-legged, all of whom should be his disciples.

The old monk pulled him and introduced several awesome characters to him. Ye Shaoyang walked and watched, and he came to the front of the palace without realizing it. Suddenly, a Tibetan monk blocked the way, and he said to the old monk: "Brother, this is here!" do what?"

"Take someone to see Master." The old monk was also very casual.

The Tibetan monk sized Ye Shaoyang up, frowned and said, "Taoist?"

Ye Shaoyang also looked at him, and saw that he was in his thirties, with red lips and white teeth, very handsome, with a strong fairy air on his body, he was not an ordinary person at first glance.

"Yes, Master summoned him, don't worry about it."

The Tibetan monk stepped aside.

Ye Shaoyang quickly caught up with the old monk, and said in a low voice, "Who is this eminent monk?"

"He is Cangyang."


Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of a name and couldn't help but look back at him. The Tibetan monk also looked back at him and smiled.

Sure enough, he is very handsome. It is not in vain that he still has so many fans and girls today.

They are all legends!

There are a total of ninety-nine steps, and Ye Shaoyang counted them on purpose when he went up, guessing that it should imply the symbolic meaning of ninety-nine return to trueness, after walking up the steps, the Daxiong Palace is in front of him.

Ye Shaoyang looked back, the area of ​​this Fajue Temple is huge, and the two sides can hardly be seen at a glance. If it is really compared, it is impossible for others to have such a big temple, and even a hundred of them are not so big. Looking down, there are thousands of people moving, and I feel a strong shock in my heart. I think that those who can come here are at least first-class masters in the world, let alone top powerhouses like Huineng and Cangyang. He's just a disciple of Fajue Temple...

Ye Shaoyang vaguely understood why Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva could sit on an equal footing with Emperor Fengdu in the Yin Division. He said that there is no such thing as cooperation between Taoism and Buddhism. Because it involves a question of belief.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was able to wrestle with Emperor Fengdu probably because of his strength, his own strength, and the strength of his sect. It's just that compared to the Great Emperor's sect, most of his disciples are in the Infinite Realm Fajue Temple, giving people the feeling that they don't have much strength. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes today, Ye Shaoyang would not believe the disciples of the Fajue Temple. There are so many...

However, the question is, why am I here? What's the matter with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva looking for him?

Ye Shaoyang was a little worried when he thought about being plotted against by demons and monsters before, but on the other hand, thinking about it, it all went to the Fajue Temple, not to mention myself, even if he is a strong person who proves the Tao, he may not be able to escape. do not care.

Looking up at the Daxiong Palace, there is also a pair of couplets on the columns on both sides:

The Buddha Dharma is boundless and broad to ferry sentient beings, you must cross me, the world is full of waves, who would you rather miss than Ksitigarbha?

This couplet... has a bigger tone than the previous one. There is also a couplet on the side, Ye Shaoyang just wanted to take a closer look, but was dragged into the Daxiong Palace by the old monk.

In front of him was a huge golden Buddha statue, with his hands together, overlooking the bottom.

Ye Shaoyang hastily tore off his sleeves, wrapped them around his head, and let a piece of cloth hang down in front of him. This was an emergency measure for Taoist priests who had no choice but to enter the temple and see the Buddha statue. They would wrap up the heaven and prevent them from being seen by the eyes of the Buddha statue. It will not be invaded by Buddha's light.

"You, haha!" The old monk nodded at him with a smile, went to burn incense by himself, and led him around the Daxiong Palace, and there was still a section of white marble steps ahead.

Bodhi trees grew on both sides of the road, with luxuriant branches and leaves layered on top of each other. Ye Shaoyang felt strange, didn't he want to take him to find Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva? Why did you come out of the Daxiong Palace again?

Walking all the way to the front of the mountain, Ye Shaoyang saw a strange scene:

In front of the mountain, facing the direction of the Daxiong Palace, there is a huge Buddha, at least hundreds of meters high, with its head level with the mountain, one hand raised, the other on his knee, and his eyes closed.

Ye Shaoyang raised his head to identify it. This big Buddha should not be the three Buddhas, and the one with hair is tied in a bun behind his head. His expression is kind and strict, compassionate and compassionate.

And because the Buddha statue is huge, people standing under it can't help but feel very small.

"Master, this Buddha statue... is the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?" Ye Shaoyang looked away and looked for the old monk, only to find that the old monk was gone, looking around, suddenly a Buddha's cry sounded from behind: "My Buddha is merciful, Ye Shaoyang, but you Came here."

Ye Shaoyang turned around abruptly, and saw an old monk with long eyebrows and slender eyebrows, who looked like a birthday star, wearing colorful cassocks, wearing a lotus platform crown, holding a Buddhist bead in one hand, and the other hand on his chest, facing his face. Looking at himself with a smile.

"You are..." Ye Shaoyang was stunned.

The master smiled and said, "You came to my dojo, but don't you know who I am?"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!

Ye Shaoyang was stunned. He turned his head to look at the Buddha statue, and then at the old monk. He didn't look like it at all. Just as he was about to ask, the old monk seemed to understand his intentions and said with a smile: "The appearance of a person is just a vain view, the appearance of a skin. Why bother."

It really is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva...

Ye Shaoyang guessed that what he saw should be his avatar, and his heart was beating violently, so he bowed and said: "I have seen the Bodhisattva."

This is the first time I have seen such a super boss, and it would be a lie to say that I am not nervous.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva smiled, just looked at him and didn't speak.

Ye Shaoyang felt a little nervous when he saw him, and when he was about to look at it, Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha turned around and waved to Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to go over, walk to him, and follow his gaze. From here, he could directly see the Fajue Temple, and the plain scenery in the distance, two words come to mind: spectacular.

This is the only word that can describe the scene in front of me.

"Benefactor Ye, what do you think of my place?" Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's voice was vigorous and vigorous, but his tone was normal.

"A good place. There is no such good place in the world." Ye Shaoyang said sincerely.

"Since that's the case, is Benefactor Ye willing to stay here?"

Ye Shaoyang was shocked, not sure what he meant by this, thought for a while, and said: "I am a Taoist priest."

"Taoist... what is Tao?"

Talk to yourself?

Ye Shaoyang thought so, and said: "Tao can be said, very Tao."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva nodded, "If that's the case, what's the difference between Taoism and Buddha?"

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