Urban Witcher

Chapter 3045 Chapter 3055 Ultimate Duel 2

Ye Shaoyang made seals with his left hand, and used the simplest spells to continuously slap the dirty blood. Holding the sword in his right hand, he locked on Hou Qing's position, and approached Hou Qing step by step. Hou Qing faces the door.

Blood gathered around him, forming a barrier in front of him, and the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword broke through the barrier in an instant. Ye Shaoyang leaned forward, but Hou Qing was nowhere to be seen.

His feet were suddenly sticky, Ye Shaoyang looked down, and saw the blood overflowing from the cracks in the ground, gathered together as if consciously, shaped like two big hands, grabbing his legs.

After being severed by Ye Shaoyang's sword, the "hands" gathered again not far away, and there were more of them.

Ye Shaoyang performed the Xuanqing Mountain volley step and dodged in it, but felt that this was not the solution. After a few flashes, he felt the pattern, so he found the hinge of these bloody hands while avoiding, and drew four pictures The talisman was thrown together in different directions, smashing several bloody hands together, took a breath, looked up, and was suddenly shocked:

A thick red fog filled the surroundings, and he could feel the corpse aura constantly seeping out of it. He is an innate spirit body, and the corpse aura is useless to him, but if it is too thick, it will affect the judgment.

Hou Qing was nowhere to be seen.

Ye Shaoyang was not in a hurry, he took out a folded Kongming lantern from his backpack, opened it, lit a magic talisman and stuffed it in, silently recited the spell, and threw the Kongming lantern out. The Kongming Lantern circled a few times above his head, and flew quickly in one direction. Ye Shaoyang followed closely behind, passing through a fog, and saw a tall figure walking towards him with a distorted figure... …


A puff of black air hit the female demon, knocking her out, and rolling down the hillside. After getting up, she flew to the distance without hesitation, and at the same time whistled, several blood demons Immediately come to rescue her and stop the pursuers behind her.

But these men, who are usually quite capable, are not worth mentioning in front of Daofeng. They were swept across with a magic whip, and they were directly beaten into pools of dirty blood. In the middle of the two armies fighting, suddenly a blue figure came behind and stood in front of her.

The nun suddenly stopped, looked at Daofeng, and said coldly: "Daofeng, as the saying goes, the poor don't chase after you. Is it necessary for you to do this?"

"You haven't reached the point of poverty."

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed her.

The female demon ran away in a hurry to evade, and kept summoning her men to block the knife for herself. She ran extremely fast and turned at a tricky angle. Few people in the Three Realms could keep up with her, but the opponent was Daofeng, who was about to be killed Grabbing it, I had no choice but to turn around and fight Daofeng.

"Daofeng, we must catch him alive!" Lin Sansheng shouted from the mountain.

Nuba resisted for a while, but she was weaker than Daofeng in strength, and soon fell to the disadvantage. She bit her lip suddenly, stopped suddenly, stomped her feet and said, "I won't fight anymore!"

Daofeng also stopped and walked towards her.

"Why do you keep chasing me!" The nun looked at her resentfully, with a hint of coquettishness in her tone.

Daofeng raised his hand, Wuchao Yuanqi flew out, wrapped around Nuba's body, locked her, went to grab her arm, and dragged her up the mountain.

Along the way, many nearby corpse soldiers noticed this scene and came to rescue them. Dao did not turn back, and three flowers loomed on the top of his head, continuously releasing spiritual light, and those zombies were beheaded before they got close.

"Daofeng, can you be more gentle!" the nun snorted.

Daofeng looked down at her, and the nun looked at him, sighed, and said resentfully: "Forget it, since I was caught by you, there is nothing to say, from now on, I will be yours... ..."

After finishing speaking, he gave him another look, "Actually, I have always admired you. You are different from them. You are absolutely strong. I like strong..."

"Are you tired?" Daofeng asked.

"Of course! It's uncomfortable being dragged like this, why don't you hug me up!"

Dao Feng said: "I'm asking if you're tired of making compromises like this! After all, you are also a corpse king in charge of thousands of people. However, I still admire you for being able to lower yourself like this. I like people who use unscrupulous methods."

Nuba's expression froze, then she lowered her head slightly, and said quietly, "Are you going to kill me?"

"I won't kill you."

The nun let go of her heart, remained silent for a moment, and said, "Daofeng, have you ever thought about why we must fight against each other? We can unite and basically be invincible in the world."

Daofeng seemed to really think about it, and said, "That's a good idea."

Carrying her to the mountain, at this time, those big men from the air realm had already killed the gorefiends. Seeing that the female demon was caught, they rushed up one by one with red eyes, clamoring to kill her.

"Daofeng, if you hand me over to them, you might as well kill me now." Nuba gritted her teeth and said.

Daofeng ignored those people, and lifted her to the slope where Lin Sansheng was.

When the enemy met, Lin Sansheng was unusually calm. He looked at her first and said, "Daughter, do you know why you let us catch you?"

The nun snorted, but didn't speak.

Lin Sansheng said: "You think it's just a coincidence, don't you?"

The nun still didn't speak, but it meant that she acquiesced.

Lin Sansheng said: "I won't kill you, but I have a few questions for you, Hou Qing, did you expect people from the Valley of the Wind and the Ghostbusters Alliance to ambush here?"

The nun didn't want to irritate him too much. After all, she was a prisoner. It's always good for him to be able to talk to her. After thinking about it, it didn't involve any secrets, so she nodded.

Lin Sansheng said: "That's right. Since he knew we had an ambush, he was still fearless because he had Leng Yu's half-soul in his hand. This was his biggest hole card. He also successfully forced Shaoyang to fight him. If If Shaoyang died in battle, he would retreat completely, leaving the Ghostbusters Alliance without a leader, and their morale would also drop... For you, this is the best result that can be achieved right now."

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, and glanced at the direction of the duel between Ye Shaoyang and Hou Qing. Surrounded by the blood mist, he could only feel waves of aftermath coming here. He couldn't see anyone, but he could guess The two must be fighting fiercely.

"With Leng Yu's half soul in his hands, he has a way out, but what about you, why did he leave you alone? Let you be easily captured by Daofeng."

The female demon sneered, "Are you trying to sow discord? Don't dream. To tell you the truth, we didn't expect you to see through our plan and set up an ambush here to wait. Now he can only protect himself and has no time to take care of me. There is no way gone."

(End of this chapter)——

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