Urban Witcher

Chapter 664 Collective 2

Ye Shaoyang's heart sank, that's how the Dare to Love Ghost Road came about, Wu Haibing avoided the seriousness and just talked nonsense. From this point of view, the female ghost he met, could it be...Ziyue?

Du Hu went on to say: "Then the school was on vacation, and I went home. After this incident, I couldn't go to school anymore. My family applied for a suspension of school, and the school approved it. For a whole year, I didn't even go out of my room. Later I found out that the school was calm and everything was over, and there were no more haunted rumors.

When I graduated, the school didn't let me go back to take the exam, and issued a diploma directly. Later, I joined the work group, got married and had children. After ten years, I couldn't let go of this matter. I found the small road on the mountain by myself. , wanting to worship her, anyway, she saved me after all.

I went up the mountain alone and found the small road, but I couldn’t find her grave, so I had to burn paper at the intersection, but nothing happened. Later, I thought everything was over and wanted to go to the school to have a look. At that time, Building No. 3 was not blocked. , I went upstairs to classroom 408, the door was locked tightly, I stood outside the door for a while, then turned around and saw Lin You, one of the classmates who died that year.

She asked me sharply, why everyone died that year, but I was fine, so I couldn't answer. She turned into a horrible look and wanted to kill me, but the golden light from the pendant on my body shook her away, so I ran downstairs and heard her hateful voice, saying that I would pay the price, and then When I went down to the first floor, I suddenly fell, and I couldn’t see clearly when I woke up, and it got worse and worse, and I got dementia..."

Du Hu finally finished telling the story, Ye Shaoyang and the others were silent for a while, unable to speak, deeply shocked in their hearts.

No one thought that the suicide case back then was actually to suppress the ancient tomb zombies.

Xie Yuqing looked at Ye Shaoyang and said, "Think about what Wu Haibing said again. To describe Ziyue as an architect is probably to conceal the truth. After all, his uncle was the principal back then, and he presided over everything. Suicide is also a crime, even if the prosecution period has passed, it is not a glorious thing, and it must not be said..."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly.

Xie Yuqing went on to say: "But based on what Uncle Du just said, and thinking about what he said, except for the major revisions to the part about Ziyue, the rest should be true, but..." He looked at Du Hu glanced at him and said, "There are some things that Du Bo may not have been aware of until now."

Du Hu immediately sensitively asked what she was referring to.

Xie Yuqing looked at Ye Shaoyang, "You know what I'm talking about, so tell me."

"The anatomy building should really be built to suppress zombies, as Wu Haibing said, but he missed a part, that is, suicide sacrifice. From what we know now, it is only built as a coffin mourning hall , I am afraid that the zombies below cannot be suppressed, so a sacrifice must be made.

It should be that before the building was built, Wu Lele and the Thai had drawn up the whole plan, otherwise the building would not have been built like that, but I don’t know if they had chosen the object of sacrifice at that time, maybe they had already chosen. "

After hearing this, Du Hu couldn't help laughing miserably: "It turns out that Scheme Y has already been drawn up."

Xie Yuqing looked at Ye Shaoyang, and said with a feeling of emotion: "It's too scary to let * a group of individuals commit suicide, Shaoyang, is this some kind of formation of yours?"

"No!" Ye Shaoyang glared at her fiercely, and shouted, "How could we do such a thing? To save people by killing people, what's the use of saving people?"

After thinking for a while, he said: "Most likely it is some kind of Nanyang witchcraft. There are three kinds of Nanyang witchcraft, namely, killing, poisoning, and lowering the head, but many spells are actually derived from the magic of the Central Plains. The principle is the same. Their methods are also based on four images and five elements. Nine palaces and eight trigrams are the basis. In magic, seven is the foundation of definite numbers. Whether it is the Big Dipper or the twenty-eight constellations, seven is the foundation.

Seven, seven, forty-nine, four rows in four rows, can form a powerful formation, but if you kill someone, then this formation will be mixed with a sacrificial ceremony, and people who commit suicide can indeed generate strong resentment Ziyue said that everyone will become ghosts, but not necessarily, because this kind of sacrificial ceremony will extract people's resentment and condense it into a powerful force, which was obviously used by the Thai to suppress zombies..."

Xie Yuqing gave a soft "oh" after hearing what he said, and murmured: "Although I don't understand, but to be able to complete such a huge ceremony, that Thai person must be very good?"

"At least a Wu Kui."

"what is that?"

"The ranks of wizards are divided into: Tanren, Wu Zhu, Wu Ling, Wu Kui, and Wu Xian. The great Wu Xian has three major families, both of which are in..." Ye Shaoyang took a breath and said, "Well, there is another Wu Xian The Shu family has a huge root system in Nanyang, and it is divided into many religions and factions, known as 'Three Religions, Six Divisions and Twelve Branches', and many of them are black wizards, even blood witches."

Xie Yuqing nodded and said: "Then according to what you said, this Thai is also very powerful."

Ye Shaoyang snorted coldly: "Those who advocate the art of sacrifice are all demons and heretics!"

"Mr. Ye," Du Yi suddenly looked at Ye Shaoyang, and said: "Listen to you, you should be the same. I heard something about the health school recently. I ask you not to worry about it, and don't make the same mistakes again. "

Ye Shaoyang nodded slightly, and suddenly heard the hidden meaning in his words, and asked, "Why do you say that, and how do you know what happened in the School of Health recently?"

"It was Li Xiaoqiang who told me that he came to my house several times and wanted to ask my dad about the situation, but he failed to wake him up."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized that Li Xiaoqiang's mana was not enough after all, and he didn't see that Du Hu was a ghost fly closing his eyes, so he immediately asked, "Did he tell you anything?"

Du Yi said: "He talked to me a few times, saying that the school was haunted recently, and he was investigating the truth, and then he opened my dad's photo album, because this matter is also related to my dad, so I am more concerned about it. I called him two days ago to inquire about the follow-up, and ** answered, saying that he was dead...

Mr. Ye, I don't want you to have an accident. Those irrelevant people can help as much as they can. Don't do anything that hurts you. Your own life is the most precious. "

Ye Shaoyang nodded his thanks.

Du Hu also persuaded: "My son is right, don't talk about those zombies, even Lin You is not easy to deal with, she made me into what I am today.

Oh, by the way, she was also a prostitute before she was alive. It is said that she was a lay disciple of Chimei Mountain. We nicknamed her nun at that time. "


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