Urban Witcher

Chapter 528: City

Ye Shaoyang was shocked when he heard the words. He originally thought that Ye Xiaoshuo and Xueqi would sneak into the city of death in vain to find his relatives, but he didn't expect to enter with such a big fanfare. These two guys would not know the consequences of doing so, could it be true? Is it completely sunk, completely disregarding the consequences?

"Is there any movement from King Qin Guang?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"For the time being, it seems that the trouble hasn't reached there yet," the little girl said, "I don't know, but it seems that all the soldiers from hell have been transferred out, and there are not many guards in the dead city."

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, and the defenders of the dead city were transferred away. Why? But then I thought, could it be that Ye Xiaoshuo and the two deliberately picked this time?

"Thanks, I'll go right away!"

Ye Shaoyang was so anxious that he rushed into the Valley of Wangqing without saying hello to others, and he repeatedly thought about a question in his heart: Could it be that among his close relatives, there are still people who have not been reincarnated and live in the city of death? Taking a step back, even so, how did Ye Xiaoshuo—or the ghost mother behind him—know?

When Ye Shaoyang ran all the way, in the sun room, in that dilapidated small room, Ye Xiaomeng was sitting on the ground, staring at his body in a daze, praying in his heart that Ye Shaoyang would be safe on this trip, that no accidents would happen, and at the same time, he also prayed that no accidents would happen. There are demons and ghosts to harm his body.

The sudden ringtone of the mobile phone startled her. Looking down, it was Ye Shaoyang's mobile phone ringing, and the word "Yu" was displayed on the screen. Remembering Ye Shaoyang's instructions before leaving, she hurriedly connected, and a girl rang on the other end of the phone. A cold voice: "I'm in the town you mentioned, the gate of Jiang's house, how can I get to your house?"

Ye Xiaomeng was stunned for a moment, and said: "Hello, I am his sister, you are brother Shaoyang's friend, are you here now?"

The other party paused and said, "Where is Ye Shaoyang?"

"Go to... room Y."

"What!" The girl froze for a moment.

"No, no, don't get me wrong, he went to Y to save his relatives, I can't say a word, I am guarding her body."

The girl paused and said, "How do I get to your place?"

"You..." Ye Xiaomeng remembered that she came from another place, so she probably didn't drive, so she said: "You are at the bus station, right? There is no bus at this point, you can come here by black car, but you are a girl... "

The other end immediately said, "It doesn't matter, just tell me where you are."

"You charter a car to Yinxianji, go to the entrance of Yejia Village, and then go north...Well, if you can't find it, call me."

The girl promised and hung up the phone without saying goodbye.

Ye Xiaomeng stared at the phone in a daze, thinking to herself, this girl...could be someone from Brother Shaoyang?

Suddenly, a strange sound sounded outside the window, as if something hit the glass, Ye Xiaomeng turned her head to look in a hurry, she was startled, a thin and pale woman's face appeared outside the window, grinning at herself .

In her mouth, a mouthful of teeth fell out, and the mouth was covered with black worms, writhing and writhing, looking terribly disgusting.

ghost! Ye Xiaomeng's heart suddenly tightened.

The female ghost tried to come in through the window, but a red light flashed and hit the middle of her forehead, a gust of ghost blood gushed out, her eyes were cut open by the cinnabar thread, and two streams of green liquid ran down her cheeks Flow down.

"Aha..." She opened her mouth wide, and made a strange sound that she didn't know whether it was crying or laughing, which made her scalp explode. After a while, she sniffed and sniffed all over the window, all the way to the lintel , On the lintel, there is a small rectangular transom, and Ye Shaoyang's blood essence amulet is pasted on the transom.

From the female ghost's opened mouth, black worms kept crawling out. After jumping onto the wall, her body immediately grew bigger.

Only now did Ye Xiaomeng see clearly that these little bugs had a grimace like a skeleton, no limbs, only a tail like an earthworm, swinging back and forth, looking extremely scary and weird.

After these black bugs jumped onto the wall, they immediately activated the prohibition of the cinnabar thread, and the red light flashed, killing the ghost bugs continuously, turning them into a pool of black blood, but as more bugs climbed up, the power of the cinnabar thread Also getting weaker.

Ye Xiaomeng was holding the jade dust stag in her hand, her palms were sweating, but she didn't dare to go out. It's not that she didn't dare, but she knew that once she went out and leaked her anger, the restriction left by Ye Shaoyang would be opened, and it would be more convenient for those ghosts, so she had to wait, anxiously hoping that Ye Shaoyang would catch up with these ghosts. Come back before breaking the restriction, otherwise she is worried that once these ghost insects enter the house, she will not be able to handle it.

Finally, all the mana on the red line was eroded and consumed by the blood of the ghost insects. The ghost insects began to crawl to the side of the blood essence talisman, gathered together, opened their mouths wide, spit out their black tongues, and licked them up and down. Here comes the talisman...

Ye Xiaomeng fidgeted nervously, looked down at Ye Shaoyang who was "sleeping", and murmured: "Brother Shaoyang, come back quickly, come back quickly..."

Ye Shaoyang didn't know what happened in the world.

He passed through Wangqing Valley, and saw a huge undulating mountain shadow. A palace was located at the foot of the mountain, like an ancient city, covering a vast area, but there was a huge tree growing outside the city, and a long section of the city wall was covered by it. Under the shadow of the tree, I can't see how long it is. Looking from a distance, there is a feeling of Ysen.

There are many ghosts, walking around in the arches below the palace.

"Is this the Palace of the King of Hell?" Pony opened his eyes wide and said in surprise.

"This is Fengdu City." Guagua said.

"What do you mean, what's the difference with Hades Palace?"

At this time, Ye Shaoyang had already walked towards the palace.

Guagua followed behind, being entangled by the pony, so he had no choice but to explain as he walked: "Fengdu City is the core of Division Y, and all the yamen are in it, and the Palace of the King of Hell is also in it, there are ten palaces in total..."

Outside the gate of Fengdu City, there stood a huge stone tablet. The whole body of the stone tablet was black. There was no writing on it, but when they walked past, Xiao Ma saw a few lines of big characters emerging on it like water ripples:

The avenue of inaction, God knows human feelings; inaction is dark, ghosts see human shapes, speak from the heart, ghosts hear human voices, full of crimes, and the earth absorbs human souls.

Xiao Ma read it silently, and suddenly wondered: "No, why is this character in simplified characters, and it seems to be a new character, the characters in this place... shouldn't be traditional characters in seal script?"

Gua Gua said: "This is called a mood tablet. Everyone looks at it, and the fonts on it will change, and become fonts that you can understand. They are all made into seal characters or something. What will you modern people do if you die?"

Xiao Ma suddenly realized, frowned and said, "But I haven't understood what it means."

"The ghost knows," Gua Gua said, "No, the ghost doesn't know either."


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