Urban Witcher

Chapter 604 Liuhe Formation

Ye Shaoyang turned the broken sword upside down, pinched the edge of the sword with three fingers, and said to the dozen or so Taoist priests in front of him, "Come on."

Everyone looked at each other with horror on their faces. Even Zhang Wusheng had a shocked expression on his face.

"Boss is amazing! Boss defeated them!" Xiaobai clapped her hands and shouted excitedly. In her opinion, Ye Shaoyang looks very cool now, but she doesn't know the exquisiteness of peach wood sword: a really good peach wood sword must be It is made from above and cannot be turned over. In other words, after the trunk is taken from wood and cut into peach wood swords, the upward end can only be used as the blade, not the hilt.

Because the tree trunk absorbs nutrients from bottom to top, this kind of internal organization and texture cannot be seen from the outside, but the root of the tree can make the gas flow more smoothly and reach the edge of the sword easily. When it is full of stellar energy, it will block the breath, even if it is a celestial master, its strength will be slightly reduced.

The shape of the mahogany sword is also very important. Among Taoist sects, there are always only three models of mahogany swords: Chi-two, Chi-liu, and Chi-hachi. Regardless of the size, it must be complete to ensure the transmission of the stellar energy, so that after the practice, the magic power will be transformed and biochemical...

Now Ye Shaoyang not only broke the tip of the sword, but also turned the peach wood sword upside down. This kind of thing has never happened in the Taoist sect, but only the masters dare to do this when dealing with newcomers, and Ye Shaoyang's opponents are all inner disciples of Longhu Mountain. Moreover, the number of people is superior, and the bonus of the formation, Ye Shaoyang dares to despise them so much...

Zhang Wusheng was very annoyed, very annoyed, but what he showed was just a faint smile: "Master Ye is so confident. Then according to the rules, you are not allowed to use any spells except swordsmanship and hand formula... Okay, please Ye Teacher uncle advises."

A total of sixteen people, in groups of eight, formed two circles and ran around Ye Shaoyang.

The speed of walking, the rhythm and direction of steps are different for each person.

Even though Ye Shaoyang pretended to be a showman, he didn't dare to be sloppy when fighting. He carefully observed everyone's feet, and gradually figured out what the hell this so-called "Yang Yang array" was:

It looks like a formation of two dragons coming out of the water plus a chain formation of four elephants. The former has eight people stepping on two instruments, and the latter has eight people stepping on four elephants. The two formations are connected to transform into yin and yang. Hide the eyes of the two small formations, forming a state of chaos, without head and tail, yin and yang alternate...

For ordinary people, this formation is constantly changing with the running of the personnel, and the universe is constantly changing positions, and there is no solution at all.

But Ye Shaoyang thought of a way to crack the formation, which is very simple, that is: run together with the opponent, catch up with the changing rhythm of the formation, and blend into the formation, only in this way can we seek a chance to crack.

"Jingmen, Nanfang Ligong, Ju Zhenxun's second palace is prosperous, Jukun and Gen's second palace is prosperous..." Ye Shaoyang observed the other party's action patterns while calculating the position, muttering to himself, once Jingmen appeared, immediately Exercising the Xuanqing Mountain volley step, the figure flicks past like a ghost.

However, since the group of Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain had set up an formation, they had already guarded against his move, and the movement of the formation stopped immediately, and the five gathered together, wielding peach-wood swords, and stabbed Ye Shaoyang at different positions.

The two sides started the first round of confrontation.

Since they couldn't use peach wood swords and spells other than hand formulas, the Taoist priests in front of them each used their sword moves to fight against Ye Shaoyang.

The basis of Taoism is body art, which includes the use of swords, knives, knives, whisks and so on.

Ye Shaoyang held the sword backwards, there was still a large amount of stellar energy released from the hilt, condensed on the blade, and he made a few random moves. The strong gangster energy made the few people in front of him unable to resist, and they all backed away, with faces showing their faces. A look of horror.

Although I have heard that Ye Shaoyang is very strong, but only after the real fight, I will know how strong he is.

"Set up the formation, let's go, no one wants to challenge him one-on-one!" Zhang Wusheng stood on a high place and shouted sharply.

The guys came back to their senses, immediately stood according to the position of the formation, and drew their swords together. This sword gathered the power of the formation, Ye Shaoyang swung his sword to fight back, the edge of the sword trembled, he was shocked back a step, and returned to the middle of the formation.

The sixteen Taoist priests ran again, stepping on the star position, the further they ran, the smaller the encirclement circle.

Ye Shaoyang knew that after this circle, there were fewer and fewer star positions that could be stepped on in the formation, and when they were all attached to him, he would not be able to use it even if he had the supernatural ability, so he had to break the formation quickly .

"Dumen, the southeast Xungong Palace, belongs to wood. Dumen resides in the Xungong Palace, chanting in the Juqian Palace, Jukun Palace entering the tomb..." Ye Shaoyang's eyes followed the steps of the crowd, pondered for a while, and suddenly attacked again, looking for a They attacked in the direction, this time they were much smarter, knowing that they could not beat him with their own strength, so they gathered together and used the power of the formation to push Ye Shaoyang back again.

In the next few minutes, Ye Shaoyang attacked continuously, attacking different positions, but all ended in failure.

Outside the formation, Zhang Wusheng twirled his beard and smiled, his face very proud, as if he saw Ye Shaoyang's embarrassment after he was finally unable to break through the formation and was captured.

Seeing the group of Taoist priests getting closer and closer to him, they all looked at him with sarcasm, winked, and some even made provocative words. Ye Shaoyang was furious in his heart, but it was useless. If he was really caught by these guys, he might as well be rammed to death.

"Uncle Ye, otherwise it will be like this." Zhang Wusheng shouted at him from the air, intending to humiliate and disturb his mind. "My Yin-yang formation has been practiced for several years. Once it is encircled, there will be no flaws. Without the use of physical skills, there is absolutely no way to get out of the trap."

"There is no perfect thing in this world." Ye Shaoyang continued to observe the Taoist priests in front of him, and said in his mouth. "Even if your formation is perfect, it is impossible that there is no way to break it."

Zhang Wusheng smiled blandly, and didn't argue, thinking that you're going to pretend you're trying hard here, and you won't go down the steps, thinking that you'll catch him later, you must taunt him, and step on Xuanqing Mountain by the way , I have already started to conceive lines in my mind...

Facing the provocations of those around him, Ye Shaoyang turned a blind eye, seeing that the circle was getting smaller and smaller from him, and there was almost no space left, he observed while thinking about the way to break the formation.

He has been observing for enough time. The formation in front of him hides two formation eyes. The yin and yang are reversed and merged with each other. It is indeed mysterious and infinite, and the flaws are completely hidden. Weapons can definitely break the formation, but if nothing is used right now, there is really no hope of breaking the formation.


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