Urban Witcher

Chapter 3029 Chapter 3039 Expedition 1

"What about the current Empress?"

"Now that he has refined the blood of the general, his strength has greatly increased. I don't know how strong he is, but he must be stronger than you."

"I have to kill him first!" Ye Shaoyang gritted his teeth, "I swore before, because of what he did to Leng Yu, I must kill him!"

Daofeng looked at him and said, "After the final battle, you can deal with him again."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "I'm afraid that I will die under the hands of the Ghost King. I have faith, but I don't have the confidence. I have to kill him first, and then fight the Ghost King."

Seeing his insistence, Daofeng knew that persuasion would not work, so he thought for a while and said, "You can discuss it with the military adviser. Before the battle is over, there is a chance. Usually, he lives in the abandoned mountains for a long time and is surrounded by his subordinates. It is difficult for you to do anything." .”

Afterwards, the two plotted some details about the final battle. Ye Shaoyang asked what to do with the five swords, but Daofeng asked him to leave it alone.

After dawn, Daofeng left. After Ye Shaoyang returned to the mountain, in order to avoid being entangled by Zhang Xiaorui, he only found Su Qinzhang and Ye Xiaomeng. Although this pair also wanted to fight with Ye Shaoyang, Ye Shaoyang used the reason of protecting Xuanqing Mountain stay.

Take Guagua back to Shicheng.

Back home, only Rui Lengyu was there.

"They're all gone, I'll be waiting for you, let's go too." Facing Ye Shaoyang's question, Rui Lengyu replied.

"On the road, where are you going?"

The empty boundary, on the edge of the boundary river.

A group of soldiers were lying by the river, exhausted to the extreme, and many of them were wounded, breathing and breathing.

They were allied soldiers who had just survived a bloody battle, and were placed here to guard the boundary river.

Everyone hated the Corpse King to the core, hated him for launching a war, and dragged those who could have cultivated well into the bloody killings. They earnestly hoped that their great Marshal Lin would lead them to defeat the Corpse Race and end this conflict as soon as possible. battle.

This time the battle was even bigger than the previous one. Hou Qing's five-way army attacked from different directions, dragging the entire air realm into the flames of war, and nowhere was safe.

A few days ago, the five armies marched into the wasteland together and entered the Quchang Mountain.

At this moment, the map of Qu Changshan was hanging in Lin Sansheng's big tent. Lin Sansheng drove all his men out to guard the gate, strictly forbidding anyone to come in, and stood alone in front of the map for an unknown how long. A quill, carefully marked on the map mountain.

"What's wrong?"

A voice suddenly sounded behind him, Lin Sansheng was startled, instinctively thought it was the guards breaking in, just about to have a seizure, when he turned around and saw it was Daofeng, he swallowed his anger immediately. Daofeng wanted to come in, but his guards couldn't find it at all.

Lin Sansheng continued to study the map, and Daofeng also came over to look at it with him.

Quchang Mountain is not a mountain, but a mountain range that stretches for hundreds of miles. The terrain is very complicated, and there are several canyons, which are long and winding, so it is called Quchang Mountain.

For the convenience of location, these canyons of Lin Sansheng are numbered, and they are arranged like one, two, three, four, five.

"Here, and here." Lin Sansheng pointed on the map with a quill pen, "These canyons are the only way he must pass. He has five armies, but there is only one real main force."


"If he wants to fight decisively, the main force will definitely be concentrated. The so-called other four-way army is just a cover to confuse us. I have seen through it a long time ago."

"You've seen it all, so what are you worried about?"

Lin Sansheng turned his head and glanced at him, "I think you don't know the art of war."

"If I knew the art of war, what would I want you to do!"

When Daofeng raised his primordial spirit in the Shanhe Sheji Tu, Lin Sansheng was his only connection with the outside world. All the things needed for cultivation were made by Lin Sansheng. I'm also familiar with it, so you don't have to be polite.

"He has five armies, of which there is only one main force. We don't have as many troops as them. It is impossible to set up an ambush on all five routes. Therefore, he must find his main force. Even if he guesses his plan, there is still a one-fifth chance."

Daofeng hugged his knees, looked at the map for a while, and said, "Shouldn't you go to collect information? What's the use of studying maps for this kind of thing." 4

"The five canyons are all different. I am thinking differently. If I were Hou Qing, which way would I choose for the army to go..."

"Do you have any eyebrows?"

Lin Sansheng clicked on the two canyons with a quill pen, "The third and fifth ones, the mountains on both sides are not too high, and the canyons are twisty enough. Even if you are ambushed, you can still find cover and last longer. It is easy to retreat when frustrated, and the entire army will not be wiped out. His main force must go one of these two."

Daofeng looked at it carefully for a while, and said: "If you can think of it, he can think of it too. Is it possible that he deliberately didn't take these two paths?"

"Of course, that's where the difficulty lies."

Lin Sansheng rubbed his head, walked to the side, picked up an incense burner from the table, blew on the fire inside, and took a few deep breaths.

Daofeng didn't discuss this issue any further. He is the marshal, and it's good to leave this kind of intrigue to him. If he said too much, it would just add to the chaos.

"Is it possible that he didn't choose any of them?"

"Then why is he here? At this point in the battle, he just wants to cross the mountains, either Yunshan or Quchangshan. Only when he enters the base can he push down more than a dozen sects. Otherwise, he will just wander around the Boundary River. any sense."

In the two wars, as the defensive side, the empty side was passive: first of all, the number of zombies was really not comparable to that of the zombies. Are the ordinary zombies of the zombies almost infinite? As the offensive side, they can always occupy To the first opportunity.

As the defender, the only thing Lin Sansheng can do is to look for an opportunity to defend and counterattack, annihilate the main force of the opponent in one fell swoop, and deal with Hou Qing. The corpse group has no leader. It is useless to have more numbers. As long as the Jiehe is blocked, it is not too cool to kill one by one. .

As for the daughter-in-law, it didn't matter what happened to her—she wasn't made to lead the army, and to Lin Sansheng, she wasn't even an opponent.

"How are you getting ready?"

"that's it."

"Okay, I've come here with three kowtows and nine obeisances, it's all about this."

Daofeng said slowly: "People will die."

Two days later, the Corpse Clan army marched into Quchang Mountain, marched in five directions, and passed through the mountain range mightily.

In the middle of each large army, there is a sedan chair carried by eight zombies, and the surrounding area is completely covered with black cloth. There are people sitting in each sedan chair, and even the zombies carrying the sedan chair do not know who is sitting inside. , according to the previous order, they will all be treated like corpse kings and completely obey the order.

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